2012年11月29日 星期四

George Harrison紀念音樂會上網

2002年的1129,一個由披頭合唱團團員George Harrison知名的朋友和合作夥伴們所組成的團體,聚集在倫敦皇家亞伯廳做一次特別演出,以紀念一年前去世的披頭合唱團吉他手George Harrison

George Harrison紀念演唱會由他的太太Olivia協辦,領銜演出的有Eric ClaptonPaul McCartneyRingo StarrTom Pettythe HeartbreakersJeff LynnBilly Preston等。

為了紀念十年前的那個活動,當年全程拍攝的紀錄片1129已經在George Harrison YouTube官網播出,片中有特別來賓演唱George Harrisonthe Beatles時代經典歌曲和他個人的暢銷曲,還有他最後在the Traveling Wilburys合唱團時的名曲Handle with Care

The Traveling Wilburys1980年代晚期的一個超級合唱團, 歌並不紅 但噱頭十足,巨星們以兄弟樂隊形態出面,即NelsonGeorge Harrison)、LuckyBob Dylan)、OtisELO合唱團Jeff Lynn)、LeftyRoy Orbison)與Charlie T JuniorTom PettyWilbury,其中Roy Orbison亦於1988年去世。

29當天在披頭合唱團發跡的英格蘭利物浦的利物浦博物館也有George Harrison的影片播放,這部片子將是該博物館新電影廳的第一個活動,這個電影廳明年才將正式開幕。

George Harrison 1973年成立the Material World Charitable Foundation慈善基金會,相關活動都由該基金會安排。

George Harrison the Beatles時代的抒情曲Something 1969年曾獲得第3名,是BMI全美最常播出歌曲榜第17名的歌。


The Beatles

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how
Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how
You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around and it may show
I don't know, I don't know
Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how


2012年11月22日 星期四

Paul McCartney、John Fogerty在億萬富翁壽宴演出

金錢也許不能買到愛情,但卻能邀請來搖滾巨星在生日宴中演出,上週末Paul McCartneyJohn Fogerty應邀在拉斯維加的一所度假飯店,為億萬富翁David Bonderman七十大壽宴演出。

紐約時報報導Paul McCartney這位前披頭合唱團傳奇歌手在台上唱了二個多小時,曲目包括the Beatles的經典歌曲如RevolutionThe Long and Winding Road,而John Fogerty則唱了Credence Clearwter Revival時代的暢銷曲如Proud MaryBad Moon Rising等,John Fogerty這位當年也很紅的搖滾樂手,之後還把他和Paul McCartney一同表演的照片放到Facebook裡,讓歌迷們對他倆一同分享的那張酬勞支票有了很大的想像空間。

據報導這場派對有約七百位David Bonderman的朋友和事業夥伴參加,還請來諧星Robin Willams表演,這並非這位大亨初次辦如此盛大的巨星生日派對,當年Bonderman六十歲時也請到滾石合唱團The Rolling StonesJohn Mellencamp在拉斯維加有名的硬石賭場飯店演出。

Paul McCartney的這場演出酬勞估計超過一百萬美元,但別擔心,David Bonderman當然付得起,因為富比士雜誌估計Bonderman的財產值26億美元,他是the Capital私募基金公司的共同創辦人。

The Long and Winding Roadthe Beatles 1970年解散前的最後一首暢銷曲,曾獲二週排行榜冠軍。


The Long And Winding Road


The long and winding road that leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before it always leads me here
Leads me to your door
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/b/beatles/the+long+and+winding+road_10026544.html ]
The wild and windy night that the rain washed away
Has left a pool of tears crying for the day
Why leave me standing here, let me know the way
Many times I've been alone and many times I've cried
Anyway you'll never know the many ways I've tried
And still they lead me back to the long and winding road
You left me standing here a long, long time ago
Don't leave me waiting here, lead me to you door

But still they lead me back to the long and winding road
You left me standing here a long, long time ago
Don't keep me waiting here (Don't keep me wait), lead me to you door
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


2012年11月16日 星期五

Stevie Wonder將於全美音樂獎演出

黑人盲歌星Stevie Wonder本周日將在全美音樂獎40周年晚會中演出,向今年四月去世的Dick Clark致敬,Dick Clark1973年開創了這個音樂界的盛會(Dick Clark外號「世界最老的青少年」,是一位知名的廣播電視節目製作、主持人,他的American Bandstand節目培植了不少歌壇新秀。


身為這項音樂獎11度獲獎人,Stevie Wonder曾二度參與AMA現場領獎,他的名曲Superstition曾獲得最佳節奏與藍調歌曲獎,他個人也曾獲得最佳節奏與藍調歌曲男歌星獎,1982年他又得過美國信息科學與技術協會頒發的貢獻獎,這個榮耀也頒發給貓王Elvis PresleyPaul McCartneyThe Beach BoysChuck BerryJohnny CashMichael Jackson Neil DiamondJames Brown

今年全美音樂獎參加演出的歌星們包括Christina Aquilera、小賈斯汀Jastin BieberKelly ClarksonCarrie UnderwoodKehaLinkin ParkNicki MinajNo DoubtTaylor SwiftAsher

出生即失明的Stevie Wonder196313歲時即以Fingertips-Pt2獲得三周排行榜冠軍,是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第6名的歌壇巨星。


Superstition- Stevie Wonder



Very superstitious, writing's on the wall,
Very superstitious, ladders bout' to fall,
Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin' glass
Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past.

oo When you believe in things that you don't understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition ain't the way

Very superstitious, wash your face and hands,
Rid me of the problem, do all that you can,
Keep me in a daydream, keep me goin' strong,
You don't wanna save me, sad is my song.

When you believe in things that you don't understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition ain't the way, yeh, yeh.

Very superstitious, nothin' more to say,
Very superstitious, the devil's on his way,
Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin' glass,
Seven years of bad luck, good things in your past

When you believe in things that you don't understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition ain't the way, no, no, no


2012年11月12日 星期一

Major Harris去世

一度參加過the Delfonics合唱團,後來在歌壇成名的靈魂歌手Major Harris119在故鄉維吉尼亞州Richmond去世了(65歲),青少年時的他就在Frankie Lymon's Teenagers the Jarmels合唱團唱過,1971年他應邀加入費城的the Delfonics合唱團,頂替Randy Cain的位子, Major Harristhe Delfonics時推出的Tell Me This Is A Dream,雖然只得到86名,但的歌唱才華讓他被Atlantic唱片公司挖角,1975年終於以Love Won't Let Me Wait獲得熱門排行榜第5名而一曲成名,這首歌在黑人靈魂歌曲排行榜則獲得冠軍。

the DelfonicsLa La Means I Love YouDidn’ tI Blow Youy Mind This Time)二首top 10的歌在歌壇知名。



The time is right
You hold me tight
And love is got me high
Please tell me, yes
And don't say no, honey not tonight
I need to have you next to me
In more ways than one
And I refuse to leave
'Till I see the morning sun
Creep through your window pane
'Cause love won't let me wait
(Not one more minute, baby)
The time is right
Turned down the lights and take my hand
We will take a flight
And spend the night in a wonderland
Now move a little close to me
You owe it to yourself
And I will selfishly
Take a little for myself
And it's because of you
That love won't let me wait
(No, listen girl)
I need your love so desperately
And only you can set me free
When I make love to you
We will explode in ecstacy
And I won't take the blame
'Cause love won't let me wait, no
Love won't let me wait (my temperature's rising)
Love won't let me wait (cause your so tantalizing)
(Oh, listen girl)
Love won't let me wait


2012年11月8日 星期四


曾在Wings合唱團擔任過吉它手的Henry McCullough115心臟病發,有消息說他正在北愛爾蘭Coleraine的醫院中與死神搏鬥,也有報導說他已去世。

WingsBeatles合唱團團員Paul McCartney 1971年在Beatles解散後所組合唱團,1981年正式解散。

Paul McCartney個人的演唱事業相當成功,從1971年到1980年代後期在歌壇一直相當活躍,今夏倫敦奧運還請他唱Beatles的名曲Hey JudePaul個人在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第16名(Beatles獲第2名),其功力可以想見。

Paul McCartney領銜的Wings合唱團在排行榜上有5首冠軍曲(My LoveBand On The RunListen To What The Man SaidSilly Love SongsWith Little Luck),19733週第2名的Live And Let Die007電影「生死關頭」的主題曲。



Live And Let Die



When you were young
and your heart was an open book
You used to say live and let live
you know you did
you know you did
you know you did
But if this ever changin
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die
What does it matter to ya
When ya got a job to do
Ya got to do it well

You got to give the other fella hell

You used to say live and let live
you know you did
you know you did
you know you did
But if this ever changin
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die

2012年11月1日 星期四

Michael Jackson收入仍高

Michael Jackson在最近出版的富比士雜誌已故高收入名流排行榜掉到第二名,雖然他去年收入高達一億四千五百萬美元,但伊莉沙白泰勒以二億一千萬美元得到第一名,得到第三名的是貓王Elvis Presley,他雖然去世多年去年仍然有五千五百萬美元的收入。

這個排行榜上其他藝人包括前Beatles披頭合唱團的John Lennon以一千二百萬美元獲得第六名,另一位已故披頭合唱團團員George Harrison則以五百五十萬美元獲得第13名。

Michael Jackson 1958年出生於美國印第安納州的Gary2009625去世,來過台灣二次的Michael是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第8名的巨星,受歡迎的程度至今不衰,他個人第一首冠軍曲是1972年他14歲時推出的Ben ,這首令人懷念的老歌是一部叫「金鼠王」的電影插曲。




Ben the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own I'll never be alone
And you my friend will see you've got a friend in me
(you've got a friend in me)

Ben you're always running here and there
(here and there)
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind and don't like what you find
There's something you should know you've got a place to go
(you've got a place to go)

I used to say "I and me"
Now it's us now it's we
(I used to say "I is me")
(now it's us now it's we)

Ben most people would turn you away
(turn you away)
I don't listen to a word they say
(a word they say)
They don't see you as I do I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again if they had a friend like Ben

Like Ben
Like Ben
Like Ben

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...