2014年2月27日 星期四


1960年代後期著名的搖滾樂團The Zombies的主唱Colin Bluestone最近將做40多年來首度個人巡迴演唱,這位受歡迎的歌手今年春季將為元月推出的專輯On the Air Tonight打歌。

目前為止五月8日在亞特蘭大州、新罕布夏州與五月15日芝加哥的演唱會已經敲定,Bluestone的樂隊將有The Zombies現在的團員鼓手Steve Rodford與吉他手Tom Toomey參與,五月底他將轉往英國演出,十月份則安排到荷蘭表演。

Colin Bluestone的演唱會安排在The Zombies春季美國巡迴之後舉辦,他們四月8日從佛羅里達州的Hallandale Beach開始唱到五月4日於德州The Woodlands結束。

在美國巡迴演唱之前,四月初The Zombies將參加Moody Blues第二屆歌迷演唱會,而之前他們則在英國與The YardbirdsAnimalsFriendsMaggie Bell參加The Ultimate RhythmBlues五十週年演唱會。

The Zombies1960年代前期於英國Hertfordshire組成,1967年解散,但吉他手Rod Argent 1969年另組Argent

Zombies的成名曲是1964年的She' s Not There,曾獲第2名的這首歌是滾石雜誌500名曲榜第291名的歌。




The Zombies

(Rod Argent)

- as recorded by The Zombies in 1964


Well no one told me about her, the way she lied

Well no one told me about her, how many people cried

But it's too late to say you're sorry

How would I know, why should I care

Please don't bother tryin' to find her

She's not there


  Well let me tell you 'bout the way she looked

  The way she'd act and the colour of her hair

  Her voice was soft and cool

  Her eyes were clear and bright

  But she's not there


Well no one told me about her, what could I do

Well no one told me about her, though they all knew

But it's too late to say you're sorry

How would I know, why should I care

Please don't bother tryin' to find her

She's not there


  Well let me tell you 'bout the way she looked

  The way she'd act and the colour of her hair

  Her voice was soft and cool

  Her eyes were clear and bright

  But she's not there


------ electric piano ------


But it's too late to say you're sorry

How would I know, why should I care

Please don't bother tryin' to find her

She's not there


  Well let me tell you 'bout the way she looked

  The way she'd act and the colour of her hair

  Her voice was soft and cool

  Her eyes were clear and bright

  But she's not there




2014年2月20日 星期四

David Crosby心導管手術

The Byrds Crosby, Stills & Nash合唱團成員David Crosby 214日做了心導管手術,他之前已經裝了二條導管,現年72歲的David Crosby原訂本月與CSN的演出只好延後。
Crosby, Stills & NashDavid CrosbyStephen Stills Graham Nash,是1970年代著名的民謠搖滾合唱團,David Crosby曾是The Byrds合唱團的團員,Stephen Stills則是The Buffalo Springfield合唱團團員,Graham Nash則參加過The Hollies合唱團,而Neil Young之前也參加過The Buffalo Springfield,且自1970-1974年也參加過CSN,當時叫Crosby, Stills , Nash & Young
Crosby, Stills & Nash在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1977年第7名的Just A Song Before I Go,另一首由Neil Young所寫的Ohio,是描寫1970 54日肯特州立大學一場反越戰遊行,有四名學生被國民兵槍殺事件的歌,則是他們最有名的歌,曾獲得過排行榜14名,也獲選進搖滾樂名人堂。


Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Young, 1970

Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming
We're finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio

Gonna get down to it soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been down long ago
What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know.

Gonna get down to it soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been down long ago
What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know.

2014年2月14日 星期五

David Cassidy 離婚

1970年代以The Partridge Family「歡樂滿人間」電視影集成名的偶像歌手David Cassidy最近又因酒駕鬧新聞,他的第三任妻子Sue Shifrin似乎受不了David的酗酒而訴求離婚且已獲准。

David Cassidy 1950年於紐約Manhattan出生,在加洲長大,是演員Jack CassidEvelyn Ward的兒子,1970-1974年的電視影集「歡樂滿人間」讓他名利双收,The Partridge Family合唱團有5首排行榜前20名的歌,而David Cassidy個人重唱AssociationCherish也得到過第9名。

當年在中視播出的「歡樂滿人間」也曾很受台灣觀眾們的歡迎,歌迷們看到今日的David Cassidy一定不勝唏噓吧。




David Cassidy



Cherish is the word I use to describe

All the feeling that I have hiding here for you inside

You don't know how many times

I wished that I had told you

You don't know how many times

I wished that I could hold you

You don't know how many times

I've wished that I could mold you

Into someone who could

Cherish me as much as I cherish you


Perish is the word that more than applies

To the hope in my heart each time I realize

That I am not going to be the one

To share your dreams

That I am not going to be the one

To share your schemes

That I am not going to be the one

To share what seems to be the life

That you could cherish me as much as I do yours.


Oh I'm beginning to think

That man has never found

The words that could make you want me

That have the right amount of letters

Just the right sound

That could make you hear

Make you see

That you're driving me out of my mind


Oh I could say I need you

But then you'd realize that I want you

Just like a thousand other guys

Who say they'd love you

With all the rest of their lives

When all they wanted was to

Touch your face, your hand

And gaze into your eyes


Cherish is the word I use to describe

All the feeling that I have hiding here for you inside

You don't know how many times I wished that I had told you

You don't know how many times I wished that I could hold you

You don't know how many times I wished that I could mold you

Into someone that could cherish me as much as I cherish you


And I do

Cherish you




2014年2月6日 星期四

前披頭鼓手Ringo Starr獲獎


The Beatles披頭合唱團鼓手Ringo Starr元月20日被大導演大衛林奇的the David Lynch Foundation基金會推薦獲得"lifetime of peace & love"「終生愛與和平獎」,這個基金會是因「藍絲絨」及「穆荷蘭大道」("Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive")等電影成名的導演大衛林奇所創,目的是倡導超越想像。

知名歌手Joe Walsh, Tom Petty, Eric Burdon, Edgar Winter and Peter Frampton等在頒獎典禮裡唱了Ringo Starr的歌,前披頭合唱團已故吉它手George Harrison的太太出席了這個盛會,而披頭另一位已故主唱John Lennon的太太Yoko Ono與仍在世的團員Paul McCartney則透過錄影致賀。

Ringo Starr 1940年出生於英國利物浦,1962年加入The Beatles披頭合唱團擔任鼓手,在披頭時代錄過最出名的歌有Yellow SubmarineAct NaturallyWith A Little Help From My FriendsHoney Don't,個人在披頭合唱團解散後也推出不少歌,成績亦不錯,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第347名。

Ringo Starr個人在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1973年曾獲得冠軍的Photograph,這首歌由George Harrison唱和聲,並以12絃吉它伴奏。





Ringo Starr


  Everytime I see your face

  It reminds me of the places we used to go

  But all I've got is a photograph

  And I realize you're not coming back anymore


I thought I'd make it

The day you went away

But I can't make it

Till you come home again to stay


I can't get used to living here

While my heart is broke, my tears I cry for you

I want you here to have and hold

As the years go by, and we grow old and gray


Now you're expecting me to live without you

But that's not something that I'm looking forwrad to


I can't get used to living here

While my heart is broke, my tears I cry for you

I want you here to have and hold

As the years go by, and we grow old and gray


  Everytime I see your face

  It reminds me of the places we used to go

  But all I've got is a photograph

  And I realize you're not coming back anymore


2014年2月3日 星期一

民歌巨星Pete Seeger去世

民歌巨星Pete Seeger元月27日於紐約去世了(94歲),他曾與the Weavers合唱團一起將民歌變成社會抗爭的一股力量,激起一代歌迷們的追隨。雖然去年12月他動了心臟手術,但他的孫子說那並非他的死因。

Pete Seeger出生於紐約曼哈頓,双親都從事古典音樂工作,受到父母親的薰陶,他先學優克李利,然後學班久琴,最後學吉它,雖然進了哈佛大學,但受到搞音樂的影響而輟學。

Pete Seeger因為父親的一位朋友的關係在國會圖書館工作,培養出他對美國民歌的愛好,他尤其喜歡藍調歌手LedbellyPete Seeger1941年與Woody Guthrie共同創立了the Almanac Singers合唱團,1948則成立了the Weavers,這個合唱團有很多受歡迎的暢銷曲包括Ledbelly的名曲"Goodnight Irene" (#1-1950), "On Top Of Old Smokey" (#2-1951), "Tzena Tzena Tzena" (#2-1951) "So Long (It's been Good To Know Yah)" (#4-1951).

因為高度政治化的觀點,the Weavers19531955年成了黑名單裡的合唱團,Pete Seeger因曾於1936年至1949年參加過共產黨,國會要求他作證說明此事,然而因Pete Seeger拒絕出席而被判藐視國會,但此案六年後獲得翻轉。

Pete Seeger所寫或改寫的一些歌都被認為有創意,包括"If I Had A Hammer" "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" "Turn Turn Turn",但他個人所唱的歌只有一首由Malvina Reynold寫的 "Little Boxes" 1964獲得過第70名,然而他仍於1994年獲得甘迺迪中心榮譽獎,且於1996年被選入搖滾樂名人堂,1993年則獲得Grammy in終生成就獎。





Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?

Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?

Where have all the flowers gone?

Gone to young girls, every one!

When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?


Where have all the young girls gone, long time passing?

Where have all the young girls gone, long time ago?

Where have all the young girls gone?

Gone to young men, every one!

When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?


Where have all the young men gone, long time passing?

Where have all the young men gone, long time ago?

Where have all the young men gone?

Gone to soldiers, every one!

When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?


And where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?

Where have all the soldiers gone, a long time ago?

Where have all the soldiers gone?

Gone to graveyards, every one!

When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?


And where have all the graveyards gone, long time passing?

Where have all the graveyards gone, long time ago?

Where have all the graveyards gone?

Gone to flowers, every one!

When will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn?



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...