2014年10月30日 星期四


在搖滾樂界極有地位的前Cream合唱團的貝斯手 Jack Bruce十月25日在他的故鄉英格蘭Suffolk因肝病去世(71歲),出生於蘇格蘭 Glasgow的他受過大提琴的訓練,在定居英格蘭之前,他家曾加拿大、美國和歐洲住過。

Jack因為參加過Alexis Korner's Blues Inc藍調樂團,與後來Rolling Stone 合唱團的Charlie Watts因一起共事過而熟識,他陸續加入The Graham Bond Organisatio John Mayall's Bluesbreakers Manfred Mann這幾個有名的團体 ,如1969Manfred Mann 獲得第29名的暢銷曲 "Pretty Flamingo " 就有他的演出,其實之前他在Alexis Korner's Blues IncThe Graham Bond Organisatio 的伙伴Ginger Baker 就找他和Eric Clapton一同組 Cream合唱團。

Jack Bruce寫了不少歌,他也在Cream的暢銷曲"Sunshine Of Your Love" (#5-1968) "White Room (#6-1968)擔任主唱。


在出了好幾張個人的專輯唱片後,Jack 組了 West, Bruce and Laing 合唱團,他與Leslie West Corky Laing出了二張錄音室製作與一張現場錄製的專輯唱片。

Jack Bruce後來除個人的專案外,亦以貝斯吉它手身份參與不少名家的唱片製作,他也是前披頭合唱團鼓手Ringo Starr的 All-Starr band的常客,去年三月(2013)他出過最後一張專輯。

Cream 1993年獲選入搖滾樂名人堂,2006年則獲Grammy終身成就獎,他們的"Sunshine Of Your Love"在滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜獲得第65名。






(Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce and Pete Brown)


It's getting near dawn,

When lights close their tired eyes.

I'll soon be with you my love,

To give you my dawn surprise.

I'll be with you darling soon,

I'll be with you when the stars start falling.


  I've been waiting so long

  To be where I'm going

  In the sunshine of your love.


I'm with you my love,

The light's shining through on you.

Yes, I'm with you my love,

It's the morning and just we two.

I'll stay with you darling now,

I'll stay with you till my seas are dried up.




  Second Verse


I've been waiting so long

I've been waiting so long

I've been waiting so long

To be where I'm going

In the sunshine of your love.


2014年10月21日 星期二

The Manhattan Transfer的創始人去世

The Manhattan Transfer的創始人Tim Hauser十月16日因心臟病不幸在賓州Sayre逝(72歲)Tim之前因肺炎在紐約Elmira的醫院治療,後來才搬到Sayre

Tim Hauser 1941年出生於紐約州Troy,全家後來般到紐澤西州,他在那裡組過一個doo wop合唱團(R&B混聲型態)叫the Criterions,在紐約附近受到歡迎,1959年也應名主持人Alan Freed之邀請上電視,但同年出版"Harlem Nocturne"只得到52名。

TimVillanova大學後曾與Jim Croce一同在校內演出,在那裡他與 Tommy "Buchanan Brothers" West組了一個民歌合唱團the Troubadours Three,但後來在空軍服役和相關工作延誤了他在音樂方面的突破。

1969Tim Hauser組成The Manhattan Transfer,雖然幫 Capitol唱片公司錄了一張專輯,但合唱團卻意外解散。

1972Tim淪落至開計程車,但碰到老友Laurel Masse, 此人還記得Tim的合唱團,於是找來Alan Paul Janis Siegel重組了The Manhattan Transfer1975年他們完美演唱技巧錄製的"Operator"獲得了第22名,接著也有了自己電視節目,雖然其間只有取代Laurel MasseCheryl Bentyne因車禍鬧了新聞,但他們特殊的歌聲還是很受歡迎,還有歌曲進排行榜,如"Twilight Zone/Twilight Tone" (#30-1980) "Spice Of Life" (#40-1983) the Ad Lib的老歌新唱 "Boy From New York City" (#7-1981)

The Manhattan Transfer 得過十次Grammy ,且於1993年在波士頓獲Berklee College of Music 獎,他們也於1999年被選入合唱團名人堂。  






By John Taylor & George Davis


Ooo wah, ooo wah cool, cool kitty

Tell us about the boy from New York City

Ooo wah, ooo wah c'mon kitty

Tell us about the boy from New York City


He's kind of tall

He's really fine

Some day I hope to make him mine, all mine

And he's neat

And oh so sweet

And just the way he looked at me

He swept me off my feet (Yeah)

Ooo whee, you ought to come and see

How he walks , humm

And how he talks


Ooo wah, ooo wah cool, cool kitty

Tell us about the boy from New York City


He's really down

And he's no clown

He has the finest penthouse I've ever seen in town

And he's cute

In his mohair suit

And he keeps his pockets full of spending loot

Ooo whee, say you ought to come and see

His dueling scar

And brand new car (yeah yeah)


Every time he says he loves me

Chills run down my spine

Every time he wants to kiss me

Oh he makes me feel so fi-i-ine


Ooo wah, ooo wah cool, cool kitty

Tell us about the boy from New York City


Well he can dance

(He can dance, take a chance with a little ro-)

And make romance

(mance baby, cause he's a looker)

That's when I felt in love

With just one glance

(He's sweet talking and cool)


He was shy

And so was I

And now I know I'll never, ever say goodbye

Ooo whee, say you ought to come and see

He's the most (yeah yeah )

>From coast to coast (yeah yeah )


Ooo wah, ooo wah cool, cool kitty

Tell us about the boy from New York City

Ooo wah, ooo wah c'mon kitty

Tell us about the boy from New York City ...

2014年10月16日 星期四

Don Henley為著作權提告

Eagles團員Don Henley十月八日在加州地方法院對Henley襯杉的製造商th Duluth 貿易公司提告,主要因為它的廣告標語"Don a Henley and take it easy"中的"Take It Easy"Eagles合唱團的暢銷曲歌名,然而這首歌是Jackson Browne Eagles的另一名團員Glenn Frey所寫的,而且是Glenn所唱的,但Don Henley認為侵犯Eagles的著作權而提告。

Don Henley 1947年出生於德州Gilmer,是Eagles合唱團的主唱之一及鼓手,原於1970年代初期有自己的樂團Shiloh,後來因與Glenn Frey一起在Linda Ronstdat的和聲樂隊工作而認識,哥倆又找了Randy MeisnerBernie Leadon組成了Eagles合唱團。

Don Henley 1982年開始個人的歌唱事業,有六首排行榜前十名的歌,其中名次最高的是1992年獲得六週第二名,與Patty Smyth合唱的絕妙情歌Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough,而他在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜則獲得第229名。




Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough

Patti Smyth With Don Henley


Now, I don't want to lose you, but I don't want to use you

just to have somebody by my side.

And I don't want to hate you,

I don't want to take you, but I don't want to be the one to cry.


And that don't really matter to anyone anymore.

But like a fool I keep losing my place

and I keep seeing you walk through that door.




But there's a danger in loving somebody too much,

and it's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust.

There's a reason why people don't stay where they are.

Baby, sometimes, love just aint enough.


Now, I could never change you, I don't want to blame you.

Baby, you don't have to take the fall.

Yes, I may have hurt you, but I did not desert you.

Maybe I just want to have it all.


It makes a sound like thunder, it makes me feel like rain.

And like a fool who will never see the truth,

I keep thinking something's gonna change.




And there's no way home, when it's late at night and you're all alone.

Are there things that you wanted to say?

And do you feel me beside you in your bed,

there beside you, where I used to lay?


And there's a danger in loving somebody too much,

and it's sad when you know it's your heart they can't touch.

There's a reason why people don't stay who they are.

Baby, sometimes, love just ain't enough.


Baby, sometimes, love... it just ain't enough.

Oh, Oh, Oh, No.



2014年10月9日 星期四

Paul Revere 去世


Paul Revere & the Raiders的領隊與鍵琴手Paul Revere Dick,十月四日因腦癌於愛達荷州家鄉去世(76歲),今夏他才宣佈因健康問題退休。

Paul 原來在愛達荷州Caldwell開餐廳,1950年代後期他認識了在麪包店工作的Mark Lindsay,他們合組了the Downbeats合唱團,但後來改以Paul的名字領銜並穿南北戰爭時代的軍服表演吸引注意。

他們先錄了the Kingsmen的暢銷曲"Louie Louie",然後於1961年又推出取材自古典音樂的演奏曲"Like, Long Hair",此曲雖然只得到38名,但受到Columbia唱片公司青睞,於是全隊轉到洛衫磯去發展,1966年他們的"Just Like Me" (#11), "Kicks" (#4) and "Hungry (#6)讓他們嚐到了走紅的滋味。

Paul Revere & the Raiders成了名主持人Dick Clark的每天播出電視節目 "Where The Action Is"的固定樂團,Paul Mark也在 "Happening '68" 電視節目與Dick一同擔任主持人。

成功一直持續著,改以the Raiders團名推出的暢銷曲有"Good Thing" (#4-1967), "Him Or Me-- What's It Gonna Be" (#5-1967) "Let Me" (#20-1969) ,但1971年的"Indian Reservation" 終於讓他們獲得了排行榜冠軍。

the Raiders走紅的同時,主唱Mark Lindsay開始錄個人的唱片,流言使Mark1975年終於離開了自己創立的the Raiders,其實沒有主唱全力配合,自1973年開始他們的唱片就不再進top 40

Paul 與 the Raiders2007年被選入 the Oregon Music Hall of Fame並於2010年選入 Hit Parade Hall of Fame暢銷曲 "Kicks" 在滾石雜誌歷年 500 大歌曲榜則獲得400名,他們也是歷年暢銷歌星與合唱團排行榜第165名的受歡迎搖滾樂團。





Paul Revere & The Raiders    

(Barry Mann - Cynthia Weil)




        12-string [2X; chords implied]:


        (Fm)          (Bb)

         v   v   v   v     v   v   v   v








        Bass [enters 2nd time]:


         v   v   v   v     v   v   v   v






Verse (chords on first two lines implied by guitar/bass riffs above):


                  (Fm)                                 (Bb)

        Girl, you thought you found the answer on that magic carpet ride last

            (Fm)      (Bb)


                     (Fm)                       (Bb)

        But when you wake up in the mornin' the world still gets you

              (Fm)     (Bb)



        Well, here's nothin' that you ain't tried

            Fm            /E    /Eb   /D

        To fill the emptiness inside


        But when you come back down, girl


        Still ain't feelin' right




        [1,2,4:  And don't it seem like]

         Ab                      Db

        Kicks just keep gettin' harder to find

                            [3, 4: Oh, you don't need kicks, girl]

                      Ab                  Db

        And all your kicks ain't bringin' you peace of mind

                            [3, 4: You just need help, girl]


        Before you find out it's too late, girl


        You better get straight


Link (over intro guitar/bass riffs, 2X):


                          (Fm)      (Bb)

        No, but not with kicks

                      (Fm)        (Bb)

        You just need help, girl


Verse 2:


        Well you think you're gonna find yourself a little piece of


        But it ain't happened yet, so girl, you better think twice

        Don't you see no matter what you do

        You'll never run away from you

        And if you keep on runnin'

        You'll have to pay the price


[repeat chorus]





        No, you don't need kicks


        To help you face the world each day


        That road goes nowhere


        I'm gonna help you find yourself another way


[repeat chorus 2X; fade second time]

2014年10月2日 星期四

披頭鼓手Ringo Starr巡迴演唱

Steve Lukather與他的Toto合唱團加Michael McDonald九月初才結束今年夏季的巡迴演唱,但Steve現在又要和他的主要團員參加前披頭合唱團鼓手Ringo StarrAll Star Band去巡迴表演了,Ringo精選的這個合唱團10月二日開始從奧克拉荷馬州的Catoosa唱到十月23日在佛羅里達州Clear Water結束,一共16場。

Ringo StarrAll Star Band除了Steve Lukather之外還有Todd Rundgren、前SantanaJourney的主唱與鍵琴手Gregg RolieMr.Mister的主唱與貝斯手Richard Page、貝斯手Gregg Bissonette及能玩多種樂器的Warren HamLukather覺得這個組合有點怪,但音樂是沒話說的超好。

Steve Lukather表示能與這些伙伴一起唱很多經典歌曲,是一種難得的經驗,像來自SantanaGregg Rolie和大伙合唱Santana的暢銷曲Evil Way,讓他回想當年聽這首歌時,他還是個年輕小伙子,剛開始當樂手。

另外他們唱披頭的名曲With A little Help From My Friends時,Ringo會講吉它手的故事,這讓他感覺他是個小孩子聽大人講新鮮事。

Steve Lukather因參加All Star Band而與Ringo Starr搞得很熟,而且他們住得很近,沒事會一起出遊,也一起寫點東西,他覺得能和the Beatles的團員之一合作寫歌真是神呀。

With A little Help From My Friendsthe Beatles 1967年專輯Sgt.Peppers Lonely

Hearts Club Band當中的名曲,由Ringo Starr主唱,是披頭時代少數由Ringo




With A Little Help From My Friends


What would you think if I sang out of tune,

Would you stand up and walk out on me?

Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song

And I'll try not to sing out of key.


Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends

Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends


What do I do when my love is away

(Does it worry you to be alone?)

How do I feel by the end of the day,

(Are you sad because you're on your own?)


No, I get by with a little help from my friends

Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends

Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends


Do you need anybody

I need somebody to love

Could it be anybody

I want somebody to love.


Would you believe in a love at first sight

Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time

What do you see when you turn out the light

I can't tell you but I know it's mine,


Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends

Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends


Do you need anybody

I just need someone to love

Could it be anybody

I want somebody to love.


Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

with a little help from my friends.

Debby Boone- You Light up my life

  本 週 介紹的 One Hit Wonder 是1977年一部電影   You Light up my  life 《你照亮我的生命》 的主題歌曲。   少女「羅莉」從小跟著父親在 加州 地區表演脫口秀,長大之後,「羅莉」參加廣告對白配音、演唱的表演工作,收入雖然微薄...