2015年3月26日 星期四

回憶Petula Clark一首名曲

英籍歌手及作曲者Jackie Trent三月21日在西班牙Minorca的醫院中去世(76歲)。
曾與Tony Hatche一同替Petula Clark寫過"I Couldn't Live Without Your Love" (#9-1966) "Don't Sleep In The Subway" (#5-1967) "Color My World" (#16-1967)這幾首暢銷曲的她,也曾有一首"Where Are You Now (My Love)"獲得過英國排行榜冠軍。
Jackie Trent 1940年出生於英格蘭Newcastle-Under-Lyme,童年即踏入歌壇,1965年與Pye唱片公司簽約後,和製作人Tony Hatch同進同出日久生情,1967年各自離婚後在一起,但2002年他倆還是分手了。
Jackie TrentTony Hatch最成功的作品是替澳洲電視節目"Neighbours"所寫的主題曲。
前文提及的Petula Clark是影歌雙棲的英國藝人,在歷年唱暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第185名,她的冠軍曲Down TownKiss Me Goodbye1960年代的台灣都很受歡迎。


Petula Clark

You wander around on your own little cloud
When you don't see the why or the wherefore
You walk out on me when we both disagree
'Cause to reason is not what you care for

I've heard it all a million time before
Take off your coat, my love, and close the door

Don't sleep in the subway, darlin'
Don't stand in the pouring rain
Don't sleep in the subway, darlin'
The night is long
Forget your foolish pride
Nothing's wrong
Now you're beside me again

You try to be smart, then you take it to heart
'Cause it hurts when your ego is deflated
You don't realize that it's all compromise
And the problems are so overrated

Goodbye means nothing when it's all for show
So why pretend you've somewhere else to go

Don't sleep in the subway, darlin'
Don't stand in the pouring rain
Don't sleep in the subway, darlin'
The night is long
Forget your foolish pride
Nothing's wrong
Now you're beside me again

Don't sleep in the subway, darlin'...

2015年3月22日 星期日

Left Banke團員去世

曾經參加過Left Banke Stories合唱團的主鍵琴手Michael Brown,三月19日不幸去世(65歲)。
Michael的父親是一位於錄音間工作的小提琴手,在紐約擁有一間錄音室,1965年組團的巴洛克風合唱團Left Banke,就由他們父子幫忙製作、發行與管理,身為團員之一的Michael寫了Left Banke的二首暢銷曲"Walk Away Renee" (#5-1966) "Pretty Ballerina" (#15-1967),但接著錄製的"Ivy Ivy" (#119-1967),用了錄音間的樂手,成績很糟而且產生磨擦,導致該團解散,雖然後來又重組過沒有MichaelLeft Banke,但沒有一首歌進排行榜。
Michael Brown最後加入Stories 合唱團,這個團的第一張專輯與前三首單曲如"I'm Coming Home" (#42-1972) 及 "Brother Louie" (#1-1973—這一首冠軍曲最早竟然沒放在專輯裡)都有Michael的參與。
Michael Brown1976年組了另一個合唱團取名the Beckies,因沒能成名,失望之餘讓他退出了流行音樂圈。
Walk Away Renee這一首歌於1968年由鼎鼎大名的RB合唱團Four Tops重唱亦獲得過第14名,而Left Banke的這首成名曲後來被收進搖滾樂名人堂,於滾石雜誌歷年500大歌曲榜獲得220名。


Left Banke

And when I see the sign that points one way
The lot we used to pass by every day

   Just walk away Renee
   You won't see me follow you back home
   The empty sidewalks on my block are not the same
   You're not to blame

From deep inside the tears that I'm forced to cry
From deep inside the pain that I chose to hide

   Just walk away Renee
   You won't see me follow you back home
   Now as the rain beats down upon my weary eyes
   For me it cries

   ----- Flute -----

   Just walk away Renee
   You won't see me follow you back home
   Now as the rain beats down upon my weary eyes
   For me it cries

Your name and mine inside a heart upon a wall
Still finds a way to haunt me, though they're so small

   Just walk away Renee
   You won't see me follow you back home
   The empty sidewalks on my block are not the same

   You're not to blame

2015年3月11日 星期三


1968 年至 1973年擔任過Blood, Sweat & Tears合唱團小喇叭手的Lew Soloff,三月八日因心臟病去世(71歲),Lew Soloff出生於紐約布魯克林,曾在Blood,Sweat & Tears的五張專輯中擔任樂手,包括"You've Made Me So Very Happy" (#2-1969)"Spinning Wheel" (#2-1969) "And When I Die" (#2-1969)這幾首名曲都有他的伴奏。
Blood, Sweat & Tears合唱團是帶爵士風的搖滾樂團,1967年由主鍵琴手Al Cooper組團,1969年主唱David Clayton-Thomas加入取代Al Cooper
Blood, Sweat & Tears1970年前後知名搖滾樂團,排行榜上成績雖然不特別突出,但特殊的曲風吸引許多歌迷的喜愛。


You've Made Me So Very Happy
Blood Sweat and Tears

I lost at love before
Got mad and closed the door
But you said "Try, just once more"
I chose you for the one
Now we're having so much fun
You treated me so kind
I'm about to lose my mind
You made me so very happy

The others were untrue
But when it came to loving you
I'd spend my whole life with you
Cause you came and you took control
You touched my very soul
You always showed me that
Loving you was where it's at
You made me so very happy
I'm so glad you came into my life  yeah

I love you so much you see
You're even in my dreams
I can hear you, I can hear you callin me
I'm so in love with you
All I ever want to do is
Thank you baby, thank you baby

You made me so very happy
I'm so glad you came into my life
You made me so very happy
You made me so so very happy baby
I'm so glad you came 
Into my life
I want to thank you girl
Every day of my life
I want to thank you
You made me so very happy  (fade)

2015年3月5日 星期四

Gary Glitter被判重刑

以演唱華麗搖滾出名的英籍搖滾樂手Gary Glitter二月27日於倫敦被判刑17年,罪名是19751980年間性侵六位1214歲的女孩,二月五日他已因一件強暴案、四件有傷風化案及與不滿13歲女孩發生性行為被判罪。

Gary Glitter本名Paul Gadd 1944年出生於英格蘭OxfordshireBanbury,他於2006年即因在越南性騷擾兒童被判三年。

Gary GlitterRock And Roll part21972年獲得過熱門排行榜第7名,後來被收入搖滾樂名人堂,也一度是美國体育活動的加油歌,但因他的糜爛生活表現,2006年後沒人願再用這首歌助興了。

電音舞曲合唱團The Timelords(後來改名The KLF),曾於1988年錄製一首Doctorin' The Tardis,那首歌混合BBC製播的長壽電視節目Dr.Who「超時空博士」的主題曲,和 Gary GlitterRock And Roll part2而成,獲得過排行榜第66名。

Doctorin' The Tardis
"Doctorin' The Tardis" was written by Drummond, William Ernest/grainer, Ronald Erle/glitter, Gary/leander, Mike/chapman, Mike/chinn, Nicky/cauty, James Francis.    

(..) lads shout
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who! (HEY) The TARDIS
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who doc..Dr. Who
Dr. Who doc..Dr. Who
Bosh Bosh Bosh, loads of money
ha ha ha Who ha
ha ha ha Who ha
ha ha ha Who ha
ha ha ha Who ha
ha ha
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who! (HEY) The TARDIS
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who doc..Dr. Who
Dr. Who doc..Dr. Who
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
ha ha ha who ha
ha ha ha who ha
we obey no-one
ha ha ha who ha
we are the superior beings
ha ha ha who ha
ha ha
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who! (HEY) The TARDIS
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who doc..Dr. Who
Dr. Who doc..Dr. Who
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
You wot?
ha ha ha who ha
ha ha ha who ha
Bosh Bosh Bosh Loads of money
ha ha ha who ha
ha ha ha
ha ha ha who
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who doc..Dr. Who
Dr. Who doc..Dr. Who
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who! (HEY) Dr. Who
Dr. Who doc {THE DALEKS} Dr. Who

Dr. Who doc, Dr. Who

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...