2015年10月29日 星期四

Michael Jackson又得冠軍

富比士雜誌公布年度已故藝人收入排行榜,Michael Jackson以去年一億1500萬美元收入,輕易地超過貓王Elvis Presley的五千五百萬奪得冠軍,漫畫『花生』的作者Charles Schultz以四千萬美元得到第三名,接著是雷鬼音樂歌手Bob Marley的二千一百萬,影后 Elizabeth Taylor則有二千萬,其他在排行榜前十五名的知名藝人還有前批頭合唱團的John Lennon,豔星 Marilyn Monroe,性格男演員James Dean與電視節目主持人Joan Rivers
Michael Jackson以專輯唱片Thriller當中的多首暢銷單曲,搭配主打歌ThrillerMV轉型成功,成為流行歌壇巨星,不過老歌迷特別懷念他童年的可愛模樣,像1972年的冠軍曲,電影「金鼠王」的插曲Ben,就是一首百聽不厭的好歌。

Michael Jackson

Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you, my friend will see
You've got a friend in me
(You've got a friend in me)

Ben, you're always running here and there
(Here and there)
You feel you're not wanted anywhere (anywhere)
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's something you should know
You've got a place to go
(You've got a place to go)

I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
(I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we")

Ben, most people would turn you away
(Turn you away)
I don't listen to a word they say
(A word they say)
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben
(A friend)
Like Ben
(Like Ben)
Like Ben

2015年10月23日 星期五

Three Dog Night的娃娃歌

Three Dog Night合唱團主唱歌手之一的Cory Wells十月20日於紐約去世74 歲)。
Cory Wells本名Emil Lewandowski,出生於紐約州Buffalo,在空軍服役的時候曾組過一個樂隊,退伍後到美西發展,他的樂團the Enemys在俱樂部唱了一段時間,後來在好萊塢的Whisky a Go-Go-他遇到歌手兼製作人Danny Hutton,俩人應邀參加Sonny and Cher的巡迴演唱。
1968年他倆加上Chuck Negron組了一個合唱團RedwoodBeach Boys的老大Brian Wilson製作了他們早期的作品,Redwood同時改名Three Dog Night,因為聽說澳洲土人天冷的時候會抱三條狗取暖。
Three Dog Night1969 1975年間有21首排行榜前四十名的暢銷曲,包括"Mama Told Me (Not To Come)" (#1-1970  Cory 主唱) "Joy To The World" (#1-1971) "Black & White" (#1-1972),其他由Cory 主唱的歌還有"Shambala" (#3-1973) "Eli's Coming" (#10-1969)
Three Dog Night合唱團因創意枯竭1976年宣告解散但五年不到又重組過Cory Wells持續演唱,直到上個月病倒為止。
Three Dog Night1971年的冠軍合唱團,在歷年暢銷歌星與合唱團排行榜獲得第100老歌迷們一定忘不了他們那些動聽的名曲
Three Dog Night在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1971獲得六週冠軍的Joy To The World這一首歌以開場白Jeremiah was a bullfrog出名被很多人笑稱是一首騙小孩的娃娃歌

- written by Hoyt Axton
- lyrics as recorded by Three Dog Night (#1 for 6 weeks in 1971)

Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him a-drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine

   Joy to the world
   All the boys and girls now
   Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
   Joy to you and me

If I were the king of the world
Tell you what I'd do
I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the war
Make sweet love to you
Sing it now...

   Joy to the world
   All the boys and girls
   Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
   Joy to you and me

------ electric piano ------

You know I love the ladies
Love to have my fun
I'm a high life flyer and a rainbow rider
A straight shootin' son-of-a-gun
I said a straight shootin' son-of-a-gun

   Joy to the world
   All the boys and girls
   Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
   Joy to you and me

   Joy to the world
   All the boys and girls
   Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
   Joy to you and me

     Joy to the world
     All the boys and girls
     Joy to the world
     Joy to you and me

   Joy to the world
   All the boys and girls now
   Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
   Joy to you and me

   Joy to the world
   All the boys and girls
   Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
   Joy to you and me

   I wanna tell you
   Joy to the world
   All the boys and girls
   Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
   Joy to you and me

   Joy to the world
   All the boys and girls
   Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
   Joy to you and me

   Joy to the world
   All the boys and girls

2015年10月15日 星期四

Billy Joe Royal去世

Billy Joe Royal十月16日睡夢中在北卡羅萊納州家中去世 73歲)。
Billy Joe Royal出生於喬治亞州Valdosta,青少年時期他在叔叔的廣播節目和喬治亞州的活動中就小有名氣,有一次他在參加表演活動時被安排和作曲Joe South住同一房間,Joe South要他錄一個Joe的作品"Down In The Boondocks"的樣帶,結果因為效果不錯而被Columbia唱片公司簽走,他正式錄了這首歌而且獲得排行榜第九名 (#9-1965)
Billy Joe Royal接著推出的"I Knew You When" (#14-1965)"Hush" (#52-1967)成績還可以但是"Cherry Hill Park" (#15-1969)是給歌迷們印象較深的歌在他聲勢走下坡之前他還推出很多歌,但欲振乏力。
後來他轉而往鄉村歌唱界發展"Tell It Like It Is" "Till I Can't Take It Anymore"也都得過鄉村歌曲排行榜第二名,1985-1992年他一共有15首歌進過 鄉村歌曲排行榜。

Billy Joe Royal

Mary Hill used to hang out in Cherry Hill Park
The game she played lasted all day till way after dark
All the girls they criticized her
But all the guys just idolized her
Cause Mary Hill was such a thrill after dark
In Cherry Hill Park
Mary Hill used to love to ride the merry-go-round
All the guys got eager eyes watchin Mary go round
In the daytime Mary Hill was a teaser
Come the night she was such a pleaser
Oh Mary Hill was such a thrill after dark
In Cherry Hill Park
Mary Hill sure was smart down in Cherry Hill Park
Playing games with everyone till way after dark
In Cherry Hill Park, Cherry Hill Park
Then one day, Mary Hill, she married away
A man with some money said come on honey
And she said okay
She went away to play a one man game
And since that day it ain't been the same
Cause Mary Hill was such a thrill after dark
Yeah in Cherry Hill Park
Now Mary Hill sure was smart down in Cherry Hill Park
Playing games with everyone till way after dark

In Cherry Hill Park (Cherry Hill Park)

2015年10月8日 星期四

Stevie Wonder離婚

黑人盲歌星Stevie Wonder和第二任老婆十月五日終於離婚,經過14年的婚姻,Stevie被判定每個月要給前妻Kai Millard 生的二個小孩撫養費 25,000美元,Stevie Kai2009就已分居。
Stevie Wonder是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第六名的巨星1950出生於密西根州Saginaw天生即雙眼失明196313歲時即以Fingertips-pt1獲三周排行榜冠軍而成名他能作曲演唱玩多種樂器,在歌壇四十多年有很多膾炙人口的暢銷曲,1980年代中期曾在當年還沒燒毀的台北中華體育館開過演唱會。
Stevie Wonder1989年進搖滾樂名人堂,1996年得Grammy終身成就獎,2004年得Billboard雜誌世紀歌星獎。
Stevie Wonder曾於1970年和女歌手 Syreeta Wright結婚1972年即分手 Syreeta曾和Billy Preston合唱一首情歌With You I'm Born Again1979年獲得過第四名,但不幸他已於2004年因癌症去世 (58歲)。

With You I'm Born Again
Billy Preston & Syreeta
Written by David Shire and Carol Connors

Come bring me your softness
Comfort me through all this madness
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again

Come give me your sweetness
Now there's you, there is no weakness
Lying safe within your arms, I'm born again

I was half, not whole
In step with none
Reaching through this world
In need of one

Come show me your kindness
In your arms I know I'll find this
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again
Lying safe with you I'm born again

Come bring me your softness
Comfort me through all this madness
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again

Come give me your sweetness
Now there's you, there is no weakness
Lying safe within your arms, I'm born again
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again

I was half, not whole
In step with none
Reaching through this world
In need of one

Come show me your kindness
In your arms I know I'll find this
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again
Lying safe with you I'm born again

2015年10月1日 星期四

「沼澤地流行歌」與Frankie Ford

  外號紐奧良發電機的沼澤流行歌」歌手Frankie Ford,九月28日在長期生病後去世 (76歲)。Frankie Ford出生於路易斯安那州Gretna,靠近紐奧良,一輩子都在那裏過生活,童年時因參加Ted Mac的業餘劇場廣播電台節目出名,而獲得當地很多節目的邀請,中學時他組了一個合唱團,他是主唱兼鋼琴手,受到Ace唱片公司老闆的注意而和他簽約,他的第一張單曲"Cheatin' Woman"在當地頗受歡迎,但是接著推出的"Sea Cruise"(原來只是另一首歌"Roberta"的反面陪榜歌),卻獲得1959年底全美排行榜第14名,使他一舉成名。
他的故事還沒講完,因為他在老歌圈地位受到的肯定,1978年的電影"American Hot Wax"當中有它的出現,2010年他獲選進入路易斯安那州音樂名人 堂the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame
swamp pop「沼澤流行歌」是流行音樂的一個分支,主要流行於易斯安那州南部。

Sea Cruise
Words and Music by ***Huey P. Smith and Frankie Ford***

Old man rhythm is in my shoes
No use tittin and aingin the blues
So be my guest, you got nothin to lose
Won ya let me take you on a sea cruise?

Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Won ya let me take you on a sea cruise?

Feel like jumpin baby won ya join me please
I don like beggin but I on bended knee

I got to get tockin get my hat off the rack
I got to boogie woogie like a knife in the back
So be my guest, you got nothin to lose
Won ya let me take you on a sea cruise?

Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Won ya let me take you on a sea cruise?

I got to get tovin baby I ain lyin
My heart is beatin rhythm and it right on time
So be my guest, you got nothin to lose
Won ya let me take you on a sea cruise?

Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Won ya let me take you on a sea cruise?

Feel like jumpin baby won ya join me please
I don like beggin but I on bended knee

Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Oo-ee, oo-ee baby
Won ya let me take you on a sea cruise?

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...