2017年6月29日 星期四

Steam-Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss him Goodbye)

Steam合唱團的主唱 Gary DeCarlo六月28日不幸因癌症於故鄉康乃狄克州Shelton去世(75),他也是該團1969年的冠軍曲Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss him Goodbye)的共同作者
Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss him Goodbye)這一首歌起初是Gary DeCarloPaul Leka Dale Frashuer所組的三重唱所錄製但只是小唱片B面的非主打歌,後來Mercury唱片公司改以Steam之名推出,並且組了一個冒牌合唱團配合巡演宣傳,沒想到唱片大賣八百萬張,1976年二度發行,還成了美國職棒芝加哥白襪隊的主題歌
Paul Leka在成名後曾組了一個真正的Steam合唱團但在排行榜上並沒有留下較好的成績

- written by Gary DeCarlo, Dale Frashuer and Paul Leka

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

He'll never love you, the way that I love you
'Cause if he did, no no, he wouldn't make you cry
He might be thrillin' baby but a-my love (my love, my love)
So dog-gone willin'
So kiss him (I wanna see you kiss him. Wanna see you kiss him)
Go on and kiss him goodbye, now

Na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

Listen to me now

He's never near you to comfort and cheer you
When all those sad tears are fallin' baby from your eyes
He might be thrillin' baby but a-my love (my love, my love)
So dog-gone willin'
So kiss him (I wanna see you kiss him. I wanna see you kiss him)
Go on and kiss him goodbye, na-na na-na-na na na

Na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

[fade in]
Hey hey-ey, goodbye
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye

[repeat many times and fade out]

2017年6月22日 星期四

The Judds-Why Not Me

1980年代在鄉村歌唱界非常著名的女聲二重唱The Judds六月底將發行一張專輯The Judds-All Time Greatest Hits她們當年最受歡迎的歌都將在其中
The JuddsNaomi Judd與她的女兒Wynonna所組成,來自肯塔基州的她們,1979年從好萊塢回鄉村歌曲之都納許維爾發展曾經有12首單曲獲得過鄉村歌曲排行榜冠軍1991年因Wynonna慢性肝病嚴重她們不得不宣告解散
Wynonna的同母異父妹妹Ashley Judd是一位性格女演員,她主演的電影 《桃色追捕令》(Kiss the Girls 1997年)、《致命追緝令》(Double Jeopardy1999年)、 《案藏玄機》(High Crimes2002年)等都讓人留下深刻的印象。
Ashley2012年電視影集(Missing)中飾演(Rebecca Winstone),曾獲得黃金時段艾美獎迷你影集及電視電影最佳女主角提名。
2010Ashley Judd獲得哈佛甘迺迪政府學院的公共行政碩士學位,Ashley Judd除了以持續超過20年的演藝事業廣為人知外,近年來她也開始積極參與全球人道和政治活動
Why Not Me1984The Judds獲得鄉村榜第二名的歌,此曲同時獲得當年CMA鄉村音樂協會年度最佳歌曲獎

Why Not Me
The Judds

You've been lookin' for love all around the world
Baby, don't you know this country girl's still free?
Why not me?
Well, you've finally come down to your old hometown
Your Kentucky girl's been waiting patiently
Why not me?


Why not me on a rainy day?
Why not me to love your cares away?
Why not me?
Why not me when the nights get cold?
Why not me when you're growin' old?
Why not me?

You've been searchin' from here to Singapore
Ain't it time that you notice the girl next door, baby
Why not me?
You had to see if the world was round
It's time that you learned how good settlin' down could be
Why not me?

[Repeat Chorus]

You've been lookin' for love all around the world
Baby, don't you know this country girl's still free?

[Repeat and Fade]

Baby, why not me?

2017年6月15日 星期四

Marty Robins-Don’t Worry

很多流行歌曲是開車的時候得到靈感後來寫下來的例如Marty Robins1961年冠軍曲Don’t Worry就是一個例子
Marty Robins:他寫Don’t Worry那一首歌是在從Grand Ole Opry歌廳回家的路上兩地距離只有四英哩,他離開歌廳的時候開始構思,到家門口時就完成了,進門之後他立刻到鋼琴前面坐下並試著彈奏,但是一直沒有將歌寫下來
1961年二月六日Columbia唱片公司替他出的Don’t Worry單曲唱片進鄉村歌曲排行榜,後來一共獲得十週冠軍,這首歌也是他第24首進榜歌曲
Marty Robins  1925年出生於亞利桑那州Glendale1982年因心臟病去世(57),他自1952-1983年一共有94首歌進榜,曾經擔任過廣播與電視節目主持人,演過電影,還開過唱片公司
Marty RobinsEddy ArnoldJim ReevesJohnny Cash四人是從鄉村歌唱界跨界踏入流行歌壇的代表性人物在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第162
Don’t Worry這一首歌1961年初在熱門歌曲排行榜也獲得過第三名

Don’t Worry
Words and music by Marty Robbins

Don’t worry ‘bout me, it’s all over now --
Though I may be blue, I’ll manage somehow.
Love can’t be explained, can’t be controlled --
One day it’s warm, next day it’s cold.

Don’t pity me ‘cause I’m feelin’ blue;
Don’t be ashamed, it might have been you.
Oh-oh-oh, oh, love,
Kiss me one time, then go, love,
I understand, don’t worry ‘bout me.

(musical interlude)

Sweet, sweet, sweet love, I want you to be
As happy as I when you loved me.
I’ll never forget you, your sweet memory --
It’s all over now, don’t worry ‘bout me.

When one heart tells one heart, one heart good-bye,
One heart is free; one heart will cry.
Oh-oh-oh, oh, sweet, sweet baby, sweet baby, sweet,
It’s all right -- don’t worry ‘bout me.

2017年6月7日 星期三

Ann Margret-Slowly

1960年代的影三棲知名女藝人Ann Margret的先生也曾是她的經紀人並演過電視劇的Roger Smith六月四日在加州Sherman Oaks的一所醫院去世(84),多年以來他一直為肌肉萎縮症所苦,Roger Smith早年在ABC電視網的"77 Sunset Strip"影集中飾演一位警探而給人留下一些印象,1959年曾出過一張單曲唱片"Beach Time"
Ann Margret出生於瑞典,後來在伊里諾州Wilmette長大,主演過很多電影和百老匯舞台劇,其中最有名的電影是與貓王Elvis Presley合作的Viva Las Vegas1967年與Roger Smith結婚
Ann Margret曾經推出過一些單曲名次最好的是1961年得到17名的I Just Don’t Understand但是另一首Slowly在台灣特別受歡迎

Blackwell, Otis

Tell me you love me again but this time slowly
'Cause you're talkin' too fast, baby, much fast
Come on and squeeze me again but this time slowly
'Cause I like your grasp but it's much fast
You said that our love will grow together
'Cause your mine all mine
But dynamite love won't grow an inch
If you don't take your time
Come on and kiss me again but this time slowly
Not so fast, make it last
You said that our love will grow together
'Cause your mine all mine
But dynamite love won't grow an inch

If you don't take your time

2017年6月1日 星期四

南方搖滾The Allman Brothers Band

The Allman Brothers Band 的創始團員Gregg Allman五月27日於喬治亞州Savannah附近的家中去世(69),他去年八月就進了the Mayo Clinic醫學中心,而且取消了所有的演唱行程,2010年時 Gregg Allman檢查出C型肝炎帶原,曾做過肝臟移植手術
Gregg Allman出生於鄉村歌曲的大本營Nashville,但成長於佛羅里達州Daytona Beach,他和哥哥Duane起初組了 the Allman Joys (後來改名Hour Glass)合唱團,1967年時替Liberty唱片公司錄了二張專輯唱片,但是成績不佳,後來搬到喬治亞州 Macon,和 Capricorn唱片公司簽約,並且改名為the Allman Brothers Band
一張在the Fillmore East劇場錄製的同名現場演唱專輯唱片,使the Allman Brothers Band獲得了樂迷們的注目,但不幸的是1971年的一場摩托車車禍,意外奪走了年僅24歲的Duane Allman的生命
Gregg Allman持續他的音樂事業,陸續推出的"Eat A Peach" "Brothers And Sisters"成績斐然,後者的單曲 "Ramblin' Man" (#2-1973)大受歡迎在那同時Gregg也推出個人的唱片,專輯"Laid Back"當中的"Midnight Rider"1974年獲得過第191975the Allman Brothers Band宣告解散,但是至今為止他們常常會重組
1975GreggCher結婚,那是他的第六次結婚,次年生了他第五個小孩Elijah Blue Allman,雖然二人合作過一張專輯,但是1978年還是離婚了
Gregg Allman 的自傳"My Cross To Bear" 2012年出版,改編自自傳的電影於拍攝中發生鐵路意外而停擺
The Allman Brothers Band1995年被選入搖滾樂名人堂
來自美國南方,有搖滾鄉村爵士內涵的Southern- Rock「南方搖滾」,是搖滾樂的一個分支,其中The Allman Brothers Band雖非創始者,但卻是最有名的樂團,Gregg Allman雖然去世,但「南方搖滾」的樂風將永遠令歌迷們懷念

Ramblin' Man
The Allman Brothers
by Forrest Richard Betts

Lord, I was born a ramblin' man,
Tryin' to make a livin' and doin' the best I can.
And when it's time for leavin',
I hope you'll understand,
That I was born a ramblin' man.

Well my father was a gambler down in Georgia,
He wound up on the wrong end of a gun.
And I was born in the back seat of a Greyhound bus
Rollin' down highway 41.


I'm on my way to New Orleans this mornin',
Leaving out of Nashville, Tennessee,
They're always having a good time down on the bayou,
Lord, them Delta women think the world of me.


[Repeat and Fade]
Lord, I was born a ramblin' man... 

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...