2018年12月27日 星期四

Andy Williams-It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

  已故抒情歌星Andy Williams2002年去世(歲84),他走前的世界巡迴演唱會曾到台北小巨蛋演唱過,是台灣歌迷們最喜愛的歌星之一。

  Andy Williams最近以他1963年錄製的聖誕節經典歌曲“It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”重回Billboard Hot 100排行榜而且獲得第10名。

  這是Andy Williams1971年以電影「愛的故事」主題曲“(Where Do I BeginLove Story”獲得排行榜第9名以後,再度有進排行榜前10名的暢銷曲,這首歌也創了一首歌錄好478個月3個禮拜後再次進Billboard Hot 100排行榜的紀錄。

   上一次類似的紀錄是2003年由來自德州Brookshire的黑人歌星Dobie Gray所創,他1973年曾進排行榜前10名的暢銷曲“Drift Away”(#5),於2003年以Uncle Kracker featuring Dobie Gray 之名重新翻唱後推出,再度進排行榜前10名(#9),前後一共302個月1個禮拜

  It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”是目前六首進入Billboard Hot 100排行榜的聖誕歌曲之一,這六首聖誕歌是:

  #1  12/22/1958 The Chipmunk Songby David Seville&The The Chipmunks

  #6  12/22/2018  All I Want for Christmas Is You”Mariah Carey

  #7  1/8/2000    Auld Lang Syne” Kenny G

  #7  1/6/1990    This One's s for The Children”New Kids On the Block

  #9   2/21/1981   Same Auld Lang Syne” Dan Fogelberg

  #10  12/29/2018   It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” Andy Williams


It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Andy Williams

It's the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you be of good cheer
It's the most wonderful time of the year
It's the hap-happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings
When friends come to call
It's the hap-happiest season of all
There'll be parties for hosting
Marshmallows for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
There'll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of
Christmases long, long ago
It's the most wonderful time of the year
There'll be much mistltoeing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near
It's the most wonderful time of the year
There'll be parties for hosting
Marshmallows for toasting
And caroling…

2018年12月20日 星期四

Creedence Clearwater Revival-Proud Mary

  John Fogerty已經延長他在拉斯維加the Wynn resort and casinoEncore Theater的演出到2019

      這位Creedence Clearwater Revival合唱團的創團人和招牌團員,將在“My 50-Year Trip”演唱會做開場演出,以慶祝他五十多年來成功的演唱生涯。

這場John Fogerty領銜的演唱會,將按照1969年八月於紐約Bethel舉辦的Woodstock音樂節當中CCR當年演唱時一樣的歌單表演,但也加了他們合唱團和他個人的一些令人懷念的歌當年CCRWoodstock演唱的歌有:“Born on the Bayou Green River 、“Bad Moon Rising”、 Proud Mary 、“I Put a Spell on You 及“Susie Q.

  演唱會共有六場,將在四月10, 12, 13, 17, 19 20日登台表演。
  除了拉斯維加的演出,John Fogerty元月25日在奧克拉荷馬州Thackerville the WinStar Casino還有一場演唱會,九月時這位73歲的搖滾樂名人堂名歌星曾宣布他2019年有一個世界巡迴演唱計畫,當時他計畫以演唱會慶祝CCR的經典之作“Proud Mary”在 Woodstock演出五十週年。

  John Fogerty十二月初曾在亞當山德勒Adam Sandler Judd Apatow主持最近加州森林火災的募款活動上現身演出。

  這個活動在洛杉磯舉行,John Fogerty與他的樂隊唱了CCR的名曲“Green River 與“Born on the Bayou”, Adam Sandler還客串了吉他手

  John Fogerty說參加公益活動還搞笑演出去救援火災受難者蠻有趣的。

  搖滾樂團Creedence Clearwater Revival 成立於加州El CerritoJohn Fogerty是主唱吉他手,1967年由The Blue Velvets改名Creedence Clearwater RevivalJohn Fogerty 1971年離團單飛,該團次年解散。

  Creedence Clearwater Revival1969年的冠軍樂團,暢銷曲很多,是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第184名的知名搖滾樂團,1993年進入搖滾樂名人堂。

  Creedence Clearwater Revival的“Proud Mary”於1969年獲得三週第2名,當年在台灣極受歌迷們歡迎,在滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜獲得第155名,也是BMI 100首最常播出歌曲榜第24名的歌。

Proud Mary
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Music & Lyrics : J.C. Fogerty

Left a good job in the city
Workin' for the man ev'ry night and day
And I never lost one minute of sleepin'
Worryin' 'bout the way things might have been

Big wheel keep on turnin'
Proud Mary keep on burnin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river

Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis
Pumped a lot of tain down in New Orleans
But I never saw the good side of the city
'Til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen

Big wheel keep on turnin'
Proud Mary keep on burnin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river
Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river

If you come down to the river
Bet you gonna find some people who live
You don't have to worry 'cause you have [if you got] no money
People on the river are happy to give

Big wheel keep on turnin'
Proud Mary keep on burnin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river
Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river

Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river
Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river
Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river

2018年12月13日 星期四

Randy & the Rainbows-Denise

   1960年代前期的doo-wop合唱團Randy & the Rainbows的主唱歌手Dominick "Randy" Safuto1016日在心肌梗塞五個禮拜後病逝71歲)。

  紐約Queens出生的Dominick "Randy" Safuto和他的兄弟Frank原先在一個doo-wop合唱團the Dialtones有點成績,1963年他們另組一個五人合唱團the Encores,當時他們錄唱片時,和 the Tokens搭配同一個製作團隊(後來以冠軍曲The Lion Sleeps Tonight成名),但是Laurie唱片公司挑選他們第一張單曲時,他們改名Randy and the RainbowsDominick也跟著改名,這首"Denise"後來在熱門排行榜得到第10名,是他們唯一的top 40暢銷曲。

  Nick Massi離開the Four Seasons合唱團的時候,Frankie Valli曾邀請Randy加入the Four Seasons合唱團,但他顧及兄弟和其他夥伴之情,而拒絕了加入一個當紅合唱團的機會,他們持續在歌壇努力,直到the Rainbows解散。

  Randy & the Rainbows後來錄製過專輯Madison Street, Triangle and Them & Us,也改回原名,但並未留有好的成績。

 "Denise", 一首令老歌迷難忘的1960年代one hit wonder !


  doo-wop音樂通常是每位歌手用不同的聲部表现音樂並配合其他成員的聲部演唱。伴唱歌手以簡單的哼唱做為音樂的節奏,doo-wop 的名字也是有由此而來。

Randy and the Rainbows

Oh Denise, shooby doo
I'm in love with you, Denise shooby doo
I'm in love with you, Denise shooby doo
I'm in love with you,

Denise Denise, oh with your eyes so blue
Denise, Denise, I got a crush on you
Denise, Denise, I'm so in love with you

Oh when we walk, it seems like paradise
And when we talk, it always feels so nice
Denise, Denise, I'm so in love with you

Your mylove and everytime I look at you
When you stare it's like a dream
And I'm so lucky cause I found a girl like you

Oh Denise, shooby doo
I'm in love with you, Denise shooby doo
I'm in love with you, Denise shooby doo
I'm in love with you,

Denise, Denise, I want you for my bride
Denise, Denise, oh can we kiss goodnight
Denise, Denise, I'm so in love with you

Oh Denise, shooby doo
I'm in love with you, Denise shooby doo
I'm in love with you, Denise shooby doo...


2018年12月6日 星期四

Queen -Bohemian Rhapsody

    承襲流行音樂經典之作“Bohemian Rhapsody”的搖滾樂團Queen的原創團員Brian May Roger Taylor明年中將與新主唱Adam Lamber展開23場巡迴演唱

  演唱會歌單裡安排有Queen歷年來最受歡迎的歌,Adam Lambert表示,他們已經設計了全新的視覺效果,去重新詮釋他們的代表作。

  The Rhapsody tour七月10日從加拿大溫哥華的Rogers Arena起跑,之後還會去洛杉磯的The Forum、紐約的Madison Square Garden…最後在北卡羅來納州CharlotteSpectrum Center落幕。

  Queen2009年首度與Adam Lamber合作,那是在"the American Idol "美國偶像節目的完結篇,而第一次擔綱整個節目則是2012年於烏克蘭的Elton John演唱會中搭檔演唱。

   2009Adam Lambert因參加"American Idol"節目八季的演出而成名,當年底他推出第一張專輯" For Your Entertainment",剛推出就在Billboard 200專輯榜得到第三名,這張專輯裡有幾首暢銷曲,其中的"Whataya Want from Me"後來得到Grammy獎提名"Best Male Pop Vocal Performance"最佳男歌星流行歌曲演唱獎。

   2012Lambert推出第二張專輯"Trespassing",首發就得到Billboard 200專輯榜冠軍,使他創造了出櫃的同性戀者第一位在Billboard 200專輯榜得冠軍的紀錄。

  Lambert 2015年推出第三張專輯"The Original High",也是剛推出就在Billboard 200專輯榜得到第三名,這張專輯裡有一首暢銷曲"Ghost Town"
  Adam Mitchel Lambert 出生於 1982 年元月 29日,是一位當紅的創作歌手,2009年開始,他已賣了三萬套專輯與五百萬張單曲唱片。

  Adam Lambert  2011年開始成了Queen的主唱歌手,名叫Queen + Adam Lambert2014 2018年他們的巡迴演唱非常成功。

  搖滾樂團Queen成立於倫敦,已故主唱Freddie Mercury本名Farrokh Bulsara1946年出生於非洲坦桑尼亞Zanzibar,他們在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第119名,他們的“Bohemian Rhapsody”於1976年推出獲得第9名,1992年因電影Waynes World《反斗智多星》採用當插曲而再度推出獲得第2名,在滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜則獲得第163名。
   1991 11 23Queen的明星主唱Freddie Mercury在病床宣讀事先準備好的文稿,證實傳說已久他得了AIDS愛滋病的事,24小時後11 24,他因愛滋病併發支氣管炎病逝(45歲)。

  當月27日他的喪禮在倫敦西郊Kensal Green舉行,因他家信拜火教,不公開的喪禮按他們的信仰舉行。

  Queen 1977年的第4名暢銷曲We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions,曾經是各大體育活動中場休息時間最愛播放的二首歌,等於應聽眾要求而一起推出他們的冠軍曲“Crazy Little Thing Called Love”和“Another One Bites The Dust”在推出時也都是流行歌壇的熱門話題

 Queen + Adam Lambert帶著多首前主唱 Freddie Mercury所遺留的暢銷曲巡迴演出他們的巡演必將再度造成轟動。

Written by Freddie Mercury

        Is this the real life?
        Is this just fantasy?
        Caught in a landslide,
        No escape from reality.
        Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see,
        I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
        Because I'm easy come, easy go, Little high, little low,
        Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me.

        Mama just killed a man,
        Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead.
        Mama, life had just begun,
        But now I've gone and thrown it all away.
        Mama, ooh, Didn't mean to make you cry,
        If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,
        Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters.

        Too late, my time has come,
        Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time.
        Goodbye, ev'rybody, I've got to go,
        Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.
        Mama, ooh, I don't want to die,
        I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.

        I see a little silhouetto of a man,
        Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango.
        Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very fright'ning me.
        (Galileo.) Galileo. (Galileo.) Galileo, Galileo figaro
        Magnifico. I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me.
        He's just a poor boy from a poor family,
        Spare him his life from this monstrosity.
        Easy come, easy go, will you let me go.
        Bismillah! No, we will not let you go.
        (Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go.
        (Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go.
        (Let me go.) Will not let you go.
        (Let me go.) Will not let you go. (Let me go.) Ah.
        No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
        (Oh mama mia, mama mia.) Mama mia, let me go.
        Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me.

        So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye.
        So you think you can love me and leave me to die.
        Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby,
        Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here.

        Nothing really matters, Anyone can see,
        Nothing really matters,
        Nothing really matters to me.

        Any way the wind blows.

2018年11月29日 星期四

Barry Manilow-Mandy

  曾經寫過“Bend Me Shape Me”與“Mandy”二首名曲的作曲人Scott English1116日於倫敦的家中去世81歲)。

  Scott English出生於紐約Brooklyn區,他除了寫歌之外,自己也推出過“High On A Hill” (77-1964)及“Brandy” (#91-1972)二首進Billboard Hot 100的歌。

Barry Manilow起初並不覺得原名“Brandy”“Mandy”是一首特別的歌,因作曲Scott English 錄製的“Brandy”曾在1972年進排行榜只得過第91名。

  Barry Manilow1974年錄第二張專輯的時候,很希望新唱片能夠在市場上有些成績,他考慮改變歌路錄一點搖滾、步吉舞曲,但製作人推薦“Brandy”給他,當時他只覺得那是一首可以放在專輯裡的小曲,沒想到卻使他一曲成名。

  Mandy”剛錄好的時候有一點節奏感,但Bell唱片公司的老闆Clive Davis建議改為歌謠並推出單曲,Barry Manilow事後回憶,他覺得對新人來講,推出歌謠有點冒險,可是這首歌很特別,就聽老闆的意見去改成情歌了。

  “Mandy”Barry Manilow第一首進排行榜的單曲,19741116日進榜獲得第67名,經過九個禮拜之後於1975年元月18日獲得排行榜冠軍。

  Barry Manilow作品很多,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第75名。

      Scott English的另一首名曲“Bend Me Shape Me”則the American Breed1967年底推出,獲得第5名。

  The American Breed組團於芝加哥,是一個pop-rock樂團,主唱吉他手Gary Loizzo,他們的團員Kevin Murphy(鍵琴手)、AndreFisher(鼓手)後來組過另一個二度得Grammy獎的R&B樂團RUFUS

-Words and Music by Scott English and Richard Kerr

I remember all my life
Rainin' down as cold as ice
Shadows of a man
A face through a window
Cryin' in the night
The night goes into

Mornin', just another day
Happy people pass my way
Lookin' in their eyes
I see a memory
I never realized
How happy you made me, oh Mandy

Well you came and you gave without takin'
But I sent you away, oh Mandy
Well, you kissed me and stopped me from shakin'
And I need you today, oh Mandy

Standin' on the edge of time
Walked away when love was mine
Caught up in a world of uphill climbin'
The tears are in my mind
And nothing is rhymin', oh Mandy


Yesterday's a dream
I face the mornin'
Cryin' on a breeze
The pain is callin', oh Mandy


You came and you gave without takin'
But I sent you away, oh Mandy
You kissed me and stopped me from shakin'
And I need you

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...