2018年5月31日 星期四

Olivia Newton-John -Let Me Be There

   知名女歌星Olivia Newton-John 五月13日因對癌症研究的付出和在演藝事業的成就,於澳洲墨爾本獲得La Trobe大學頒授榮譽博士學位。  

    Olivia Newton-John 1948年九月出生於英國劍橋,在澳洲墨爾本長大,目前已經具有歌星、作曲、演員、企業家及社會運動者多重身分,她曾經獲得四次Grammy獎,有五首排行榜冠軍歌曲,十首Billboard    Hot  100 singles排行榜前十名的暢銷曲,另於Billboard  200  solo albums排行榜,他有二張專輯獲得冠軍,她一共有14張單曲和專輯唱片獲得金唱片,據統計Olivia Newton-John在全世界共賣了近一億張唱片,她主演的電影Grease「火爆浪子」的插曲專輯,和與男主角John Travolta合唱的插曲"You're The One That I Want"都曾創唱片銷售紀錄

    Olivia Newton-John也是一位長期投入社會運動的人士,她主要關懷環保與動物權益議題,1992她發現罹患乳癌但狀況緩解,不幸2017年又發現癌細胞轉移
    Olivia Newton-John 倡導健康自覺,她投入很多慈善事業、並幫忙募款,她開設了服裝公司Koala Blue,還是澳洲健康休閒事業the Gaia Retreat & Spa的共同擁有人

    Olivia Newton-John是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第33名的巨星,她16歲因才藝表演奪冠前往英國比賽,因而踏入歌壇。祖父是德國的諾貝爾物理獎得主Max Born

   影歌雙棲的 Olivia Newton-John,在排行榜上成績最好的歌是1981年獲得10週冠軍的"Physical",其實早年剛出道時她還唱過鄉村歌曲,例如1973年底的Let Me Be There#6),就曾獲得Grammy最佳鄉村女歌星演唱獎。

Let Me Be There
Olivia Newton-John

Wherever you go
Wherever you may wander in your life
Surely you know
I always wanna be there
Holding you hand
And standing by to catch you when you fall
Seeing you through
In everything you do

Let me be there in your morning
Let me be there in you night
Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right
Let me take you through that wonderland
That only two can share
All I ask you is let me be there

Watching you grow
And going through the changes in your life
That's how I know
I always wanna be there
Whenever you feel you need a friend to lean on, here I am
Whenever you call, you know I'll be there

Let me be there in your morning
Let me be there in you night
Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right
Let me take you through that wonderland
That only two can share
All I ask you is let me be there

2018年5月24日 星期四

Ben E King-Stand By Me

  英國Prince Harry哈利王子與美國演員Meghan Markle的婚禮吸引了全球的注目,婚禮當中由Karen Gibson and the Kingdom choir演唱了“Stand By Me”

   Ben E King所寫的“Stand By Me”這首歌最早在1961年推出,獲得熱門排行榜第4名,1986年由Stephen King史提芬金的小說      The Body改編的電影用“Stand By Me”為片名,當然這首歌也用來當主題曲而再度發行,還得到第9名。

  Ben E King 1938年出生於美國北卡羅萊納州Henderson,成長於紐約哈林區,高中時就參加The Moonglows合唱團,1957年他轉投the Five Crowns合唱團,該團於1959年改名the Drifters
Ben E Kingthe Drifters寫了1959年獲得第2名的暢銷曲“There Goes My Baby,那也是他第 一首主唱的歌1960年他離團單飛,成績很不錯,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第323名,(the Drifters 成績更好,獲得第104名)。

Ben E King在寫“Stand By Me”的時候他還是the Drifters的主唱但是the Drifters沒有錄這首歌Ben E King回憶,合唱團的經紀人告訴他,歌不賴,但我們不想要。

Ben E King離團單飛後,他想要“Stand By Me”復活,在一場錄音工作結束後,King用鋼琴彈唱一段給製作人Jerry Leiber聽,Leiber聽了後叫樂師們通通回來,他們把“Stand By Me”錄製完成。

Stand By Me”後來成了一首經典情歌,翻唱人很多,包括前披頭合唱團團員John Lennon在內Ben E King版的這首歌在滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜獲得第122BMI全美最常播出100首歌曲榜則獲得第4,英國皇家婚禮選這首歌,選得非常妥切

(Ben E. King/Jerry Leiber/Mike Stoller)

When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

  And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by me
  Stand by me, stand by me

If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

  And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me
  Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me-e, yeah

----- guitar -----

  Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me
  Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

  Darlin', darlin', stand by me-e, stand by me
  Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

2018年5月17日 星期四

Burton Cummings-Stand Tall

   The Guess Who合唱團的團員Burton Cummings五月13日於洛杉磯遭一輛闖紅燈的卡車撞傷 他有一點腦震盪和擦傷加上腿痛和背痛

  Burton Cummings已返回故鄉加拿大Winnipeg 。他將在冰上曲棍球季後賽開場唱國歌

  Burton Cummings  1947年出生於加拿大Manitoba Winnipeg ,他是搖滾樂團The Guess Who合唱團的主唱,1966年在原鋼琴手Bob Ashley離團後他加入該團當主唱,如These EyesLaughingNo TimeShare The Land及三週冠軍曲American Woman等這些膾炙人口令人懷念的歌,都是他的作品

  The Guess Who 合唱團在歷年暢銷歌星與合唱團排行榜獲得第205名,是1970年代很受歡迎的樂團

  The Guess Who合唱團的另一位團員吉它手Randy Bachman1970年離團另組
Bachman-Turner Overdrive,是一個很成功的Hard-Rock重搖滾樂團 ,他們的You Ain’t  See Nothing YetTakin’ Care of Business等歌在排行榜上獲得很好的成績

   Burton CummingsThe Guess Who合唱團於1975年解散後,從事個人歌唱事業,他1976年的Stand Tall獲得過第10

Stand Tall
Burton Cummings

Never been this blue
Never knew the meaning of a heartache
But then again, I've never lost at love before

Somewhere down the road
Maybe all these years will find some meaning
I just can't think about it now, or live 'em out anymore

Stand Tall, don't you fall oh, don't go and do something foolish
you're feeling it like everyone, it's silly human pride
Stand Tall, don't you fall. donn't go do something you'll regret later
you're feeling it like everyone, it's silly human pride

Never lasted so long
Or through so much - or through so many
I just can't believe you could throw it all away

Sometimes late at night
when there's nothing here except my old piano
I'd almost give my hands to make you see my way

Stand Tall, don't you fall oh, don't go and do something foolish
you're feeling it like everyone, it's silly human pride;
You got me down on my knees for ya, mama
Stand Tall, don't you fall. donn't go do something you'll regret later
you're feeling it like everyone, it's silly human pride

2018年5月10日 星期四

Gwyneth Paltrow-Just My Imagination

  Gwyneth Paltrow 葛妮絲派楚即將第度走進禮堂根據雜誌報導,她與未婚夫布萊德法契克已經簽妥婚前協議,離舉辦婚禮又進了一步。

Gwyneth Paltrow 19729月出生於洛杉磯她除了以1998年的電影Shakespeare in Love《莎翁情史》獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎之外,她還是一位歌手和美食作者。

  Gwyneth Paltrow Babyface 曾於2005年翻唱過the Temptations 1971年經典歌曲Just My Imagination,這首歌經過他門的詮釋,有了另一番不同的風味,非常動聽。

    The Temptations是歷年暢銷歌星與合唱團排行榜獲得第21名的知名R&B合唱團 ,他們1971年的Just My Imagination 曾獲得二週排行榜冠軍,這首歌與他們另一首冠軍曲My Girl最受歌迷們的喜愛。

  Babyface是一位1990年代走紅的R&B歌手作曲人與樂手,他本名Kenneth Edmonds,曾寫過二首冠軍歌曲Boyz II MenI’ll Make Love To YouWhitney HoustonExhale Shoop Shoop),還寫過44首進過Billboard 雜誌   Hot 100 排行榜Top 10的歌。

 The TemptationsJust My Imagination在滾石雜誌500首歷年最受歡迎歌曲排行榜獲得第389名。

Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)
The Temptations
Written by: Norman Whitfield/Barrett Strong

Each day through my window I watch her as she passes by
I say to myself, "You’re such a lucky guy"
To have a girl like her is truly a dream come true
Out of all the fellas in the world, she belongs to you

But it was just my imagination,
Running away with me
It was just my imagination,
Running away with me

Soon we'll be married and raise a family
A cozy little home, out in the country, with two children, maybe three

I tell you I can visualize it all
This couldn’t be a dream, for too real it all seems

But it was just my imagination, once again
Running away with me
Tell you, it was just my imagination,
Running away with me

Every night, on my knees I pray
"Dear lord, hear my plea
Don't ever let another take her love from me
Or I will surely die"
Her love is heavenly
When her arms enfold me
I hear her tender rhapsody
But in reality, she doesn't even know me

It was just my imagination, once again
Running away with me
Oh, tell you, it was just my imagination,
Running away with me

I never met her, but I can’t forget her

Just my imagination, yeah, yeah, yeah
Running away with me
Oooh, just my imagination,
Running away with me

2018年5月3日 星期四

Sammi Smith-Help Me Make It Through The Night

  有一些歌在變成暢銷曲之前錄過好幾次,其中Sammi Smith 1970年冠軍曲 "Help Me Make It Through The Night”就是一個例子

  Bill Nash1959錄過這首歌 ,而 Ray Price在他的“For The Good Times”專輯裡也加入"Help Me Make It Through The Night”這首歌的節奏版。

  按作曲者Kris Kristofferson的說法,這首歌的創意來自他看到一段Frank Sinatra的訪問,訪談中Frank Sinatra說他常藉著一瓶酒或一個愛侶( a bottle or a lover)幫他度過長夜。

  Sammi Smith Mega 唱片單曲 Help Me Make It Through The Night”,197012 19日進入鄉村歌曲排行榜,後來獲得三週排行榜冠軍,這也是   Sammi Smith第五首進鄉村歌曲排行榜的歌,而“Help Me Make It Through The Night”在熱門歌曲排行榜則獲得第6

  Sammi Smith出生於美國加州Orange,成長於Oklahoma,她已於2005年因肺氣腫不幸病逝61歲)。

  Help Me Make It Through The Night”另外還有R&B合唱團Gladys Knight&The Pips演唱的黑人靈魂歌曲版,在R&B歌曲排行榜獲得第13名,在熱門歌曲排行榜則獲得第33在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得47名的這個大牌合唱團 Gladys Knight&The Pips的“Help Me Make It Through The Night” 也有其特別的風味,值得一聽。

Help Me Make It Through the Night
Sammi Smith
Words and Music by Kris Kristofferson

Take the ribbon from my hair
Shake it loose and let it fall
Layin' soft against your skin
Like the shadow on the wall

Come and lay down by ma side
Till the early mornin' light
All I'm takin' is your time
Help me make it through the night

I don't care what's right or wrong
'n' I won't try to understand
Let the devil take tomorrow
Lord, tonight I need a friend

Yesterday is dead and gone
And tomorrow's out of sight
And it's sad to be alone
Help me make it through the night

And it's sad to be alone
Help me make it through the night

I don't want to be alone
Help me make it through the night

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...