2019年11月28日 星期四

Paula Abdul -Opposites Attract

   Paula Abdul不僅歡慶感恩節還為入行30周年推出的單曲"Opposites Attract."獲得排行榜冠軍而高興

  這首歌的指標性videoPaula 和一隻卡通貓跳舞她的構想是想當作給一個禮物送給他的偶像-好萊塢傳奇舞星Gene Kelly金凱利,Gene Kelly就是因為在1945年的電影Anchors Aweigh當中和一個卡通老鼠跳舞的那個片段,而深受影迷們歡迎。

  Paula記得走進Virgin唱片公司時說我能不能拍一支長一點的video?因為我想送Gene Kelly一個禮物回憶我知道要怎麼做我想設計一個卡通角色正如和Gene Kelly跳舞的那隻老鼠

  但唱片公司告訴她太超過了要她忘了廣播時代但她並未被說服,她很堅持這個構想,最後拍成了, 把片子交到Virgin唱片公司時,他們都很喜歡,而且發行後賣了八百萬張,比專輯還多。
  Gene Kelly生前是怎麼和她有過一段緣份呢?

  Paula將以演唱 Forever Your Girl專輯中的"Opposites Attract"紀念入行30周年,他計劃讓她的工作團隊享受一個美食的感恩節

    Paula Abdul 1962年出生於加州San Fernando是一位歌舞俱佳的藝人曾是洛杉磯湖人職籃隊的啦啦隊員也是Janet Jackson名曲 Control的編舞暢銷曲很多在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第178,是1990年代很紅的藝人。

  Paula Abdul  在熱門排行榜上名次最好的歌是1991年獲得5周冠軍的Rush,Rush

Songwriters: Peter Lord / Peter Moreland

You're the whisper of a summer breeze
You're the kiss that puts my soul at ease
What I'm saying is
I'm into you
Here's my story and the story goes
You give love, you get love
And more than heaven knows
You're gonna see
I'm gonna run, I'm gonna try
I'm gonna take this love
Right to ya
All my heart, all the joy
Oh baby, baby please
Rush, rush
Hurry, hurry lover
Come to me
Rush, rush
I wanna see, I wanna see ya
Get free with me
Rush, rush
I can feel it, I can feel you all through me
Rush, rush
Ooh what you do to me
And all I want from you is what you are
And even if you're right next to me
You're still too far away
If I'm not inside your arms
I get dramatic baby
Yes I know
But I need you, I want you
Ooh man, I love you so
Ooh, ooh
You're gonna see
I'm gonna run, I'm gonna try
I'm gonna take this love right to ya
All my heart, all the joy
Ooh baby, baby please
Rush, rush
Hurry, hurry lover come to me
Rush, rush
I wanna see, I wanna see ya
Get free with me
Rush, rush
I can feel it, I can feel you all through me
Rush, rush
Ooh what you do to me
When you kiss me
Up and down
Turn my senses all around
Oh baby, oh baby
I don't know just how or why
But no one else has touched me
So deep, so deep, so deep inside
You're gonna see
I'm gonna run, I'm gonna try
I'm gonna take this love right to ya
All my heart, all the joy
Oh baby baby please
Rush, rush
Hurry, hurry lover come to me
Rush, rush
I wanna see, I wanna see ya
Get free with me
Rush, rush
I can feel it, I can feel you all through me
Rush, rush
Ooh what you do to me
Rush, rush
Hurry, hurry lover come to me
Rush, rush
I wanna see, I wanna see ya
Get free with me
Rush, rush
I can feel it, I can feel you all through me
Rush, rush
Ooh what you do to me
Rush, rush
Na na na na na na na
Rush, rush
Na na na na na na na
Rush, rush
Na na na na na na na
Rush, rush
Na na na na na na na

2019年11月21日 星期四

Bryan Adams-(Everything I Do) I Do It for You

  如果你忘了 "Summer of '69"你要來看Bryan Adamswinter of 2019這要謝謝他的新EP(迷你專輯)要在Christmas的推出

  這張迷你專輯收錄有五首歌其中三首以前錄過它們是"Christmas Time" "Reggae Christmas" "Merry Christmas"另二首是新歌其中之一是"Must Be Santa",一首1960年就寫好的歌,Bob Dylan2009年曾翻唱過另一首歌名"Joe and Mary",它的MV最近會推出

  Adams很高興推出這張迷你專輯,他表示能錄新歌與拍MV 'Joe and Mary.'很有趣,我很希望歌迷能儘快看到這個作品和聽聽那幾首經典聖誕歌曲

     搖滾樂手Bryan Adams是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第74名的知名歌星,走紅於1980-1990年代,Adams195911月出生於加拿大安大略省,1976-1977年是Sweeney Todd合唱團的主唱,工作夥伴Jim Vallance是他很好的作曲搭檔。

    Bryan Adams在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1991年獲得七周排行榜冠軍的" (Everything I Do)I Do It For You",而1985Bryan Adams版的聖誕歌曲"Christmas Time"也是他很受歡迎的歌。

(Everything I Do) I Do It for You
Songwriters: Bryan Adams / Michael Arnold Kamen / Robert John Lange

Look into my eyes
You will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart
Search your soul
And when you find me there
You'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
Look into your heart
You will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am
Take my life
I would give it all
I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
There's no love
Like your love
And no other
Could give more love
There's nowhere
Unless you're there
All the time
All the way, yeah
Look into your heart, baby
Oh you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more
Yeah, I would fight for you
I lie for you
Walk the wire for you
Yeah, I'd die for you
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
Everything I do, darling
And we'll see it through
Oh we'll see it through
Oh yeah
Look into your heart
Look at your soul
You can't tell me it ain't worth dying for
Oh yeah
I'll be there, yeah
I'll walk the wire for you
I will die for you
Oh yeah
I would die for you
I'm going all the way, all they way, yeah

2019年11月14日 星期四

The Monkees-I'm A Believer

  The Monkees團員Micky Dolenz Mike Nesmith宣布2020年巡迴演唱的日程,他們也同時推出第一張現場專輯。
   "An Evening with The Monkees"巡迴演唱會四月3日將從加拿大溫哥華起跑目前計畫四月26日在納許維爾辦一場演唱會入場券和貴賓套票1115日本周五就要開賣,歌迷們買票的時候會收到一張CD 或數位拷貝,這張 The Monkees -- The Mike & Micky Show Live 專輯四月3日會出片,專輯裡有24位演唱者在今年(2019)三月Nesmith and Dolenz's recent The Monkees Present: The Mike and Micky Show 巡迴演唱裡的歌,這些歌有The Monkees出道50年期間受歡迎作品,還有一些經典之作也有他們2016 年專輯Good Times裡的幾首歌

  這張難得的專輯裡有二首 Monkees 早期的作品"St. Matthew" "Auntie's Municipal Court"1960年代他們全盛時期所錄的從來沒有現場演唱過

  The Monkees -- The Mike & Micky Show LiveMonkees的長期管理人Andrew Sandova製作Nesmith的兒子Christian,巡迴演唱時他也在樂隊中。

  The Monkees合唱團1965年成立於洛杉磯團員是哥倫比亞電視劇集選秀會400 名應徵者裡選出來的團員包括吉他手Davy Jones(2012年因心肌梗塞去世)、吉他手Mike Nesmith、貝斯手Peter Tork、鼓手Micky Dolenz ,他們也都擔任演唱部分。

  The Monkees TV Show 1966-1968年一共播出58集 ,他們同時推出四張專輯唱片都獲得專輯榜冠軍,停留在專輯排行榜上共37周,是1967Hot 100冠軍樂團。

  The Monkees在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1966年底推出的7周冠軍曲I'm A Believer,而1966年沒有出過單曲唱片的I Wanna Be Free,則是一首令人懷念的歌謠MV以懷念已故團員Davy Jones為題,頗為傳神。

I'm a Believer
 Songwriters: Neil Diamond

I thought love was only true in fairy tales
Meant for someone else but not for me
Love was out to get me
That's the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all of my dreams
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
I'm in love, and I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried
I thought love was more or less a giving thing
The more I gave the less I got oh yeah
What's the use in tryin'
All you get is pain
When I wanted sunshine I got rain
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
I'm in love, I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried
What's the use of trying
All you get is pain
When I wanted sunshine I got rain
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
I'm in love, I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
Now I'm a believer, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Now I'm a believer
Then I saw her face
Now I'm a believer
Not a trace, of doubt in my mind

2019年11月7日 星期四

Genesis-Invisible Touch

band前衛搖滾合唱團,原創團員是主唱Peter Gabriel,吉他手
Anthony Pillips,鍵琴手Tony Banks,吉他及貝斯手Mike Rutherford
鼓手Chris Stewart

1970年連換三名最後找來了Phil Collins1975連主唱Peter
Gabriel也離團單飛Phil Collins頂替了他的位置使歌路朝流行

  Genesis 第一首 top 20的歌是1980年得到第14名的
Misunderstanding1983年得到第6名的That’s  All則是第一首top

  1986Genesis推出一張專輯Invisible Touch在專輯排行榜獲得
過第3其中的單曲Invisible Touch(#1)Throwing It All
Away(#4) Land of Confusion(#4) Tonight, Tonight, Tonight(#3) In
Too Deep(#3)五首歌都進Billboard Hot 100排行榜top 5,是一張很成

  Genesis最風光的1986年,Phil Collins也個人推出一首得到第七
名的Take Me Home,和聲找Peter GabrielSting搭配,歌唱事業

Invisible Touch
Songwriters: Anthony George Banks / Phillip David Charles Collins / Michael Rutherford

Well I've been waiting, waiting here so long
But thinking nothing, nothing could go wrong, but now I know
She has a built in ability
To take everything she sees
And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her.
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
She reaches in, grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart.
I don't really know her, I only know her name
But she crawls under your skin, you're never quite the same, and now I know
She's got something you just can't trust
It's something mysterious
And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her.
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
She reaches in, grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart.
She don't like losing, to her it's still a game
Though she'll mess up your life, you'll want her just the same, now I know
She has a built in ability
To take everything she sees
And now it seems I've fallen, fallen for her.
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
She reaches in, grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart.

Sergio Mendes -Never Gonna Let You Go

巴西音樂傳奇人物Sergio Mendes 去世,享年 83 歲     他的家人 證實,格萊美獎得主巴西音樂家 Sergio Mendes 去世,他 以 Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66 合唱團名 在美國 的流行音樂市場闖出了知名度 。   ...