2021年11月24日 星期三

Ed Sheeran - Perfect Duet (with Beyoncé)


  Beyonce 超越Allison Krauss成為獲獎最多次的女歌星,Taylor Swift成為唯一四次獲得年度專輯獎歌星也是第三次獲得年度專輯獎的女歌星,H.E.R以“I Cant Breathe”得到年度歌曲獎,Billie Eilish以“Everything I Wanted”獲得年度唱片獎,Megan Thee Stallion則以第一位女性饒舌歌手獲得本世紀最佳新人獎。

  Beyonce本名Beyonce Knowles1981年出生於德州休士頓,是一位R&B歌手作曲演員,原為Destiny’s Child合唱團的團員,妹妹Solange與先生J-Z都是圈內名人,Beyonce J-Z夫妻檔曾於2018年以The Carters名出過唱片Beyonce也演過The Pink Pantherd 粉紅豹等幾部電影

  2017年,Beyonce曾與英籍Pop- rock歌星Ed Sheeran合作過一首“Perfect” Ed Sheeran的個人版“Perfect”Billboard Hot 100排行榜上獲得連續6周冠軍。






I found a love for me

Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me


'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes you're holding mine


Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favourite song

When you said you looked a mess

I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it,

Darling, you look perfect tonight


Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a love to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own


We are still kids but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes


Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favourite song

When I saw you in that dress

Looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this

Darling, you look perfect tonight


No, no, no


Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favourite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

2021年11月18日 星期四

The Beatles-Come Together

 John Lennon為何因Come Together這一首歌被告?

  他被告的原因是因為剽竊Chuck Berry的歌

  Chuck Berry在這一首“You Can’t Catch Me”即興重複彈奏搖滾吉它,在“Come Together”歌中Lennon用較慢一點節奏仿裝,但歌詞卻惹了麻煩。

  “Come Together“歌詞裡的“Here come old Flattop he come groovin’ up slowly….”You Can’t Catch Me“歌詞裡的“Here come a flattop, he was movin’ up with me……”太接近了

  事實上Paul McCartney曾說過,在錄音的時候他感覺有一點用到Chuck Berry的歌詞,他和製作人George Martin 有一點抗拒,但是John Lennon沒有拿掉的意思,所以就那樣錄了

  四年後Chuck Berry作品持有者Morris LevyLennon竊用歌詞提起訴訟,他們後來庭外和解,John Lennon答應錄三首Levy擁有的歌給他,雖然和解內容有一點爭辯,但最後達成協議,John錄了“Ya Ya”“You Can’t Catch Me”二首歌並上市發行,還準備推出“Angel Baby”,可是後來沒有成事,因為John Lennon遇刺身亡

  雖然有些法律糾紛,但你必須承認“Come Together”如果沒有那一句開場白就不一樣了

  The Beatles 批頭合唱團“Come Together”19691118日和“Something”一起推出(小唱片正反面),都獲得Billboard Hot 100排行榜冠軍,“Come Together”也是滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜第205名的名曲




Come Together

The Beatles

Songwriters: Lennon John Winston / Mccartney Paul James


Here come old flat top

He come grooving up slowly

He got joo joo eyeball

He one holy roller

He got hair down to his knee

Got to be a joker he just do what he please

He wear no shoe shine

He got toe jam football

He got monkey finger

He shoot Coca-Cola

He say I know you, you know me

One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come together, right now, over me

He bag production

He got walrus gumboot

He got Ono sideboard

He one spinal cracker

He got feet down below his knee

Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease

Come together, right now, over me

He roller coaster

He got early warning

He got muddy water

He one mojo filter

He say, "one and one and one is three"

Got to be good looking 'cause he's so hard to see

Come together, right now, over me


Come together, yeah

Come together, yeah

Come together, yeah

Come together, yeah

Come together, yeah

Come together, yeah

Come together, yeah


Come together, yeah

Come together, yeah

2021年11月11日 星期四

George Harrison-Something

George Harrison的老家將拍賣

  George Harrison童年時住的房子1130日要拍賣,按照拍賣公司提供的資料,Harrison全家1950年搬到那裏,他當年才6歲,一直住到1962年。

  在那段期間這位Beatles的吉他手與他的隊友Paul McCartneyJohn Lennon常在那兒練唱。


  George Harrison 1943年出生於英格蘭利物浦。13歲時組了他第一個合唱團the Rebels1958年加入Paul McCartneyJohn LennonThe Quarrymen合唱團,那就是後來的天團The Beatles披頭合唱團。

  George Harrison 1971年於紐約麥迪遜花園廣場舉辦救援孟加拉災民演唱會,後來成為超級巨星合唱團Traveling Wilburys的一員。該團假裝用一個兄弟合唱團名義出唱片,實際上是George HarrisonBob DylanELO的主唱Jeff LynnRoy OrbisonTom Petty這幾個大牌歌星共同的組合。

  George Harrison在披頭合唱團時期所主唱最有名的歌有 "Something""While My Guitar Gently Weeps""Here Comes The Sun"2001年因喉癌去世(58)2015年獲頒Grammy終生成就獎。

  "Something"The Beatles 1969年的冠軍曲,BMI全美最常播放歌曲榜第17名的歌。





The Beatles, George Harrison

Songwriters: George Harrison


Something in the way she moves

Attracts me like no other lover

Something in the way she woos me

I don't want to leave her now

You know I believe and how

Somewhere in her smile she knows

That I don't need no other lover

Something in her style that shows me

I don't want to leave her now

You know I believe and how

You're asking me will my love grow

I don't know, I don't know

You stick around, now it may show

I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she knows

And all I have to do is think of her

Something in the things she shows me

I don't want to leave her now

You know I believe and how


2021年11月4日 星期四

Carole King-Will You Love Me Tomorrow

 Taylor Swift協助Carole King進入搖滾樂名人堂

  已經成了超級巨星的Taylor Swift推薦Carole Kingsolo artist獨唱歌手身份進入搖滾樂名人堂。

  Swift同時也正式宣告第36屆搖滾樂名人堂頒獎典禮晚會致敬歌曲是Carole King的名曲"Will You Love Me Tomorrow"?

  談到Carole King 的暢銷專輯〈Tapestry〉,Swift表示對世界上有情感的人來說那是一個分水嶺,對夢想有一天能登上標誌性專輯封面的貓來說也是如此

  Carole King早前已經與她前夫Gerry Goffin一同進入搖滾樂名人堂,他倆寫的名曲有"The Loco-Motion" "One Fine Day" "Will You Love Me Tomorrow"?

  Carole King感謝Swift,她感覺Swift是流行歌唱界的接棒人,Swift就像她專業上的孫女,King也向Goffin及其它支持者致意。

  除了Carole Kin以外,Jay-ZTodd RundgrenTina TurnerThe Go-Go'sFoo Fighters也同時進入本屆搖滾樂名人堂。

  "Will You Love Me Tomorrow"有很多人翻唱,名次最好的是1961年由Shirelles所唱獲得排行榜冠軍的版本。






Will You Love Me Tomorrow

Songwriters: Carole King / Gerry Goffin


Tonight you're mine completely
You give your love so sweetly
Tonight the light of love is in your eyes
But will you love me tomorrow?

Is this a lasting treasure
Or just a moment's pleasure?
Can I believe the magic of your sighs?
Will you still love me tomorrow?

Tonight with words unspoken
You say that I'm the only one
But will my heart be broken
When the night meets the morning sun?

I'd like to know that your love
Is love I can be sure of
So tell me now, and I won't ask again
Will you still love me tomorrow?
So tell me now, and I won't ask again
Will you still love me tomorrow?
Will you still love me tomorrow


Sergio Mendes -Never Gonna Let You Go

巴西音樂傳奇人物Sergio Mendes 去世,享年 83 歲     他的家人 證實,格萊美獎得主巴西音樂家 Sergio Mendes 去世,他 以 Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66 合唱團名 在美國 的流行音樂市場闖出了知名度 。   ...