2024年5月30日 星期四

Led Zeppelin-Going To California


搖滾史上最好的一首歌的歌詞是什麼? Led Zeppelin的Going To California




Led Zeppelin的團員Robert Plant 1975 年告訴《滾石》雜誌「我在歌詞上投入了大量精力」,像Black Dog’這樣的作品就像讓我們在浴室裡做吧」這類的歌,但它們的觀點是一樣的。在他們以古代北歐字母命名的第四張專輯中,Led Zeppelin Black Dog’的粗俗與Plant在不可避免的史詩民歌Stairway to Heaven中最具詩意的歌詞相匹配而吉他手Jimmy Page則從When the Levee Breaks”當堤壩決堤時的藍調啟示錄轉向曼陀林驅動的Battle of Evermore「永恆之戰」Page後來承認「聽起來像是一首繞著五月節花柱跳舞的歌曲」。

Led Zeppelin是創於英格蘭的Hard-rock Band  重搖滾樂團 1975 Robert Plant 27 Jimmy Page 31 歲, John Paul Jones 29 歲,今已年近古稀,但在搖滾樂史上留下難忘的回憶。

Led Zeppelin 1971年推出的第四張專輯在Billboard專輯榜獲得第2,其中單曲Black Dog’獲得15,但是沒有推出單曲的Stairway to Heaven獲得RSO500#31的佳績Going To California 更是是歌迷們必聽的一首不能錯過的歌。

(20) Led Zeppelin - Going To California (Live at Earls Court 1975) [Official Video] – YouTube


John Paul Jones把這首歌變成了天堂。 他在 Led Zeppelin的工作應該得到更多的讚譽。 殺手樂團。 再也不會有像他們這樣的人了。

Going To California

by Led Zeppelin

Spent my days with a woman unkind
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine
Made up my mind to make a new start
Going to California with an aching in my heart
Someone told me there's a girl out there
With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair

Took my chances on a big jet plane
Never let 'em tell you that they're all the same
Oh, the sea was red and the sky was grey
Wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today
The mountains and the canyons start to tremble and shake
As the children of the sun began to awake
Watch out

Seems that the wrath of the gods
Got a punch on the nose and it started to flow
I think I might be sinking
Throw me a line, if I reach it in time
I'll meet you up there where the path runs straight and high

To find a queen without a king
They say she plays guitar and cries and sings
La la la la
Ride a white mare in the footsteps of dawn
Tryin' to find a woman who's never, never, never been born
Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams
Telling myself it's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems

2024年5月23日 星期四

Paul McCartney - Carl Perkins/My Old Friend


哪首歌對 Paul McCartney 保羅麥卡尼有特殊意義?

事實上,就在John Lennon被謀殺幾週後,搖滾樂傳奇人物Carl Perkins來到Paul Linda 位於Montserrat 蒙特塞拉特的家中拜訪他們。

McCartney 創作並演唱了他新創作的 “My Old Friend”《我的老朋友》,並解釋說這是邀請他作為客人的禮物。



停止了演奏。Linda 擁抱了他。感謝他幫助Paul 度過悲傷。

John Lennon
Paul McCartney說的最後一句話是”Think about me now and then, old friend”……「時不時想想我,老朋友」……。

My Old FriendCarl Perkins1981 年參與錄製Paul McCartney專輯《Tug Of War》時創作的歌曲。 Carl Perkins應保羅的邀請前往蒙特塞拉特,並在那裡錄製了專輯。 並參與了保羅的歌曲“Get It”。 他在那裡待了八天

Carl Perkins 出身Rockabilly歌手、作曲、吉他手,是搖滾樂早期開創性人物(1932-1998)。成名曲Blue Suede Shoes是滾石雜誌RS500#95的經典歌曲。


這首歌在Billboard 單曲榜獲得第2名,鄉村歌曲榜獲得3周冠軍。


Paul McCartney John Lennon的最好友誼致敬的MV。 關於披頭四網站上的這首歌:琳達·麥卡尼解釋說,上次PaulJohn交談時,他對Paul說了同樣的話,時不時地想想我,我的老朋友。 ........ 他們永遠是最好的朋友和兄弟。

My Old Friend

On the Isle of Montserrat

No I never shall forget
Just a country boy
A guitar and a song

You invited me in
And you've treated me like king
And you've given me
A reason to go on

My old friend
Thanks for inviting me in
My old friend
May this goodbye
Never mean the end

If we never meet again
This side of life
In a little while
Over yonder

Where it's peace and quiet
My old friend
Won't you think about me
Every now and then

You might also like

If I told you how I feel
Oh, it wouldn't sound so real
'Cause emotions
They are just now setting in

But it sure is great to know
That wherever we may go
We can always be
The best of friends

My old friend
Thanks for inviting me in
My old friend
May this goodbye
Never mean the end

And if we never meet again
This side of life
In a little while
Over yonder

Where it's peace and quiet
My old friend
Won't you think about me
Every now and then

And I'll think about you
My old friend

2024年5月16日 星期四

Joss Stone - I Put A Spell On You

 搖滾樂手吉他大師Jeff Beck 2023 年元月10日去世,享年78歲(我在2023年2月2日曾報導過Jeff Beck之生平)▫ 在他去世後,生前的好友Eric Clapton在當年五月22 日於倫敦舉辦了追禱演唱會, 參加者眾星雲集, 除了Eric Clapton外,還有Johnny Depp,John McLaughlin,Rod Stewart,Ronnie Wood ▫ 另外還有一位英國創作女歌手歌路近R&B及白人藍調搖滾的Joss Stone,因為她的歌唱生涯都在英國,台灣歌迷較少聽到他的名字,但初度聽到她的歌聲卻頗為驚艷 ▫ Joss Stone 在紀念會中唱了一首 Screamin' Jay Hawkins的老歌I Put A Spell On You,乍聽以為Janis Joplin再世 。

  Screamin' Jay Hawkins本名Jalacy J. Hawkins,1929 年 7 月 18 日出生於俄亥俄州克利夫蘭,於 2000 年 2 月 12 日死於動脈瘤(70 歲),是一位前拳擊冠軍,他以在舞台表演中使用的奇異滑稽動作和道具而聞名。

  1956 年他以 I Put A Spell On You「我對你施了咒語」成名,先後進入搖滾樂名人堂及獲得滾石雜誌 RS500 排行榜第 313名,是一位R&B歌手、作曲及鋼琴手。

  Janis Joplin 1943年 1月 出生於德州,1970 年 10 月 4 日死於海洛因過量(27 歲), 綽號“Pearl”。Joplin 2005 年獲頒葛萊美終生成就獎,樂評人將它定位於  white blues-rock 白人藍調搖滾,Joss Stone 其實歌路與Janis Joplin 相近。

Joss Stone 在紀念會中唱的 I Put A Spell On You,有人讚美她是 Janis Joplin第二,也有人認為只是模仿得好而已,都對,我覺得 因為Screamin' Jay Hawkins 的版本較早,Joss Stone 學的是他 ,其餘歌曲她有不同的唱法。


他在 RS500 排行榜原來排名320,後來還升到第 313名,可見其受歡迎程度。 I Put A Spell On You 有很多人翻唱,包括Nina  Simone、CCR 及 Annie Lennox 是電影「格雷的五十道陰影」插曲。


打赤腳在台上唱歌是Joss Stone 演唱的特色之一。

I Put A Spell On You

作詞/作曲:Jay Hawkins

I put a spell on you Because you're mine Stop the things you do Watch out

I ain't lyin'

Yeah, I can't stand No runnin' around I can't stand

No put me down

I put a spell on you

Because you're mine, ohh yeah

Stop the things you do Watch out

I ain't lyin' Ohh, oh

I love you I love you

I love you, anyhow

I don't care if you don't want me I'm yours right now

I put a spell on you Because you're mine

Ohh, oh, whoa, ooh, ah

2024年5月9日 星期四

Jeff Lynne's ELO-Evil Woman

     Electric Light Orchestra 在英國伯明罕成立,樂評人將他們定位於為 Orchestral rock「 管弦樂搖滾」,創團成員來自前 The Move 合唱團的三名成員,他們是 Wood、Bev Bevan 和 Jeff Lynne, Wood 在第一張專輯發行後離開 ELD,Lynne 成為樂隊的領導者 ,直到 1986 年,ELO 的三名主要成員是:主唱、吉他手、鍵盤手 Jeff Lynne 、鼓手 Roy Wood 及鍵琴手、吉他手 Richard Tandy 。Jeff Lynne 曾經是超級樂團 Traveling Wilburys 的成員,長期擔任貝斯手的 Kelly Groucutt 於 2009 年 2 月 19 日因心臟病去世(享年 63 歲)。

    2017 年 Electric Light Orchestra 獲選進入搖滾樂名人堂。他們是歷年暢銷歌星合唱團排行榜獲得 135 名的受歡迎樂團。他們在排行榜名次最好的歌是 1977 年獲得第 7 名的 Telephone Line。

    偽裝成兄弟樂團的超級團體 Traveling Wilburys 由 Nelson (George Harrison)、Lucky幸運兒(Bob Dylan) ,Otis (Jeff Lynne of ELO) , Lefty 左撇子(Roy Orbison)及 Charlie T. Junior(Tom Petty)等人組成。1988-89 年該團在歌壇掀起一波漣漪,但沒有 Top 40 的暢銷曲。

    Jeff Lynne 的 ELO 在 2010 年代後期強化了他們管弦樂搖滾的弦樂伴奏,早期他們大提琴演奏的二位女將頗受人注目,後來則以小提琴的過場受到歌迷們歡迎。


2018 年 8 月 24 日,Jeff Lynne 在美國賓夕法尼亞州費城富國銀行中心舉行的 ELO LIVE 演唱會,這是當年美國巡演的最後一場,樂團和觀眾都充滿了活力。 Jeff Lynne's ELO 的 Livin Thing 是 1977 年獲得第 7 名的歌。


Jeff Lynne's ELO - Evil Woman 是他們 1975 年獲得第 10 名的歌。Jeff Lynne 目前仍在歌壇活躍 。

Evil Woman

作詞/作曲:Jeff Lynne

You made a fool of me

But them broken dreams have got to end

Hey, woman, you got the blues 'Cause you ain't got no one else to use

There's an open road that leads nowhere

So just make some miles between here and there There's a hole in my head where the rain comes in 

You took my body and played to win

Ha, ha, woman, it's a cryin' shame

But you ain't got nobody else to blame

Evil woman Evil woman

Evil woman Evil woman

Rolled in from another town

Hit some gold, too hard to settle down

But a fool and his money soon go separate ways And you found a fool lyin' in a daze

Ha, ha, woman, what you gonna do?

You destroyed all the virtues that the Lord gave you It's so good that you're feelin' pain

But you better get your face on board the very next train (train)

Evil woman Evil woman

Evil woman (you're an evil woman) Evil woman

Evil woman Evil woman

Evil woman (you're an evil woman) Evil woman

Evil woman, how you done me wrong

But now you're tryin' to wail a different song Ha, ha, funny, how you broke me up

You made the wine, now you drink a cup I came runnin' every time you cried Thought I saw love 

smilin' in your eyes Ha, ha, very nice to know

That you ain't got no place left to go

Evil woman Evil woman

Evil woman (you're an evil woman) Evil woman

Evil woman

Evil woman (you're an evil woman) Evil woman (such an evil woman) Evil woman (you're an evil woman) 

Evil woman (such an evil woman)

2024年5月2日 星期四

Beatles-Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

 有哪些 Beatles 披頭四的歌曲歌詞複雜又有意義?

Beatles 以其永恆的音樂而聞名,這些音樂感動了世界各地數百萬人的心,以下是其中他們的二首歌歌詞複雜而有意義的歌曲:

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds《鑽石天空中的露西》:這首歌是 John Lennon 創作的 psychedelic 

迷幻樂風傑作,歌詞超現實且夢幻,涉及想像力、創造力和人類狀況等主題。這首歌收錄在 Beatles 1967 年專輯《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club 

Band》之中沒有推出單曲,但是很受歌迷喜愛,而 Elton John 於 1974 年底推出的單曲則獲得二周排行榜冠軍。

Across the Universe《穿越宇宙》:這首歌由 John Lennon 創作,是他最美麗的作品之一,歌詞充滿詩意和哲理,涉及愛、和平和靈性等主題。 這首歌也是 The Beatles 



副歌“Jai Guru Deva Om”是一句咒語,旨在讓心平靜下來進入更高的意識。的“oooohm”是冥想中使用的拉長的“oooohm”,與宇宙的自然振動有關。


John Lennon 的兒子 Julian 以一幅幼兒園畫作為這首歌的靈感,他稱之為"Lucy – in the sky with diamonds"「露西


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

作詞/作曲:John Lennon / Paul Mccartney

Picture yourself in a boat on a river

With tangerine trees and marmalade skies Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly A girl with 

kaleidoscope eyes

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green Towering over your head

Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes And she's gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Ah

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain

Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers

That grow so incredibly high

Newspaper taxis appear on the shore Waiting to take you away

Climb in the back with your head in the clouds And you're gone

Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Ah

Picture yourself on a train in a station

With plasticine porters with looking glass ties Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile The girl 

with the kaleidoscope eyes

Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Ah

Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Ah

Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lucy in the sky with diamonds

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...