2012年9月30日 星期日

Motown製作人Frank Wilson去世

黑人音樂的大本營Motown摩城唱片的作曲人與製作人Frank Wilson927因攝護腺癌不幸去世(71歲),他帶給歌迷們的好歌有the Supremes "Love Child""Up The Ladder To The Roof"Eddie Kendricks"Keep On Truckin'"

"Love Child"這首歌是1968年獲得過2週冠軍的一首很好聽的歌,由當年很紅的Dianna Ross領銜推出,"Up The Ladder To The Roof"則於1970年獲得第10名,是Dianna Ross離開the Supremes單飛之後,Supremes第一首排行榜前十名的歌,Kendricks"Keep On Truckin'"則於1973年獲得過2週冠軍。

the Supremes好歌極多,在歷年暢銷歌星與合唱團排行榜獲得第24名。


Love Child



You think that I don't feel love,
What I feel for you is real love.
In other's eyes I see reflected a hurt, scorned, rejected.
Love Child, never meant to be,
Love Child, born in poverty,
Love Child, never meant to be,
Love Child, take a look at me.

I started my life in an old, cold, rundown tenement slum.
My father left, he never even married Mom.
I shared the guilt my mama knew,
So afraid that others knew I had no name.

This love we're contemplating, is worth the pain of waiting.
We'll only end up hating the child we may be creating.
Love Child, never meant to be,
Love Child, by society,
Love Child, never meant to be,
Love Child, diff'rent from the rest.
Hold on, Whoa.

I started school in a worn, torn, dress that somebody threw out.
I knew the way it was to always live in doubt,
To be without the simple things,
So afraid my friends could see the guilt in me.
Don't think I don't need you,
Don't think I don't want to please you.
No child of mine'll be bearing the name of shame I've been wearin'.

Love Child, never quite as good,
(I'll always love you.)
Love Child, misunderstood.
(I'll always love you.)
Love Child, never quite as good,
(I'll always love you.)
Love Child, misunderstood.
(I'll always love you.)


2012年9月27日 星期四

Andy Williams因膀胱癌去世

受到全世界歌迷喜愛的抒情歌星Andy Williams九月26日星期三因膀胱癌在米蘇里州Branson的家裡去世了(84歲),Andy Williams1962 年至 1967年主持NBC電視綜藝節目,也是每年聖誕節特別節目的主持人,他在流行歌曲排行榜有27首排行榜前40名的暢銷曲。

Andy Williams 1928年出生於愛阿華州的Wall Lake,早年和三位兄弟組過一個合唱團,他們1944年初次踏進唱片界時是幫名歌星Bing Crosby伴唱,1953Andy開始個人的歌唱事業,1956年終於以Canadian Sunset這首第7名的暢銷曲成名,Andy Williams後來推出過不少受歡迎的歌曲,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第52名。

很有趣的是Andy Williams最有名的歌是Moon Rive,他卻從沒有發行過單曲,這首歌是奧黛莉赫本主演的電影「第凡內早餐」的插曲,1962年獲得奧斯卡獎與Grammy年度歌曲獎。

Andy Williams1970年代主持過多屆的Grammy音樂獎,奧斯門兄弟的合唱團從他的電視節目發跡,後來才有唐尼與瑪麗兄妹的走紅,80歲的他曾到台北小巨蛋開過演唱會,雖然歌聲已不復當年,但還吸引了滿場的台灣歌迷。


Moon Rive



Moon river, wider than a mile

 I'm crossing you in style some day

 Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker

 Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way


Two drifters, off to see the world

 There's such a lot of world to see

 We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend

 My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me


(moon river, wider than a mile

 (I'm crossin' you in style some day

 Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker

 Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way


Two drifters, off to see the world

 There's such a lot of world to see

 We're after that same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the


 My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me

2012年9月25日 星期二

Ventures 的吉他手重病

Ventures 的吉他手 Nokie Edwards九月中旬身體出了狀況當時他們正在日本進行一個月之久的巡迴演出Nokie因充血性心力衰竭陷入昏迷,經過急救後目前還在仙台一所醫院掛氧氣療養中,現年已77歲的Nokie Edwards 1998年曾做過血管造影,2009年則有過心臟病發紀錄。


The Ventures是歷年暢銷歌星與合唱團排行榜第441名的樂團,2008年獲選進入搖滾樂名人堂,他門的成名曲是1960年第2名的Walk Don't Run,但另外一首大家耳熟能詳的名曲則是1969年第4名,電視影集「檀島警騎」的主題曲Hawaii Five-O

Jack Lord主演的CBS電視影集「檀島警騎」,自1969年至1980年共播出12季,當年在台灣也極受歡迎,2010年新「檀島警騎」製播,主題曲依然沒改變,這一影集的成功,由Morton Stevens所寫Ventures演奏的主題曲居功厥偉。



2012年9月20日 星期四



十月22日的這一場演出是這個民謠搖滾樂團2012年冗長巡迴演唱的告別演出,在這場演唱會的第二單元,他們會演唱1969年與他們合唱團同名專輯中的歌,那張專輯是這個合唱團的處女作,其中有他們經典之作如:Suite:Judy Blue Eyes,Marrakesh Express,Guinnevere與Long Time Gone,CNS從來沒有現場演出過整張專輯。

團員之一的Graham Nash表示;我們在今年的巡迴演唱行程中感到很愉快,我們覺得沒有更好的方法比在最後一場演唱會中唱我們第一張專輯唱片的歌來為2012年的巡迴演唱劃下句點更好了。


Crosby,Stills&Nash三名團員是David Crosby,Stephen Stills 與Graham Nash,David Crosby曾是The Byrds的團員,Stephen Stills來自The Buffalo Springfield,Graham Nash則是The Hollies的要角,另一位Buffalo Springfield的團員Neil Young也參加過CNS(1970-1974)。

Crosby,Stills&Nash在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1977年第7名的Just A Song Before I Go。

Just A Song Before I Go



Just a song before I go

To whom it may concern

Traveling twice the speed of sound

It's easy to get burned

When the shows were over

We had to get back home

And when we opened up the door

I had to be alone

She helped me with my suitcase

She stands before my eyes

Driving me to the airport

And to the friendly skies

Going through security

I held her for so long

She finally looked at me in love

And she was gone

Just a song before I go

A lesson to be learned

Traveling twice the speed of sound

It's easy to get burned

2012年9月13日 星期四

James Taylor準備出最後一張專輯

民謠搖滾歌星James Taylor說他計明年多花一些時間在新專輯上,那可能是他最後一張專輯唱片,在滾石雜誌的訪問中,他說:我現在已經64歲了,這張專輯推出的時候我就65歲了,那將是10年來我製作的唯一一張原創歌曲專輯。

對於這張專輯的進度,James Taylor說他已經不同程度的完成了九首歌,他告訴滾石雜誌,他好像在製作一張標準專輯,也將錄一些外國語進去。

至於這張專輯的走向,James Taylor說應該和歌迷們習慣的歌路差不多,他不會做太大的改變,而僅慢慢的進化,他回頭從自我的強烈思緒中取得共鳴。

James Taylor接著二個月沒有音樂方面的計 ,他將參 一些歐巴馬總統的競選連任活動,長期支持民主黨的這位流行歌手,上周還在北卡羅來納州Charlotte的民主黨全國黨代表大會裡做16分鐘的表演。

James Taylor 1948出生於波士頓,父親曾是北卡羅來納州大學醫學院院長,他的兄弟KateLivingston和妹妹Kate都從事歌唱事業,James Taylor 1971年以You’ve Got A Friend一曲成名,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第192名,1972-1983年,James Taylor與唱紅You're So VainCarly Simon曾經是一對令人稱羨的歌壇佳偶。


Youve got a friendJames Taylor


When youre down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
to brighten up even your darkest nights

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
ll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer, or fall
All you have to do is call
and I
ll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah
ve got a friend

If the sky above you
should turn dark and full of clouds
And that cold north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together and call my name out loud
And soon I will be knocking upon your door
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
ll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
all you got to do is call
and I
ll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey, aint it good to know that youve got a friend?
People can be so cold
ll hurt you and desert you
Well they
ll take your soul if you let them
Oh yeah, but don
t you let them

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
ll come running to see you again
Oh babe, don
t you know that
Winter, spring, summer or fall
Hey now, all you
ve got to do is call
Lord, I
ll be there, yes I will
ve got a friend
ve got a friend
t it good to know you
ve got a friend
t it good to know you
ve got a friend
ve got a friend


2012年9月8日 星期六

玫瑰園作者Joe South去世

作曲人與鄉村流行歌手Joe South九月5日不幸去世(72歲),由他作曲而由Lynn Anderson唱紅的(I Never Promised You A) Rose Garden和自己唱紅的Games People Play曾經非常受到歌迷們的喜歡。

Joe South出生於喬治亞州亞特蘭大,本名Joseph Souter,當他還是一個青少年的時候就開始寫歌了,同時還在唱片公司的樂隊彈吉他,他參加過Aretha Franklin的歌Chain of FoolsBob Dylan的專輯Blonde On Blonde Tommy RoeSheila這些名歌的錄音工作,1969Joe終於以Games People Play獲得12名而於流行歌壇成名。

Joe South其它知名作品有1970年的Walk A Mile In My ShoesBilly Joe RoyalDown In The BoondocksDeep PurpleHush

Joe 1979年獲選進入鄉村歌曲之都納許維爾的作曲家名人堂,2003年則進入喬治亞音樂名人堂。

Games People Play這首歌於1969年獲得Grammy年度歌曲獎。


Games People Play

Joe South


Oh the games people play now
Every night and every day now
Never meaning what they say now
Never saying what they mean

And they wile away the hours
In their ivory towers
Till they're covered up with flowers
In the back of a black limousine

La-da da da da da da da
La-da da da da da de
Talking 'bout you and me
And the games people play

Oh we make one another cry
Break a heart then we say goodbye
Cross our hearts and we hope to die
That the other was to blame

Neither one will give in

So we gaze at our eight by ten
Thinking 'bout the things that might have been
It's a dirty rotten shame


People walking up to you
Singing glory hallelulia
And they're tryin to sock it to you
In the name of the Lord

They're gonna teach you how to meditate
Read your horoscope, cheat your faith
And further more to hell with hate
Come on and get on board


Look around tell me what you see
What's happening to you and me
God grant me the serenity
To remember who I am

Cause you've given up your sanity
For your pride and your vanity
Turns you sad on humanity
And you don't give a da da da da da


MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...