2013年4月19日 星期五

搖滾樂名人堂向Donna Summer致敬


 Heart是被提名進第28屆搖滾樂名人堂的合唱團,但意外的是他們的女主唱Ann Wilson開玩笑說他們的成就不需這項加持。

Ann最近曾對ABC記者表示他們超凡的成就本就有了, Ann與擔任吉它手的妹妹Nancy這些年來努力不懈,已在搖滾樂界站穩腳步。但Ann後來還是補充她的話說能提名進名人堂是非凡成就。

另外,本屆提名進名人堂的有已故迪斯可歌后Donna Summer,歌手兼作曲Randy Newman,加拿大搖滾樂團Rush,繞舌合唱團Public Enemy與藍調歌手Albet King

本屆搖滾樂名人堂典禮本週四晚於洛杉磯舉行,其中安排向Donna Summer致敬,現場將眾星雲集且由HBO錄影後擇期播出。

Donna Summe是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第49名的巨星,去年 517日病逝(63歲),她走紅於迪斯可音樂流行的1970年代後期與整個1980年代,名次最好的歌是1979年五週冠軍曲Bad Girls



Donna Summer
Bad girls
Talking about the sad girls
Sad girls
Talking About bad girls, yeah
See them out on the street at night, walkin'
Picking up on all kinds of strangers 
If the price is right
You can't score if you're pocket's tight
But you want a good time
You ask yourself who they are
Like everybody else, they come from near and far
Bad girls
Talking about the sad girls
Sad girls
Talking About bad girls, yeah
Friday night and the strip is hot
Sun's gone down and they're out to trot
Spirit's high and legs look hot
Do you wanna get down?
Now don't you ask yourself who they are?
Like everybody else, they wanna be a star
Now you and me we're both the same
But you call yourself by different names
Now your mama won't like it when she finds out
That her girl is out at night
Street talkin', street walkin'
Hey, mister, have you got a dime?
Mister, do you want to spent some time? Oh, yeah
I got what you want, you got what I need
I'll be your baby, come and spend it on me
Sad Girls, you such a dirty bad girl
Beep-Beep uh uh 
You bad girl you sad girl
you such a dirty bad girl
Beep-Beep uh uh




The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...