2013年5月5日 星期日

鄉村歌星George Jones去世

鄉村歌唱界傳奇歌星George Jones四月26日於田納西州納許維爾去世,之前他已告訴歌迷他患重病且血壓不正常。

81歲的George Jones166首歌進過鄉村歌曲排行榜,其中有十首冠軍曲,另外也有6首歌進入過流行歌曲排行榜,其中最為歌迷熟知的是1980年獲得Grammy鄉村男歌星獎,後來在滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜獲得第336名的"He Stopped Loving Her Today"

George Jones留給人的印象還有他和鄉村歌后Tammy Wynette的一段1969 1975年不穩定的婚姻Tammy Wynette綽號The First Lady Of Country Music暢銷曲很多,已於1998年去世)。另外George Jones的酗酒導致錯失很多場演唱會,讓他被人取了綽號  "No Show Jones"。而歌迷們亦珍藏他早年以Hank Smith Thumper Jones之名所錄的唱片。

George JonesTammy Wynette離婚後深受打擊,一直到1980年因為"He Stopped Loving Her Today"這首歌的成功才重新振作起來,1983年他和Nancy  Sepulvado再婚,讓他終於與酗酒和嗑藥說再見,George Jones1990年與MCA唱片公司簽約,並持續有新作推出,1992年獲選進入鄉村歌曲名人堂。

去年(2012)底 George Jones宣佈了他的告別演唱會計劃,他預訂於今年1122於納許維爾的Bridgestone Arena辦一場包括Kenny RogersCharlie DanielsRandy Travis等鄉村巨星參與的超級演唱會,可惜他無法參加了。

George Jones與太太Nancy相知相愛三十年,在George Jones離去之時和親友陪伴左右。


He Stopped Loving Her Today  

George Jones

Written by R. V. Braddock and C. Putman, Jr.

He said I'll love you 'til I die
She told him you'll forget in time
As the years went slowly by
She still preyed upon his mind

He kept her picture on his wall
Went half crazy now and then
He still loved her through it all
Hoping she'd come back again

Kept some letters by his bed
Dated 1962
He had underlined in red
Every single I love you

I went to see him just today
Oh but I didn't see no tears
All dressed up to go away
First time I'd seen him smile in years

He stopped loving her today
They placed a wreath upon his door
And soon they'll carry him away
He stopped loving her today

You know she came to see him one last time
Oh and we all wondered if she would
And it kept running through my mind
This time he's over her for good

(Repeat Chorus)



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