2014年1月23日 星期四

Captain & Tennille夫妻仍在一起

元月16日是Captain Tennille二重唱的Toni Tennille"Captain" Daryl Dragon夫妻離婚39年的日子,現年71 歲的Daryl73歲的Toni仍住在亞利桑那州的家,當年在記者面前Daryl似乎行動困難,可能患了帕金森氏病,所以有人猜想他們離婚是因為保險金的原因。
Daryl Dragon出生於洛杉磯,是知名指揮家Carmen Dragon的兒子,曾經在著名的The Beach Boys"海灘男孩"合唱團擔任過鍵琴樂手,他的外號"The Captain"就是The Beach Boys合唱團的團員Mike Love取的。
Captain Tennille1975年以Love Will Keep Us Together走紅,曾獲得4週排行榜冠軍的這首歌,也獲得當年Grammy年度唱片獎。Captain Tennille1976-1977年曾經在ABC電視網主持過自己的電視秀,他們的暢銷曲不少,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第266名。
Love Will Keep Us Together
The Captain & Tennille
Love, love will keep us together
Think of me babe whenever
Some sweet talkin' girl comes along, singin' a song
Don't mess around, you just gotta be strong
Just stop, 'cause I really love you
Stop, I been thinkin' of you
Look in my heart and let love keep us together
You (you, do do do) you belong to me now (do, do do do)
Ain't gonna set ya free now (do do do)
When those girls start hangin' around, talkin' me down
Hear with your heart and ya won't hear a sound
Just stop (stop, stop) cause I really love you (really love you)
Stop (stop, stop) I been thinkin' of you (been thinkin' of you)
Look in my heart and let love keep us together, whatever
Young and beautiful, but someday your looks'll be gone
When the others turn you off, who'll be turnin' you on
I will, I will, I will, I will be there to share forever
Love will keep us together
I said it before and I'll say it again
While others pretend
I need ya now and I need ya then
Just stop (stop) cause I really love you (really love you)
Stop (stop) I been thinkin' of you (been thinkin' of you)
Look in my heart and let love keep us together
Whatever (a-ba-da whatever)
I will (ever), I will (ever), I will (ever), I will (ahh)
(Da da da da, da da da da, da da da da)
You better stop (stop) cause I really love you (really love you)
Stop (stop) I been thinkin' of you (been thinkin' of you)
Look in my heart and let love keep us together
Whatever (a-ba-da whatever)
I will (ever), I will (ever), I will (ever), I will (ahh)
(Da da da da, da da da da, da da da da)
(Sedaka is back!)
(Da da da da, da da da da, da da da da)

2014年1月16日 星期四

百老匯推出Carole King音樂劇



Carole King的音樂劇Beautiful元月12日週日晚在紐約百老匯首映,媒体評論都是正面的。


紐約每日新聞報說:這些歌都很動聽,可惜的是一齣音樂劇不應只有音樂,這本書也很重要,這齣戲連結Carole King這位才華洋溢的小女子如何在圈內努力奮發的故事。




紐約時報說:…如果Beautiful沒能抓緊因為The Four Seasons合唱團音樂劇'Jersey Boys'走紅而帶來的機會,那也只是變成Carole King日後歌唱生涯的花絮而已。當扮演Carole KingJessie Mueller在卡內基廳佈景中,坐在鋼琴前演唱這劇的主題曲當壓軸時,她傳達的是你無法自點唱機感受到的那種感覺…。


娛樂週刊寫道:你也許沒法感受腳下地在振動(I Feel The Earth MoveCarole King名曲),但這一齣新的百老匯音樂劇顯示女性帶來的專業與愉悅。


然而美聯社說:從沒看過音樂劇的Carole King現在進百老匯了,她雖然走出早年的經驗但發現不容易承受,任何人如果叫Carole King可能都會有這種感覺,也許理由不同而已…。


Carole King 1942年出生於紐約布魯刻林區,1971年曾獲四座Grammy獎,是搖滾樂史上最成功的女性作曲人之一。




It's Too Late

Carole King


Stayed in bed all morning just to pass the time

There's something wrong here, there can be no denying

One of us is changing, or maybe we've stopped trying


And it's too late, baby, now it's too late

Though we really did try to make it

Something inside has died and I can't hide

And I just can't fake it


It used to be so easy living here with you

You were light and breezy and I knew just what to do

Now you look so unhappy, and I feel like a fool


And it's too late, baby, now it's too late

Though we really did try to make it

Something inside has died and I can't hide

And I just can't fake it


There'll be good times again for me and you

But we just can't stay together, don't you feel it too

Still I'm glad for what we had, and how I once loved you


But it's too late, baby, it's too late

Though we really did try to make it

Something inside has died and I can't hide

And I just can't fake it


2014年1月9日 星期四

Phil Everly去世


Beatles, the Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel都有影響,於1950年代後期及1960年代前期很受歡迎的the Everly Brothers二重唱,團員之一的Phil Everly,元月三日不幸於加州Burbank因肺疾去世(74歲),Phil 1939年出生於芝加哥,與哥哥Don兄弟倆學生時代就跟唱鄉村歌曲與民歌的父母在愛阿華州及田納西州四處表演,後來受到鄉村歌唱界前輩Chet Atkins的賞識,幫小兄弟簽下哥倫比亞唱片公司的合約,但因只出了一張唱片成績不好,Chet又介紹他們給Wesley Rose出版社,跟另一家Cadence唱片公司簽了作曲約,很有趣的是他們第一首Cadence唱片的單曲"Bye Bye Love"是夫妻檔詞曲作者Boudeleaux Felice Bryant所寫,卻於1957年獲得排行榜第2名的佳績,這首歌也是the Everly Brothers一共26首排行榜前40名暢銷曲的第一首。他們接著的"Wake Up Little Susie"得了排行榜冠軍,其它的"All I have To Is Dream" (1958), "Bird Dog" (1958) and "Cathy's Clown" (1960)也都獲得了排行榜冠軍 。


1960年代後期the Everly Brothers的成績開始走下坡,且壓力爆增1973年一場在加州的演唱會舞台上,Phil Everly正在唱著"Cathy's Clown"時丟下他的吉它跑回後台,在現場所有人一陣錯愕中,Don Everly只好宣告the Everly Brothers和歌迷們再見,一直到1983the Everly Brothers才在倫敦Royal Albert Hall開復出演唱會,然後一直在一起表演沒有再分手,20032004年他們都應邀在Simon and Garfunkel的演唱會裡當特別來賓,Paul SimonArt Garfunkel承認the Everly Brothers對他們的合聲影響很大。

The Everly Brothers 1986年率先被選入搖滾樂名人堂,同年在好萊塢的星光大道獲得榮譽之星,1997年獲得Grammy終生成就獎,並於2001年選入鄉村音樂名人堂,他們在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜也獲得第42名的佳績。


All I Have To Do Is Dream
Artists: The Everly Brothers (peak Billboard position # 1 in 1958)
Words and Music by Boudleaux Bryant
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
When I want you in my arms
When I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is 
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
When I feel blue in the night
And I need you to hold me tight
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is 
I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine
Anytime night or day
Only trouble is, gee whiz
I dreamin  my life away
I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is 
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine
Anytime night or day
Only trouble is, gee whiz
I dreamin my life away
I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is 
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

2014年1月2日 星期四

前披頭George Harrison不當爵士

一家英國報紙報導,已故前披頭合唱團The Beatles團員George Harrison於公元2000年時曾經婉拒領一個皇家勳章,一般認為他拒領這個勳章的原因係因為和他披頭合唱團伙伴Paul McCartney 1997年所獲的勳章相比層級較低,而次年George Harrison就因喉癌去世了。


George Harrison 1943年出生於英國利物浦Wavertree13歲時組過一個The Rebels合唱團,1958年加入John LennonPaul McCartneyThe Quarrymen合唱團,這個團就是後來的The BeatlesGeorge Harrison是該團的主奏吉它手。


1971年,披頭合唱團解散後的次年,George Harrison在紐約麥迪遜花園廣場舉辦了一場孟加拉公益演唱會The Bangladesh Benefit Concerts,為The Beatles這個天團解散後再創話題。


1980年代晚期George Harrison曾經加入Traveling Wilburys,這個超級樂團成員每人都有化名,如Bob DylanLuckyELOJeff LynneOtisRoy OrbisonLeftyTom PettyJuniorGeorge Harrison則是Nelson,他們假扮成兄弟樂團在流行歌壇玩票性的錄過一些歌。


George HarrisonThe Beatles時期主唱過SomethingWhile My Guitar Gently WeepHere Comes The Sun等幾首較受歡迎的歌。他個人在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1970年的四週冠軍曲My Sweet Lord,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜上他獲得第231名。




George Harrison


My sweet lord

Hm, my lord

Hm, my lord


I really want to see you

Really want to be with you

Really want to see you lord

But it takes so long, my lord


My sweet lord

Hm, my lord

Hm, my lord


I really want to know you

Really want to go with you

Really want to show you lord

That it won't take long, my lord (hallelujah)


My sweet lord (hallelujah)

Hm, my lord (hallelujah)

My sweet lord (hallelujah)


I really want to see you

Really want to see you

Really want to see you, lord

Really want to see you, lord

But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)


My sweet lord (hallelujah)

Hm, my lord (hallelujah)

My, my, my lord (hallelujah)


I really want to know you (hallelujah)

Really want to go with you (hallelujah)

Really want to show you lord (aaah)

That it won't take long, my lord (hallelujah)


Hmm (hallelujah)

My sweet lord (hallelujah)

My, my, lord (hallelujah)


Hm, my lord (hare krishna)

My, my, my lord (hare krishna)

Oh hm, my sweet lord (krishna, krishna)

Oh-uuh-uh (hare hare)


Now, I really want to see you (hare rama)

Really want to be with you (hare rama)

Really want to see you lord (aaah)

But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)


Hm, my lord (hallelujah)

My, my, my lord (hare krishna)

My sweet lord (hare krishna)

My sweet lord (krishna krishna)

My lord (hare hare)

Hm, hm (Gurur Brahma)

Hm, hm (Gurur Vishnu)

Hm, hm (Gurur Devo)

Hm, hm (Maheshwara)

My sweet lord (Gurur Sakshaat)

My sweet lord (Parabrahma)

My, my, my lord (Tasmayi Shree)

My, my, my, my lord (Guruve Namah)

My sweet lord (Hare Rama)




(hare krishna)

My sweet lord (hare krishna)

My sweet lord (krishna krishna)

My lord (hare hare)

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...