2015年5月28日 星期四

Brothers Johnson缺一

The Brothers Johnson這一個RB-funk二重唱的團員、貝斯手Louis Johnson五月21日不幸過世(60歲),他倆除了排行榜前十名暢銷曲 "I'll Be Good To You" (#3-1976)"Strawberry Letter 23" (#5-1977) "Stomp!" (#7-1980)之外,Louis曾在Michael Jackson "Thriller" "Off The Wall" 專輯,Herb Alpert "Rise" George Benson"Give Me The Night"這些名曲錄製時擔任低音吉他伴奏。
Louis Johnson起初和兄弟GeorgeTommy 及表哥Alex Weir在洛杉磯組了 the Johnson Three PlusGeorge Louis之後在Billy Preston的樂班工作過,後來二人組二重唱直到1984年分手。
1980年第七名的 Stomp!是一首動聽的舞曲。


The Brothers Johnson
Words & Music: Johnson - Temperton

Steppin' out the weekends open wide
Fill it up let's blast the jams and ride
While we're cruisin' around in the street
Listen up for the party in feet

Slap me five that's the place we've arrived it's alive
Ev'rybody take it to the top we're gonna
Stomp all night wanna party
Till morning light

Runnin' runnin' runnin'
The set is hot there's people wall to wall
Old gones young things short ones standing tall
Grab the one with the smile on her face

And hit the floor and stay right on the case
The heat is on and the funk just won't leave us alone
Ev'rybody take it to the top we're gonna

Stomp all night in the neighbourhood
Don't it feel all right gonna
Stomp all night wanna party
Till morning light

Stomp step down in it put your foot
Where you feel the fit
Stomp you don't want to quit
Put your heels where you're feeling it

Stomp all night in the neighbourhood
Don't it feel all right gonna
Stomp all night wanna party

Till morning light



Debby Boone- You Light up my life

  本 週 介紹的 One Hit Wonder 是1977年一部電影   You Light up my  life 《你照亮我的生命》 的主題歌曲。   少女「羅莉」從小跟著父親在 加州 地區表演脫口秀,長大之後,「羅莉」參加廣告對白配音、演唱的表演工作,收入雖然微薄...