2015年6月18日 星期四

懷念的老歌The Three Bells

鄉村歌星Jim Ed Brown六月11日去於田納西州 Franklin去世了(81歲),Jim與妹妹Maxine出生於阿肯色州 Sparkman,最初在Ernest Tubb的廣播節目演唱,1954年曾有一首"Looking Back To See"獲得過排行榜第八名,後來另一位姐妹Bonnie加入變成三重唱the Browns
1954-1968年他們有21首鄉村歌曲排行榜暢銷曲,其中有13首歌同時也是熱門歌曲排行榜暢銷曲,包括"The Three Bells" (#1 pop,country-1959), "Scarlet Ribbons" (#13 pop, #7 country-1959) and "The Old Lamplighter" (#5 pop, #20 country-1960)這些受歡迎的歌。
1965Jim Ed Brown開始推出個人的唱片,the Browns二年後宣告解散,他個人的暢銷曲則有"Pop A Top" (#3 country-1967),他另與Helen Cornelius合作以二重唱的身份推出"I Don't Want To Have To Marry You" (#1 country-1976) "Lying In Love With You" (#2 country-1979),並於1977年獲鄉村音樂協會頒年度二重唱獎。
1983 1989Jim Ed Brown主持過電視節目"You Can Be A Star!",也在"Nashville On The Road"電視節目當助理主持人。
The Browns今年初獲選進鄉村歌曲名人堂,Jim Ed Brown曾在醫院的病房裡展示榮譽獎章給歌迷們看。
The Browns的冠軍曲The Three Bells原是1945年的一首法語歌,1952年版的Les Compagnons de la Chanson獲得過14名,此曲也以"Les Trois Cloches" "While the Angelus Was Ringing"之名灌唱。

The Three Bells
Original French words by Bert Reisfeld and Music by Jean Villard
English words added by Dick Manning

There's a village hidden deep in the valley
Among the pine trees half forlorn
And there on a sunny morning
Little Jimmy Brown was born

(bung, bung, bung, bung)
All the chapel bells were ringing in the little valley town
And the song that they were singing was for baby Jimmy Brown
Then the little congregation prayed for guidance from above
"Lead us not into temptation, bless this hour of meditation"
"Guide him with eternal love"

There's a village hidden deep in the valley
Beneath the mountains high above
And there, twenty years thereafter
Jimmy was to meet his love

(bung, bung, bung, bung)
All the chapel bells were ringing, 'twas a great day in his life
'cause the songs that they were singing was for Jimmy and his wife
Then the little congregation prayed for guidance from above
"Lead us not into temptation, bless, oh Lord this celebration"
"May their lives be filled with love"

>From the village hidden deep in the valley
One rainy morning dark and gray
A soul winged its way to heaven
Jimmy Brown had passed away

(bung, bung, bung, bung)
Just a lonely bell was ringing in the little valley town
'twas farewell that it was singing to our little Jimmy Brown
And the little congregation prayed for guidance from above
"Lead us not into temptation, may his soul find the salvation"

"Of thy great eternal love"



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