2017年3月23日 星期四

Chuck Berry去世

傳奇歌星/作曲人/吉他手 Chuck Berry上周六(三月18)在他聖路易家中去世

Chuck Berry 1926年出生於米蘇里州聖路易,本名Charles Anderson Berry,他本來學當美容師,但他去芝加哥之後認識了藍調歌手Muddy Waters,經Muddy的牽線得到Chess唱片公司的老闆Leonard Chess的青睞,翻唱自鄉村歌曲"Ida Red""Maybellene"1955年獲得了排行榜第五名,Chuck Berry此後沒有回頭,他陸續推出了"Sweet Little Sixteen" (#2-1958) "School Day" (#3-1957)"Rock & Roll Music" (#8-1957) "Johnny B. Goode" (#8-1958)這些暢銷曲

有趣的是,他唯一的排行榜冠軍卻是 1972年在倫敦現場錄製的一首不登大雅的歌"My Ding-A-Ling"

Chuck Berry曾於1944年因持械搶劫初次入獄後來又因誘拐未成年少女二度入獄1979還曾因所得稅問題三次入獄

Chuck Berry1984年獲Grammy 終生成就獎,1986年進搖滾樂名人堂,他的金唱片包裝"Johnny B. Goode"還創紀錄的跟航行家太空船飛上太空

去年底Chuck Berry還籌備新唱片的錄製(請參考 2016121日「Chuck Berry九十歲出新專輯),他的不幸去世令歌迷們無限懷念

"My Ding A Ling"

When I was a little bitty boy
my grandmother bought me a cute little toy
Silver bells hangin' on a string
she told me it was my ding a ling

My ding a ling, my ding a ling
I want to play with my ding a ling
My ding a ling, my ding a ling
I want to play with my ding a ling

And then mother took me to Grammer School
But I stopped all in the vestibule
Every time that bell would ring
catched me playin' with my ding a ling

Once I was climbing the garden wall
I slipped and had a terrible fall
I fell so hard I heard bells ring
but held on to my ding a ling

Once I was swimming cross Turtle creek
many snappers all around my feet
Shure was hard swimming cross that thing
with both hands holdin' my ding a ling

This here song it ain't so sad
the cutest little song you ever had
those of you who will not sing
You must be playin' with your own ding a ling
My ding a ling Your ding a ling, your ding a ling
We saw you playin' with your ding a ling
My ding a ling everybody sing

I want to play with my ding a ling



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...