2017年11月30日 星期四

The Tokens-The Lion Sleeps Tonight

The Tokens 合唱團的團員Mitch Margo 1124日不幸在睡眠中病逝(70)大家一定記得"The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (#1-1961)歌中的假音演唱那就是這一位男高音歌手Mitch Margo的傑作

混聲合唱團The Tokens1950年代後期在紐約布魯克林區組成,主要團員是Hank Medress,團中還有一位後來的名歌星和作曲人Neil SedakaMitch Margo和哥哥Phil在該團1960年改組時加入,當時Mitch只有13

Hank Medress  1964年自己開唱片公司曾經簽下The Happenings合唱團他在製作Tony Orlando&Dawn的唱片後離開The Tokens,然後找昔日隊友Jay SiegelPhilMitch Margo兄弟組了Siege and Margos三重唱,1973年並以Cross Country團名出過唱片,那一首"In The Midnight Hour"得到過第30名(Hank Medress 2007年因肺癌病逝)

Mitch Margo曾經共同寫過the Tokens 的暢銷曲"Tonight I Fell In Love" (#15-1961) "I Hear Trumpets Blow" (#30-1966),後來一直參加the Tokens的演出,直到去世。

"The Lion Sleeps Tonight" 除了1961年得到冠軍之外,1994年曾經在電影The Lion King《獅子王》當中出現,重新發行的單曲獲得第51名。

而同樣來自紐約布魯克林區,1979年以"Sad Eyes"得到冠軍的Robert John則於1972年即翻唱過此曲,得到過三週第3

The Tokens

(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)
(A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh)

In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle the quiet jungle
The lion sleeps tonight

Near the village the peaceful village
The lion sleeps tonight
Near the village the quiet village
The lion sleeps tonight

Hush my darling don't fear my darling
The lion sleeps tonight
Hush my darling don't fear my darling
The lion sleeps tonight

2017年11月23日 星期四

The Partridge Family - I Think I Love You

David Cassidy死了!

ABC電視網 "The Partridge Family"影集的男主角一位成功的青春偶像藝人David Cassidy十一月21日不幸於羅德岱堡區域醫院去世,節目中的媽媽也是他的繼母Shirley Jones 和弟弟 Shaun Cassidy與家人一同送他走

David Cassidy前不久因器官衰竭住院,今年初他才因失智症飽受煎熬,而且因酒駕三度遭警方逮捕,他的父親影星Jack Cassidy也因酗酒身亡

David Cassidy曾在百老匯短暫演出1960年代後期踏進電視圈後來因擔任"The Partridge Family"(台灣翻譯作「歡樂滿人間」)影集的男主角走紅Shirley Jones是劇中合唱團的團員之一,她也合唱該劇很受歡迎的插曲如"I Think I Love You" (#1-1970)"Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted" (#6-1971) "I'll Meet You Halfway" (#9-1971)

"The Partridge Family"「歡樂滿人間」從1970-1974年在美國播出了四年,包含台灣在內的世界各地電視台播出後都很受歡迎,同時David Cassidy也開創了個人的歌唱事業,他的暢銷曲有老歌新唱的"Cherish" (#9-1971) "How Can I Be Sure" (#25-1972)

David Cassidy之後開始在一些不太有名的電視節目演出,如1978年的"David Cassidy: Man Undercover",他也參加舞台劇的演出,例如他弟弟Shaun Cassidy與名歌星Petula Clark主演的"Blood Brothers"David Cassidy和另一個弟弟Patrick還參加過Shaun Cassidy製作的ABC電視網家庭節目"Ruby & The Rockits"

David Cassidy 1950412日出生,得年67歲,他的自傳"Could It Be Forever" 2007年出版

I Think I Love You
The Partridge Family

I'm sleeping
And right in the middle of a good dream
like all at once I wake up
>From something that keeps knocking at my brain
Before I go insane
I hold my pillow to my head
And spring up in my bed
Screaming out the words I dread:
"I think I love you!" (I think I love you)

This morning, I woke up with this feeling
I didn't know how to deal with
And so I just decided to myself
I'd hide it to myself
And never talk about it
And didn't I go and shout it
When you walked into my room.
"I think I love you!" (I think I love you)

I think I love you
So what am I so afraid of?
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
A love there is no cure for
I think I love you
Isn't that what life is made of?
Though it worries me to say
I've never felt this way

Believe me
You really don't have to worry
I only want to make you happy
And if you say,
hey, go away, I will
But I think better still
I ought to stay around and love you
Do you think I have a case?
Let me ask you to your face:
Do you think you love me?

I think I love you!

2017年11月16日 星期四

Heatwave-Boogie Nights

Heatwave合唱團的主唱與創團人Keith Wilder1029日不幸去世68歲),Keith和他的哥哥Johnny一同組成Heatwave

Keith Wilder出生於俄亥俄州DaytonJohnny Wilder當年在德國發展,1975Keith到歐洲找他,後來兩人在英國和GTO唱片公司簽了約(美國部分由Epic唱片公司代理),他們的 funk樂風很受歡迎,暢銷曲有"Boogie Nights" (#2-1977)"The Groove Line" (#7-1978) 與抒情曲 "Always And Forever" (#18-1978)

Keith Wilder持續打著Heatwave的招牌演出,儘管Johnny Wilder起先癱瘓後來去世

Funk是流行音樂的一個分支1960年代中期,美國黑人歌手們將靈魂爵士藍調與節奏等音樂混和成一種舞蹈與節奏感十足的音樂,樂評人稱之為Funk,後來的Disco Hip hop都轉型自Funk


Boogie nights oh
Boogie nights, boogie nights

Boogie nights
Ain't no doubt we are here till morning
Boogie nights
Come on now got to get it started

Dance with the boogie get high
'Cos boogie nights are always the best in town
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing

(Party night)
Can you show that you know how to do it
(Boogie nights)
Do it, do it
Party night
Settle down with the sound of the music
(Boogie night)
Music, music

Boogie nights
Get that groove let it take you higher
Boogie nights
Make it move set this place on fire

Boogie nights
Feel so right when you got the feeling
Boogie nights
Hold you tight get to keep on dealing

2017年11月9日 星期四

Robert Knight-Everlasting Love

以“Everlasting Love”原唱者的身分給歌迷們留下深刻印象的R&B歌手Robert Knight115日不幸去世72歲)
在田納西州Franklin出生的Robert Knight,讀中學時和同學組了the Paramounts合唱團,1960年代曾替Dot唱片公司錄過幾首R&B暢銷曲,但他們後來因故解散時,因為合約未滿使得他須繼續替公司唱五年,當時他利用時間到田納西州立大學讀化學,也開始與the Fairlanes合作,發掘他的Buzz CasonRising Sons唱片公司的老闆,也與他簽了約
Buzz Cason寫的“Everlasting Love”Robert Knight一曲成名,但接著的“Blessed Are The Lonely”只得到第97名,Robert直到1968 年底才又錄了Ray Stevens 所寫的“Isn’t It Lonely Together”,但是也只得到第97
歌唱事業停滯不前後,Robert Knight轉往Vanderbilt大學當化學老師,也在實驗室當技術員,甚至基層工作都做
Robert Knight的“Everlasting Love”1967年獲得過13名,但是二十世紀後期這一首歌卻有很多人翻唱,包括U2 Gloria Estefan Carl Carlton 等知名歌手,這一首歌也成了1960197019801990年代都出現在Hot 100 top 40的歌,Carl Carlton的“Everlasting Love”1974年獲得第6名,是其中名次最好的歌
Robert Knight的“Everlasting Love”最終成了長壽歌曲,有一位鄉村音樂名人堂的歌星Michael Gray在接受田納西人報採訪時說 :Robert當年廣泛的和Mac Gayden Buzz Cason合作錄歌,在1960年代的當年,一個黑白混和的組合還是一件敏感的事,Robert Knight 版“Everlasting Love”的成功,是一個黑白音樂人在美國南方幾十年的種族動盪和為人權奮鬥過程下的一個成功的例子。

Everlasting Love
Robert Knight

Hearts go astray
Leaving hurt when they go
I went away
Just when you needed me so
Filled with regret
I come back begging you
Forgive, forget
Where's the love we once knew

Open up your eyes
Then you'll realize
Here I stand with my
Everlasting Love
Need you by my side
Girl to be my bride
You'll never be denied
Everlasting Love
From the very start
Open up your heart
Be a lasting part of
Everlasting Love

Where life's really flows
No-one really knows
'Till someone's there to
Show the way to
Everlasting Love
Like the sun it shines
Endlessly it shines
You always will be mine
It's eternal love
Whenever loves are gone
Ours will be strong
We'd have our very own
Everlasting Love

Open up your eyes
Then you'll realize
Here I stand with my
Everlasting Love
Need you by my side
Girl to be my bride
You'll never be denied

Everlasting Love

2017年11月2日 星期四

Fats Domino- Blueberry Hill

藍調音樂的先驅者搖滾鋼琴手歌手 Antoine "Fats" Domino 1024日在家人的陪伴下於家鄉路易斯安那州Harvey去世89歲)
Fats Domino出生於紐奧良隔鄰的Lower Ninth Ward,他的鋼琴彈奏是姐夫教的,1940年代在The Solid Senders樂隊擔任過鋼琴手,1949年他在製作人Dave Bartholmew的引導下錄了  "The Fat Man",這一首歌給Fats DaveDave常和 Fats Domino一起寫歌)帶來了一連串的成功,暢銷曲有"Blueberry Hill" (#2-1957), "I'm In Love Again" (#3-1956), "I'm Walkin'" (#4-1957), "Blue Monday" (#5-1957) "Whole Lotta Loving" (#6-1959)
Fats Domino在熱門歌曲排行榜有66次進榜紀錄在那之前的1950-1955,他還有很多歌進R&B排行榜Top10,很多作品還被Lloyd PriceJoe TurnerR&B歌手拿去翻唱,Fats Domino的樂風受到爵士樂手Fats WallerAlbert Ammons的影響很深
Fats Domino2005Katrina颶風侵襲路易斯安那州的時候差一點死掉後來被救難人員找到送去該州首府Baton Rouge救護
Fats Domino 1987年獲得Grammy終生成就獎1998年獲得美國國家藝術獎章,還獲選為RIAA美國錄音業協會傳奇樂手
Fats Domino 1956年曾參加電影"Shake, rattle And Rock!" "The Girl Can't Help It"的演出,他十年前曾做最後一次公開演唱。
Fats Domino在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第23名,他的"Blueberry Hill"在滾石雜誌五百大歌曲榜獲得第81名,而Louis Armstrong and Gordon Jenkins大樂隊比Fats Domino晚一個月推出的"Blueberry Hill",則獲得29

Blueberry Hill
Vincent Rose, Al Lewis and Larry Stock

I found my thrill
On Blueberry Hill
On Blueberry Hill
When I found you
The moon stood still
On Blueberry Hill
And lingered until
My dream came true

The wind in the willow played
Love's sweet melody
But all of those vows you made
Were never to be
Though we're apart
You're part of me still
For you were my thrill
On Blueberry Hill

The wind in the willow played
Love's sweet melody
But all of those vows you made
Were only to be
Though we're apart
You're part of me still
For you were my thrill

On Blueberry Hill

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...