2017年11月23日 星期四

The Partridge Family - I Think I Love You

David Cassidy死了!

ABC電視網 "The Partridge Family"影集的男主角一位成功的青春偶像藝人David Cassidy十一月21日不幸於羅德岱堡區域醫院去世,節目中的媽媽也是他的繼母Shirley Jones 和弟弟 Shaun Cassidy與家人一同送他走

David Cassidy前不久因器官衰竭住院,今年初他才因失智症飽受煎熬,而且因酒駕三度遭警方逮捕,他的父親影星Jack Cassidy也因酗酒身亡

David Cassidy曾在百老匯短暫演出1960年代後期踏進電視圈後來因擔任"The Partridge Family"(台灣翻譯作「歡樂滿人間」)影集的男主角走紅Shirley Jones是劇中合唱團的團員之一,她也合唱該劇很受歡迎的插曲如"I Think I Love You" (#1-1970)"Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted" (#6-1971) "I'll Meet You Halfway" (#9-1971)

"The Partridge Family"「歡樂滿人間」從1970-1974年在美國播出了四年,包含台灣在內的世界各地電視台播出後都很受歡迎,同時David Cassidy也開創了個人的歌唱事業,他的暢銷曲有老歌新唱的"Cherish" (#9-1971) "How Can I Be Sure" (#25-1972)

David Cassidy之後開始在一些不太有名的電視節目演出,如1978年的"David Cassidy: Man Undercover",他也參加舞台劇的演出,例如他弟弟Shaun Cassidy與名歌星Petula Clark主演的"Blood Brothers"David Cassidy和另一個弟弟Patrick還參加過Shaun Cassidy製作的ABC電視網家庭節目"Ruby & The Rockits"

David Cassidy 1950412日出生,得年67歲,他的自傳"Could It Be Forever" 2007年出版

I Think I Love You
The Partridge Family

I'm sleeping
And right in the middle of a good dream
like all at once I wake up
>From something that keeps knocking at my brain
Before I go insane
I hold my pillow to my head
And spring up in my bed
Screaming out the words I dread:
"I think I love you!" (I think I love you)

This morning, I woke up with this feeling
I didn't know how to deal with
And so I just decided to myself
I'd hide it to myself
And never talk about it
And didn't I go and shout it
When you walked into my room.
"I think I love you!" (I think I love you)

I think I love you
So what am I so afraid of?
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of
A love there is no cure for
I think I love you
Isn't that what life is made of?
Though it worries me to say
I've never felt this way

Believe me
You really don't have to worry
I only want to make you happy
And if you say,
hey, go away, I will
But I think better still
I ought to stay around and love you
Do you think I have a case?
Let me ask you to your face:
Do you think you love me?

I think I love you!



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