2018年3月8日 星期四

The Vogues -Turn Around, Look At Me

The Vogues 合唱團的主唱中音歌手Bill Burkette 31日不幸因淋巴癌於賓州 Murrsyville住家附近的照護中心去世75歲 ),Bill Burkette曾經在The Vogues 合唱團的暢銷曲"You're The One" (#4-1965)"Turn Around, Look At Me" (#7-1968) "Five O'Clock World" (#4-1966)演唱

Bill Burkette 出生於賓州 Turtle Creek,在讀Turtle Creek中學的時候組了一個 Val-Ares 合唱團,他們曾參加DJ Porky Chedwick在匹茲堡的歌唱比賽獲得冠軍,但因服兵役的關係,他們沒法進一步發展。

退伍後她們又回到匹茲堡上廣播節目,節目指導John Rook推薦他們給Co & Ce唱片公司並改名the Vogues他們共有8 top 40的暢銷曲,但4首歌是後來在Reprise唱片推出的。

Bill Burkette1983年離團回故鄉,他去當一家裝修用品店銷售經理,The Vogues因而失去了靈魂人物,剩下的夥伴們只允許在賓州部分地區以The Vogues之名繼續演出,雖然Bill Burkette 2008年曾復出加入過全國性合唱團,但也僅是很短一段時間。

The Vogues 合唱團於2001被選入演唱團體名人堂。

1968年得到第7名的"Turn Around, Look At Me"是一首動聽的情歌。

"Turn Around, Look At Me"

There is someone walking behind you
Turn around, look at me
There is someone watching your footsteps
Turn around, look at me

There is someone who really needs you
Here's my heart in my hand
Turn around
(Turn around)
Look at me
(Look at me)
Understand, understand

That there's someone who'll stand beside you
Turn around, look at me
And there's someone to love and guide you
Turn around, look at me

Oh, I've waited, but I'll wait forever
For you to come to me
Look at someone
(Look at someone)
Who really loves you
(Yeah, really loves you)
Turn around, look at me



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...