2018年7月26日 星期四

Cliff Richard-Devil Woman

  倫敦高等法院七月19日裁定英國廣播公司2014年現場播報Cliff Richard在他家大樓門口襲警時Cliff Richard以嚴重與有些聳人聽聞的方式攻擊播報人員法庭判決他需付274,000罰金Cliff Richard並未被指控有任何攻擊行為該警員已私下與Cliff Richard518,000美元和解

  Cliff Richard1940年出生於印度Lucknow,是一位搖滾樂歌手、吉他手、電影演員,1948年他回去英國,曾加入演奏樂團The Shadows1967年開始個人演唱生涯,1969The Shadows解散,但Cliff Richard後來在英國成了超級巨星,一共有125首單曲進排行榜,其中有14首歌獲得排行榜冠軍,他演出的電影The Young OnesSummer Holiday…也都很受當年的青少年歡迎

  Cliff Richard1995年獲英國女王頒授爵位,他在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第350名,在美國的熱門歌曲排行榜名次最好的歌,是1976年第6名的歌Devil Woman

Cliff Richard

I've had nothing but bad luck
Since the day I saw the cat at my door
So I came here to you, sweet lady
Answering your mystical call
Crystal ball on the table
Showing the future, the past
Same cat with them evil eyes
And I knew it was a spell she'd cast.

She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you from behind.

Give me the ring on your finger
Let me see the lines of your hand
I can see me a tall dark stranger
Giving you what you hadn't planned
I drank the potion she offered me
I found myself on the floor
Then I looked in those big green eyes
And I wondered what I came there for.

(Repeat chorus)

Stay awake
Look out
If you're out on a moonlit night
Be careful of the neighbourhood strays
Of a lady with long black hair
Tryin' to win you with her feminine ways
Crystal ball on the table
Showing the future, the past
Same cat with them evil eyes
You'd better get out of there fast
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you.

2018年7月19日 星期四

Steely Dan-Do It Again

紐約市為已故Steely Dan合唱團團員Walter Becker劃了一條Walter Becker WayWalter Becker路 ),以向這位該市Queens區長大的搖滾樂手致敬

  紐約市將於年底向Steely Dan合唱團的創辦人之一的Walter Becker致敬,他出生地Queens區的一條路,將以他這位名列搖滾樂名人堂的藝人為名

  這條路的一角是 Walter Becker成長的地方,位於112街附近這條路1028日將在一個慶祝活動後改名Walter Becker Way

  Walter Becker的遺孀Delia表示:Walter的粉絲在全美辦活動、他們老是有創意去辦不一樣的表演到時候特別來賓和Walter的朋友、同事和歌迷們都將齊聚一堂

  Walter BeckerDonald Fagen一起在Steely Dan合作了四十多年,他在和食道癌抗爭了一段時間後,201793日不幸去世

  Steely Dan合唱團是一個錄音室臨時編組(Studio Unit),由Walter BeckerDonald Fagen領銜,樂手都來自錄音室裡的職業伴奏,1981-1992年二人曾經分手,他們在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第382名,成名曲是1972年第6名的Do It Again

 Steely Dan合唱團於 2001年進入搖滾樂名人堂

Do It Again
Steely Dan

In the mornin' you go gunnin' for the man who stole your water
And you fire till he is done in but they catch you at the border
And the mourners are all singin' as they drag you by your feet
But the hangman isn't hangin' so they put you on the street

You go back, Jack, do it again, wheels turinin' 'round and 'round
You go back, Jack, do it again

When you know she's no high climber then you find your only friend
In a room with your two timer, but you're sure you're near the end
Then you love a little wild one, and she brings you only sorrow
All the time you know she's smilin', you'll be on your knees tomorrow


Guitar Solo
Keyboard Solo

Now you swear and kick and beg us that yopu're not a gamblin' man;
Then you find you're back in Vegas with a handle in your hand
Your black cards can bring you money so you hide them when you're able
In the land of milk and honey you must put them on the table


2018年7月12日 星期四

John Lennon -Imagine

  美國郵局發行John Lennon 紀念郵票九月將在紐約舉辦一場揭幕典禮

  美國郵局宣布他們計畫辦一場官方揭幕典禮,向已故的搖滾樂巨星John Lennon致敬這場活動計畫於九月7日上午11時在紐約中央公園the Namburg Bandshell音樂台舉行活動將由美國郵政部長Megan J.Brennan主持

 Lennon 紀念郵票是美國郵政部永恆音樂巨星系列的新作,其中有替前Beatles合唱團長期拍照的知名攝影師 Bob Gruen所拍攝的John Lennon1974年個人專輯Walls and Bridges的封套圖片

  這套郵票的內頁有16張郵票,設計成45轉唱片套的樣子,反面包括Peter Fordham所拍John Lennon坐在他的白色鋼琴前那張照片,後來John Lennon的搖滾樂經典唱片Imagine曾用之推廣

  唱片套正面也有一些說明,包括John Lennon的生活花絮及事業成就,例如:這位天才音樂創作家在All You Need Is LoveStrawberry Fields ForeverImagineJealous Guy這些歌後面所展現的是第一位搖滾樂歌手唱出關於人道主義和他個人的親身體驗和不安、他至今仍是搖滾樂電台的舵手,全球聽眾都喜歡他的音樂,持續談著真理、和平及容忍

  這個揭幕典禮將在John Lennon 1980年生前的住宅Dakota building附近舉行,當時John Lennon與妻子Yoko Ono與兒子Sean同住那裏,也在門口遭人槍殺

  Imagine這首歌於1971年獲得二週第2名,是滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜第3 名的名曲,John Lennon在他英格蘭Tittenhurst的家裡寫了這首歌,太太Yoko Ono看著Lennon坐在白鋼琴前的樣子,透過影片和照片的傳播而為全球歌迷熟悉

  這首近乎完美的歌表達John Lennon全球一家的思想,而Yoko Ono對此曲也有影響,因為第一句歌詞Imagine there's no heaven 即來自Ono 1964年出版的書Grapefruit

John Lennon And The Plastic Ono Band

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

2018年7月5日 星期四

The Bay City Rollers-Saturday Night

  The Bay City Rollers的開團貝斯手Alan Longmuir七月2日不幸去世(70歲),三週前他才從墨西哥度假地返回蘇格蘭家裡
  1976Alan Longmuir和他弟弟the Bay City Rollers的鼓手Derek離團而去但他倆在“Rollermania”專輯唱片裡的歌“Saturday Night (#1-1976)“Money Honey” (#9-1976) “Rock And Roll Love Letter” (#28-1976)給歌迷們留下了深刻的印象,來自蘇格蘭愛丁堡的the Bay City Rollers主唱是Les McKeown,他們在美國的熱門排行榜有8首進榜歌曲,在全世界唱片銷售量達到一億二千張

Saturday Night
The Bay City Rollers
- written by Bill Martin and Phil Coulter


Gonna keep on dancin' to the
rock and roll
On Saturday night, Saturday night
Dancin' to the rhythm in our
heart and soul
On Saturday Night, Saturday night
IIIII just can't wait,
IIII got a date

*At the good ole rock and roll road
show, I gotta go
Saturday Night,
Saturday Night
Gonna rock it up, roll it up
Do it all, have a ball,
Saturday Night,
Saturday Night
It's just a Saturday Night
It's just a Saturday Night
It's just a Saturday Night

Gonna dance with my baby till the
night is thru
On Saturday Night, Saturday Night
Tell her all the little things I'm
gonna do
On Saturday night, Saturday Night
IIIIlove her so
III I'm gonna let her know


It's just a Saturday night
It's just a Saturday Night,
IT's just a Saturday Night,
It's just a Saturday Night,

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...