2018年7月26日 星期四

Cliff Richard-Devil Woman

  倫敦高等法院七月19日裁定英國廣播公司2014年現場播報Cliff Richard在他家大樓門口襲警時Cliff Richard以嚴重與有些聳人聽聞的方式攻擊播報人員法庭判決他需付274,000罰金Cliff Richard並未被指控有任何攻擊行為該警員已私下與Cliff Richard518,000美元和解

  Cliff Richard1940年出生於印度Lucknow,是一位搖滾樂歌手、吉他手、電影演員,1948年他回去英國,曾加入演奏樂團The Shadows1967年開始個人演唱生涯,1969The Shadows解散,但Cliff Richard後來在英國成了超級巨星,一共有125首單曲進排行榜,其中有14首歌獲得排行榜冠軍,他演出的電影The Young OnesSummer Holiday…也都很受當年的青少年歡迎

  Cliff Richard1995年獲英國女王頒授爵位,他在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第350名,在美國的熱門歌曲排行榜名次最好的歌,是1976年第6名的歌Devil Woman

Cliff Richard

I've had nothing but bad luck
Since the day I saw the cat at my door
So I came here to you, sweet lady
Answering your mystical call
Crystal ball on the table
Showing the future, the past
Same cat with them evil eyes
And I knew it was a spell she'd cast.

She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you from behind.

Give me the ring on your finger
Let me see the lines of your hand
I can see me a tall dark stranger
Giving you what you hadn't planned
I drank the potion she offered me
I found myself on the floor
Then I looked in those big green eyes
And I wondered what I came there for.

(Repeat chorus)

Stay awake
Look out
If you're out on a moonlit night
Be careful of the neighbourhood strays
Of a lady with long black hair
Tryin' to win you with her feminine ways
Crystal ball on the table
Showing the future, the past
Same cat with them evil eyes
You'd better get out of there fast
She's just a devil woman
With evil on her mind
Beware the devil woman
She's gonna get you.



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...