2018年9月13日 星期四

The Rascals-People Got To Be Free

1960年代中期走紅著名的"Blue eyed soul"唱黑人靈魂歌曲的白人樂團Rascals 的吉它手 Gene Cornish ,九月7日在美國MontanaBillings的演唱會演出時暈倒在舞台上,演唱會當場取消,歌迷們被勸離現場

Rascals 合唱團成立於紐約主唱是鍵琴手Felix CavaliereGene Cornish也是主唱之一,他們於1972年宣告解散,主要團員於1988年曾經復出

1968年春季The Rascals團員們說服他們的唱片公司把團名從The Young  Rascals改為The Rascals改名後的第一張單曲唱片A Beautiful Morning獲得二週第3證明團名少一個Young對唱片銷售量並沒有影響

當時The Rascals的主唱Felix Cavaliere,對馬丁路德金恩牧師以及羅伯甘迺迪參議員的遇刺身亡感到哀傷,他和另一位團員Eddie Brigati合寫了People Got To Be Free這首歌來表達他們的感傷,唱片公司高層其實不願意出談政治的歌,他擔心這首歌會傷害Rascals和唱片公司的營運

1968年七月20日,勉強推出的People Got To Be Free獲得第64名,當時距離羅伯甘迺迪參議員的遇刺身亡才六個禮拜,沒想到四週之後,這首歌爬升到排行榜冠軍,而且連續獲得5週冠軍,是The Rascals在排行榜上名次最好的歌

Rascals 合唱團暢銷曲很多,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第199

People Got To Be Free
-Words by Felix Cavaliere and Music by Edward Brigati, Jr.

All the world over, so easy to see
People everywhere just wanna be free
Listen, please listen, that's the way it should be
Deep in the valley, people got to be free

You should see what a lovely, lovely world this'd be
Everyone learned to live together, ah-hah-unh
Seems to me such an itty bitty thing should be
Why can't you and me learn to love one another?

All the world over, so easy to see
People everywhere just wanna be free
I can't understand it, so simple to me
People everywhere just got to be free

If there's a man who is down and needs a helpin' hand
All it takes is you to understand and to pull him through, ah-hah-unh
Seems to me we got to solve it individually, ah-hah-unh
And I'll do unto you what you do to me

Shout it from the mountain on out to the sea (out to the sea)
No two ways about it, people have to be free
Ask me my opinion, my opinion will be
Nat'ral situation for a man to be free

Git right on board now

Oh, what a feelin's just come over me
Love can move a mountain, make a blind man see
Everybody sing it now come on let's go see
Deep in the valley now, we ought to be free

See that train over there?
That's the train of freedom
It's about to 'rrive any minute, now
You know it's been'a long, long overdue
Look out 'cause it's a'comin' right on through



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...