2019年3月14日 星期四

Olivia Newton-John-Don't Stop Believin'

你有沒有想過第一次看電影Grease火爆浪子是在John Travolta的私人飛機上和Olivia Newton-John John Travolta一起看不要說不可能因為Olivia Newton-John的先生就是這個幸運兒Olivia 1984-1995與演員Matt Lattanzi結過婚),在她新的自傳Don't Stop Believin'裡,就有好幾個這般有趣的故事


  洩個底:Olivia Newton-John的健康沒有問題。

  Olivia Newton-John聽說企劃人員準備拍一部她的自傳電影,但Olivia並沒有真的參與,她笑著說她反而想寫一本自傳,以免搞錯。其實她並不是突發奇想,只要一開始想像,很多往日生涯的歷程都很有趣,也帶給她很多美好的回憶,所以她覺得她最好寫下來,以免掛一漏萬。

 Olivia Newton-John希望讀者們喜歡這本自傳,希望他們從書中對她有更多的認識,也希望讀者們能從她的自傳得到一些正向的思考。


  對未來的動向,Olivia Newton-John說她沒興趣再做以前做過的事,她想重新開始。
  Olivia Newton-John日後將專注於他已經努力十幾年在澳洲墨爾本的癌症醫療中心Cancer Wellness & Research Centre(她原有服裝公司Koala Blue,她也努力想將醫療用大麻在澳洲合法化。

  Olivia Newton-John是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第41名的影歌雙棲巨星,她16歲時因才藝表演奪冠而前往英國比賽,因而踏入歌壇。她祖父是德國的諾貝爾物理獎得主Max Born

  Olivia Newton-John的自傳Don't Stop Believin',書名來自她1976年獲得過第33名的同名暢銷曲

Don't Stop Believin'
Olivia Newton-John
Written by Jonathan Cain, Steve Perry, Neal Schon.

You think the world should see things your way
Love, I know you, you think good fortune's here to stay
Love, I know you shined in everything you tried before
Your smile can open any door

But on those days when nobody wants to know you
And all your smiles keep falling on stoney ground
Don't stop believin', don't stop believin'
Don't stop believin', you'll get by
Bad days, bad days will hurry by

You never chase your dreams, they find you
Love, I know you, if you need love, it finds you too
Love, although you sail alone and free
I'll follow in your wake
And pray one day my heart you'll take

But on those days when nobody wants to know you
And all your smiles keep falling on stoney ground
Don't stop believin', don't stop believin'
Don't stop believin', you'll get by
Bad days, bad days will hurry by



Debby Boone- You Light up my life

  本 週 介紹的 One Hit Wonder 是1977年一部電影   You Light up my  life 《你照亮我的生命》 的主題歌曲。   少女「羅莉」從小跟著父親在 加州 地區表演脫口秀,長大之後,「羅莉」參加廣告對白配音、演唱的表演工作,收入雖然微薄...