2019年7月25日 星期四

Stephen Bishop-It Might Be You

   退休流行音樂歌手、作曲人Stephen Bishop八月30日將再度推出一張錄音室製作的專輯We'll Talk About It Later in the Car


  這張專輯將從八月9日開放預購,同一天也推出專輯裡第一首單曲"Like Mother Like Daughter",一支配合此曲的MV也同時推出。

  We'll Talk About It Later in the Car專輯有另一首歌"Almost Home",是Joe Camp 創造的小說狗 Benji電影"I'm an unabashed dog lover"裡面的插曲,此曲是Stephen和他好友電視艾美獎編劇Curt Sobel一起寫的,We'll Talk About It Later in the Car專輯還另有一首"In Love with a Violent Man"Bishop說是講一個女人想離開他有毒癮的丈夫。

  此外, Bishop翻唱了一首別人的歌"Someone Else",那是傳奇作曲人Jimmy Webb 12歲時所寫的作品。

  "那是你將聽到最悲傷的歌之一"StephenWe'll Talk About It Later in the Car專輯裡有各種不同的歌曲型態表現,"我經常受到The Beatles 披頭合唱團的影響,我最敬佩他們的事情之一就是他們音樂作品的多樣化,那也是我想要在我這張專輯要做的事…這裡一點,那裏一點,我希望你們喜歡這趟旅程"

  Stephen Bishop 1951年出生於加州聖地牙哥,在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1977年獲得過11名的On And On,他也寫過一些電影插曲,他演唱Dave Grusin所寫,獲得過第25名的歌It Might Be You,是達斯汀霍夫曼主演的電影"窈窕淑男"的插曲,太好聽了!

It Might Be You
Dave Grusin

Time, I’ve been passing time watching trains go by
All of my life
Lying on the sand watching seabirds fly
Wishing there could be someone
Waiting home for me
Something’s telling me it might be you
It’s telling me it might be you
All of my life
Looking back as lovers go walking past
All of my life
Wondering how they met and what makes it last
If I found the place would I recognize the face
Something’s telling me it might be you
It’s telling me it might be you
So many quiet walks to take
So many dreams to wake and there’s so much love to make
I think we’re gonna need some time
Maybe all we need is time
And it’s telling me it might be you
All of my life
I’ve been saving love songs and lullabies
And there’s so much more
No one’s ever heard before
Something’s telling me it might be you
Yeah, it’s telling me it must be you and
I’m feeling it’ll just be you
All of my life
It’s you, it’s you I’ve been waiting for all of my life
Maybe it’s you Maybe it’s you I’ve been waiting for all of my life.

2019年7月18日 星期四

Crosby,Stills,Nash and Young-Ohio

  Cameron Crowe製作的紀錄片David Crosby: Remember My Name中有 David Crosby一段訪問,其中David談到他和隊友Stephen Stills, Graham Nash Neil Young關係破裂的往事,主持人Jimmy Fallon問他有沒有機會來個破鏡重圓?

  "Never say never"麼不可能,這位已經77歲高齡的歌壇耆宿表示:"在我心中對這幾位老戰友並沒有疙瘩,我跟他們幾位一起寫了不少佳作"

  他接著說: "我們曾彼此打臉對方很多次,我意思是,我曾多次很糟糕的對待他們,大家都一樣,我想大家都了解"


  "大概一天會推特10次,我希望你們能為愛你們的聽友走出來,在一起表演時各司其職" 他說" Ohio這首歌引起的爭執一直卡在他們的心頭,大夥重聚將是個好機會讓四人像當年那般一起演唱"

  Crosby補充說明:"如果大家有意願辦一場像'Get Out the Vote'那種提高投票率般的巡迴演唱,我會先跳出來參加"

  David後來在片子結束前和Fallon的專屬樂團The Roots錄了the Crosby, Stills & Nash 1969年的經典老歌"Long Time Gone"

  David Crosby 1941年出生於洛杉磯,原來是The Byrds合唱團的團員,後來加入CrosbyStills and Nash民謠搖滾三重唱,Neil Young 1970-1974年也曾加入成為CrosbyStillsNash and Young,他們是搖滾樂史上很有名的一個合唱團,因為他們的歌言之有物。

  "Ohio"這首歌是197054日因肯特州立大學4位學生在反越戰活動中被國民兵槍殺後Neil Young有感而發所寫的抗議歌曲,曾經獲得排行榜第14名,在滾石雜誌500大歌曲排行榜獲得第395名。

Songwriters: Neil Young

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming,
Four dead in Ohio.

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?

Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
We're finally on our own.
This summer I hear the drumming,
Four dead in Ohio.

2019年7月11日 星期四

Heart-These Dreams

  女聲擔任主唱的搖滾樂團Heartthe Love Alive Tour巡迴演唱會,710日從米蘇里州聖路易市郊Maryland Heights城開唱,這是Wilson姊妹和她們的樂隊三年來首度一起巡迴演出。
  這次在北美洲有多場演出的巡迴演唱會將於1013日在明尼蘇達州St. Paul告一段落,其中有不同的女子合唱團或女主唱助唱,他們是Joan Jett & the BlackheartsSheryl CrowElle King Brandi Carlile

  正開唱前,Heart的主唱Ann Wilson 與吉他手 Nancy Wilson的視頻已經在她們的社群媒體出現,Ann表示很高興能在巡迴演唱主唱,"我迫不急待回來參加演出"

  在另一視頻,Nancy 談到the Love Alive Tour很特殊,因為這是她上一次演出後時間最長的一系列演出,"我覺得那是和妹妹一起表演史上最大的一次

  Sheryl Crow 與英國籍歌手及作曲Lucie Silvas將在開場演唱,全部場次將超過50場。

  搖滾樂團Heart組成於西雅圖,除Wilson二姊妹外,另外三位是男性團員,她們有These Dreams Alone二首歌曾獲得排行榜冠軍,These Dreamse 也在抒情歌曲榜得到第3名。


These Dreams
Songwriters: Bernie Taupin / Martin George Page

Spare a little candle
Save some light for me
Figures up ahead
Moving in the trees
White skin in linen
Perfume on my wrist
And the full moon that hangs over
These dreams in the mist
Darkness on the edge
Shadows where I stand
I search for the time
On a watch with no hands
I want to see you clearly
Come closer than this
But all I remember
Are the dreams in the mist
These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside
Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away
Is it cloak 'n' dagger
Could it be spring or fall
I walk without a cut
Through a stained glass wall
Weaker in my eyesight
The candle in my grip
And words that have no form
Are falling from my lips
These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside
Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away
There's something out there
I can't resist
I need to hide away from the pain
There's something out there
I can't resist
The sweetest song is silence
That I've ever heard
Funny how your feet
In dreams never touch the earth
In a wood full of princes
Freedom is a kiss
But the prince hides his face
From dreams in the mist
These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside
Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away
These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside
Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away

2019年7月4日 星期四

Gilbert O'Sullivan-Alone Again (Naturally)


  1970年代來自愛爾蘭的知名歌星Gilbert O'Sullivan下週將在美國開43年來第一場演唱會,這場演唱會預定79日在紐約Winery市,710日在費城World Café現場開唱,O'Sullivan告訴Billboard記者:離開美國幾十年時間還能回美國來開唱,是協助他登峰的經紀人當年的一個精準的計算,在成為一位受歡迎的現場演唱的歌手之前,他曾有機會在Moody Blues的演唱會裡表演,但後來決定自己巡迴各地大型表演場館做演唱會而成名。



  O'Sullivan是美國排行榜上知名的top 10歌星,他在1972 73年以冠軍曲"Alone Again (Naturally)" 與獲得第二名的動聽歌謠 "Clair"成名。

  1970年代後期Gilbert的歌唱事業走下坡,但在2000年後,他又開始定期巡迴演唱,他最新的專輯是2018年與他同名的Gilbert O'Sullivan,他總是用一個編制完整的樂隊,他也和吉他手Bill Shanley搭檔二重唱,這次此人將和The Kinks合唱團的主唱Ray DaviesGilbert O'Sullivan的二場演唱會合作演出。


Alone Again (Naturally)
Songwriters: O'sullivan

In a little while from now
If I'm not feeling any less sour
I promise myself to treat myself
And visit a nearby tower
And climbing to the top
Will throw myself off
In an effort to
Make it clear to whoever
Wants to know what it's like When you're shattered
Left standing in the lurch at a church
Were people saying, My God, that's tough
She stood him up
No point in us remaining
We may as well go home
As I did on my own
Alone again, naturally
To think that only yesterday
I was cheerful, bright and gay
Looking forward to who wouldn't do
The role I was about to play
But as if to knock me down
Reality came around
And without so much as a mere touch
Cut me into little pieces
Leaving me to doubt
Talk about, God in His mercy
Oh, if he really does exist
Why did he desert me
In my hour of need
I truly am indeed
Alone again, naturally
It seems to me that
There are more hearts broken in the world
That can't be mended
Left unattended
What do we do
What do we do
Alone again, naturally
Looking back over the years
And whatever else that appears
I remember I cried when my father died
Never wishing to hide the tears
And at sixty-five years old
My mother, God rest her soul
Couldn't understand why the only man
She had ever loved had been taken
Leaving her to start
With a heart so badly broken
Despite encouragement from me
No words were ever
And when she passed away
I cried and cried all day
Alone again, naturally
Alone again, naturally

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...