2019年7月25日 星期四

Stephen Bishop-It Might Be You

   退休流行音樂歌手、作曲人Stephen Bishop八月30日將再度推出一張錄音室製作的專輯We'll Talk About It Later in the Car


  這張專輯將從八月9日開放預購,同一天也推出專輯裡第一首單曲"Like Mother Like Daughter",一支配合此曲的MV也同時推出。

  We'll Talk About It Later in the Car專輯有另一首歌"Almost Home",是Joe Camp 創造的小說狗 Benji電影"I'm an unabashed dog lover"裡面的插曲,此曲是Stephen和他好友電視艾美獎編劇Curt Sobel一起寫的,We'll Talk About It Later in the Car專輯還另有一首"In Love with a Violent Man"Bishop說是講一個女人想離開他有毒癮的丈夫。

  此外, Bishop翻唱了一首別人的歌"Someone Else",那是傳奇作曲人Jimmy Webb 12歲時所寫的作品。

  "那是你將聽到最悲傷的歌之一"StephenWe'll Talk About It Later in the Car專輯裡有各種不同的歌曲型態表現,"我經常受到The Beatles 披頭合唱團的影響,我最敬佩他們的事情之一就是他們音樂作品的多樣化,那也是我想要在我這張專輯要做的事…這裡一點,那裏一點,我希望你們喜歡這趟旅程"

  Stephen Bishop 1951年出生於加州聖地牙哥,在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1977年獲得過11名的On And On,他也寫過一些電影插曲,他演唱Dave Grusin所寫,獲得過第25名的歌It Might Be You,是達斯汀霍夫曼主演的電影"窈窕淑男"的插曲,太好聽了!

It Might Be You
Dave Grusin

Time, I’ve been passing time watching trains go by
All of my life
Lying on the sand watching seabirds fly
Wishing there could be someone
Waiting home for me
Something’s telling me it might be you
It’s telling me it might be you
All of my life
Looking back as lovers go walking past
All of my life
Wondering how they met and what makes it last
If I found the place would I recognize the face
Something’s telling me it might be you
It’s telling me it might be you
So many quiet walks to take
So many dreams to wake and there’s so much love to make
I think we’re gonna need some time
Maybe all we need is time
And it’s telling me it might be you
All of my life
I’ve been saving love songs and lullabies
And there’s so much more
No one’s ever heard before
Something’s telling me it might be you
Yeah, it’s telling me it must be you and
I’m feeling it’ll just be you
All of my life
It’s you, it’s you I’ve been waiting for all of my life
Maybe it’s you Maybe it’s you I’ve been waiting for all of my life.



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...