2020年2月6日 星期四

Dennis DeYoung- Desert Moon

  Styx合唱團主唱鍵琴手Dennis DeYoung即將推出的專輯26 East, Vol. 1﹥的內容在他的臉書揭露了DeYoung的唱片公司Frontiers Music也公開了這張專輯的封面圖片、歌單及發片日期,即四月10日。

  26 East, Vol. 1﹥有10首歌,包括之前宣告的"To the Good Old Days",這首歌是為已故披頭合唱團the Beatles團員John Lennon的兒子 Julian所寫,也邀請他一起演唱,這張專輯有CD、唱片和數位網路下載版,Frontiers Music承諾在未來的幾週將給歌迷初嚐,意思是會有試聽安排。

DeYoung於去年底在他的官網強調,這張專輯的封面以三個火車頭穿越時空代表Styx合唱團的原始團員離開芝加哥踏上成名之路,他也提到26 East在他童年芝加哥故居地址的附近,他和John Chuck Panozzo攣生兄弟三個人在那裏組成Styx合唱團。

  DeYoung還講到本來想把這張專輯做為告別歌壇之作但是因為寫了太多歌唱片公司執行長建議出二張專輯所以專輯叫  26 East, Vol. 1

  此外Dennis說有五首﹤26 East, Vol. 1﹥中的歌是他和長期合作夥伴Jim Peterik,一起寫的Jim也擔任過Ides of March (2/70 Vehicle) Survivor合唱團的主唱與鍵琴手。

  Styx合唱團在歷年暢銷歌星與合唱團排行榜獲得第156,在Billboard Hot 100單曲榜名次最好的歌是1979年的二週冠軍曲Babe1983年的Mr.Roboto 則在Cash Box排行榜獲得冠軍。

  Dennis DeYoung1984年離開Styx從事個人的歌唱事業他動聽的抒情曲 Desert Moon當年底曾獲得第10

Desert Moon
Songwriters: Dennis De Young

"Is this the train to Desert Moon?" was all she said
But I knew I'd heard that stranger's voice before.
I turned to look into her eyes, but she moved away
She was standing in the rain
Trying hard to speak my name
They say first love never runs dry
The waiter poured our memories in a tiny cup
We stumbled over words we longed to hear
We talked about the dreams we'd lost, or given up
When the whistle caught the night
And ssilence from my life
As the last train rolled toward the moon
Those summer nights
When we were young
We bragged of things
We'd never done
We were dreamers, only dreamers
And in our haste
To grow up too soon
We left our innocence on Desert Moon
We were dreamers, only dreamers
On Desert Moon
On Desert Moon
On Desert Moon
Desert Moon
I still can hear the whisper of the summer nights
It echoes in the corners of my heart
The night is true and waiting for the desert train
All the words we meant to say
All the chances swept away
Still remain on the road to undo
Those summer nights, when we were young
We bragged of things we'd never done
We were dreamers, only dreamers
Moments pass, and time moves on
But dreams remain for just as long as there's dreamers
All the dreamers
On Desert Moon
On Desert Moon
On Desert Moon
Desert Moon



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...