2020年12月31日 星期四

Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine-Conga

  Billboard雜誌九月初(2020)挑選出50首橫跨時空,最受歡迎的拉丁歌曲,從阿根廷到西班牙,從1920年代到 2018年,其中有墨西哥歌謠、古巴之聲、哥倫比亞莎莎舞曲到現代的巴洽塔舞曲,選曲以歷史性的知名歌曲為主,這些歌一直到現在都吸引歌迷們跟唱並隨之起舞

  "Besame Mucho"" Guantanamera "之後,介紹另一首排行榜上名次不錯的歌"Conga",這一首英語版的嘉年華歌曲,是80年代因美國電台對古巴宣傳需要而生,"Conga"的作曲人是Miami Sound Machine的鼓手Enrique Garcia,此曲成功地在世紀之交點燃對拉丁音樂的喜愛,更重要的是它證明原即來自古巴的拉丁歌后與Miami Sound Machine 合唱團不需去改變就進入了美國流行音樂界主流

  Gloria Estefan本名Gloria Fajordo 1957年出生於古巴哈瓦那,在美國佛羅里達州長大,她和先生Emillio Estefan組成Miami Sound Machine合唱團,1990320日夫妻倆曾因發生嚴重車禍受傷,但後來幸運痊癒

 Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine暢銷曲很多,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第75名,"Conga"198510月推出,最高獲得第10






Come on, shake your body baby,

Do the conga

I know you can't control yourself any longer

Come on, shake your body baby,

Do the conga

I know you can't control yourself any longer.


Come on, shake your body baby,

Do the conga

I know you can't control yourself any longer

Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger

Don't you fight it till you've tried it

Do the conga beat


Everybody gather 'round now

Let your body feel the heat.

Don't you worry if you can't dance

Let the music move your feet.

It's the rhythm of the island

And like sugarcane, so sweet.

If you want to do the conga

You've got to listen to the beat.


Come on, shake your body baby,

Do the conga

I know you can't control yourself any longer

Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger

Don't you fight it till you've tried it

Do the conga beat


Feel the fire of desire

As you dance the night away.

'Cos tonight we're gonna party

Till we see the break of day.

Better get yourself together

And hold on to what you got.

Once the music hit your system

There's no way you're gonna stop.


Come on, shake your body baby,

Do the conga

I know you can't control yourself any longer

Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger

Don't you fight it till you've tried it

Do the conga beat


Come on, shake your body baby,

Do the conga

I know you can't control yourself any longer

Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger

Don't you fight it till you've tried it,

Do the conga

Come on, shake your body baby,

Do the conga

I know you can't control yourself any longer

Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger

Don't you fight it till you've tried it

Do the conga beat

Come on, shake your body baby,

Do the conga

2020年12月24日 星期四

K.T. Oslin-80's Ladies

    鄉村歌手、作曲人與80年代後期90年代早期的暢銷歌星K.T. Oslin,已經去世,並且經過鄉村音樂協會CMA的證實,上週才有報導說他得了帕金森氏病病並且患新冠肺炎,沒想到就走了,K.T. Oslin享年78歲。

  Oslin  1942年出生於美國阿肯薩斯州Crossett,本名Kay Toinette Oslin60年代她演唱民歌,70年代在劇場擔綱演出,直到40多歲時她才以鄉村歌手身分走紅,納許維爾製作人Harold Shedd80年代發現她是可造之才。

  RCA唱片簽約後她改名"K.T.1987 Oslin推出她第一張專輯〈80's Ladies〉,其中懷舊風的標題歌謠“80's Ladies一曲成名,雖然在Billboard鄉村歌曲排行榜只獲得第7名,但獲得CMA鄉村音樂協會年度歌曲獎,也是1988Grammy 最佳鄉村歌曲演唱獎得主。

  CMA CEO執行長Sarah Trahern : Oslin " 在鄉村歌唱界有他獨有的深情嗓音,她“80's Ladies”的歌詞內容深深影響女歌迷…"

  “80's Ladies”這首歌的MV拍得很傳神,把歌中的主角-三個50年代小女生從小交代到大,她們經歷過荒唐歲月,後來受教、覺悟、成長成為80年代的成熟女性,嫁人後要陪先生去賣蘋果黃豆及汽車..,很值得一聽

     K. T. Oslin把歌詞寫得像電影劇本,故事能反映女性社會問題,並引起探討,是她能得Grammy獎並走紅的主要原因。

     推薦給你這一首形成過話題的鄉村歌曲 !




80's Ladies

Songwriters: K. T. Oslin


We were three little girls from school.

One was pretty, one was smart

And one was a borderline fool.

Well she's still good lookin'

That woman hadn't slipped a bit.

The smart one used her head

She made her fortune.

And me, I cross the border every chance I get.

We were the girls of the 50's.

Stoned rock and rollers in the 60's.

And more than our names got changed

As the 70's slipped on by.

Now we're 80's ladies.

There ain't been much these ladies ain't tried.

We've been educated.

We got liberated.

And had complicating matters with men.

Oh, we've said "I do"

And we've signed "I don't"

And we've sworn we'd never do that again.

Oh, we burned our bras,

And we burned our dinners

And we burned our candles at both ends.

And we've had some children

Who look just like the way we did back then.

Oh, but we're all grown up now.

All grown up,

But none of us could tell you quite how.

We were the girls of the 50's.

Stoned rock and rollers in the 60's.

Hunny, more than our names got changed,

As the 70's slipped on by.

Now we're 80's ladies.

There ain't been much these ladies ain't tried.

A- my name is Alice.

I'm gonna marry Artie.

We're gonna sell apples

And live in Arkansas.

B- my name is Betty.

I'm gonna marry Bobby.

We're gonna sell beans

And live in Brazil.

C- my name is Connie.

I'm gonna marry Charlie.

We're gonna sell cars

And live in California.


2020年12月17日 星期四

Charley Pride-Kiss an Angel Good Mornin'

  開創性鄉村音樂歌手Charley Pride去世

  Charley Pride是第一位鄉村音樂黑人巨星,踏入歌壇之前是一位黑人職業棒球聯盟球星。


  1934於密西西比州Sledge出生的Charley Pride是鄉村音樂界第一位黑人巨星,他以“Is Anybody Gointo San Antone(1970)、“Kiss an Angel Good Mornin’”(1971) All I Have to Offer You (Is Me) (1969) 等歌知名“,其中又以“Kiss an Angel Good Mornin’”在Billboard Hot 100流行歌曲排行榜名次最好,1971年底推出後最高獲得第21名,並獲得Grammy最佳鄉村歌曲獎。

  Darius Rucker 在美國公共電視American Masters film Charley Pride 紀錄片中說 :“沒有黑人曾做過他做過的事 ”,我只是我Rucker是第一位得到鄉村音樂協會新人獎的美國黑人,也是繼Charley Pride之後第二位獲得其它鄉村歌曲獎的黑人歌手。

  就在上個月(11) Pride 2020年第54CMA鄉村音樂協會年度頒獎典禮中收到Willie Nelson終生成就獎,1971Charley Pride獲頒CMA年度藝人獎,1975年他是第一位在CMA年度頒獎典禮上擔任共同主持人的黑人(Glen Campbell一起) ,他於2017年獲得Grammy 終生成就獎。

  說鄉村音樂界失去一位開創性歌手還不夠,事實上是失去了Charley獨特的嗓音,CMACEO執行長 Sarah Trahern: 2009年他和Charley因應邀到白宮演出而一起工作過,當年歐巴馬總統夫婦邀請幾位鄉村歌手去表演,Charley講了好些動聽的故事,使那一夜很令人難忘。他向Charley的太太Rozene與家人致哀。

  今年上半年Pride 還在二張專輯中出現,歷史性的有三代黑人鄉村歌手同台,他和Darius Rucker另加Jimmie Allen 在一張Allen的迷你專輯“Why Things Happen”合唱,也在 Garth Brooks的秋季出版新專輯 “Fun”中,合唱其中的一首歌"Where the Cross Don't Burn",那是一個年輕白人男孩和忘年之交老黑人的故事。Pride的家人希望酬金捐給食物銀行與社區中心等單位

  鄉村歌唱界於70年代初期曾有很多歌星和合唱團跨界流行歌壇獲得好的成績(目前當紅的歌后Taylor Swift也來自鄉村歌唱界)Charley Pride即是其中一位令歌迷難忘的黑人男歌星




Kiss an Angel Good Mornin'

Songwriters: Al Anderson / Bob Dipiero / Joe Klimek


Whenever I chance to meet,

some old friends on the street

They wonder how does a man get to be this way

I've always got a smiling face, anytime & any place

And every time they ask me why I just smile & say

You've got to kiss an angel good morning

And let her know you think about her when you're gone

Kiss an angel good morning

And love her like the devil when you get back home

Well people may try to guess, the secret of my happiness

But some of them never learn it's a simple thing

The secret I'm speaking of, is a woman & a man in love

And the answer is in this song that I always sing

You've got to kiss an angel good morning

And let her know you think about her when you're gone

Kiss an angel good morning

And love her like the devil when you get back home

Kiss an angel good morning

And let her know you think about her when you're gone

Kiss an angel good morning

And love her like the devil when you get back home



2020年12月10日 星期四

Aaliyah-Try Again

    Aaliyah,台灣代理唱片公司翻譯為愛莉雅,她是1990年代中期開始走紅的黑人女歌星,1979116日於紐約布魯克林區出生,在密西根州底特律長大,1994-2002年出過四張專輯唱片,其中第四張專輯I Care 4 You》當中推出的單曲"Try Again" 獲得過Billboard Hot 100排行榜冠軍,他也應邀參加電影「致命羅密歐」Romeo Must Die(與李連杰合演)及「屍纏妖后」Queen Of The Damned演出。

         Aaliyah 1994731日和R.Kelly結婚(Kelly1990年代R&B巨星),當時還不滿16歲,後來婚約被取消,很不幸的2001825Aaliyah 22歲時因飛機失事在巴哈馬Abaco喪生,可謂自古紅顏多薄命。

        "Try Again"「致命羅密歐」Romeo Must Die 電影插曲之一,2000318日推出,獲得單週排行榜冠軍。




Try Again


Songwriters: Timothy Mosley / Stephen Garrett


It's been a long time

I Know I shouldn't left you, left you,

Without a dope beat to step to

Step to, step to, step to

Step to,

Freaky, freaky, freaky (baby girl)

What would you do

To get to me?

What would you say

To have your way?

Would you give up?

Or try again

If I hesitate to let you in?

Now would you be yourself

Or play a role?

Tell all the boys

Or keep it low?

If I say no

Would you turn away

Or play me off

Or would you stay (oooohhh)...

If at first you don't succeed

(First you don't succeed)

Then dust yourself off and try again

You can dust if off and try again, try again

'Cause if at first you don't succeed

(At first you don't succeed)

You can dust it off and try again,

Dust yourself off and try again, try again

Again, again

I'm in to you

You in to me?

But I can't let it go

So easily,

Not 'till I see

What this could be

Could be eternity

Or just a week?

You know our chemistry

It's off the chain

It's perfect now

But will it change?

This ain't a yes

This ain't a no

Just do your thang

And we'll see how it goes (oooohhh)...

If at first you don't succeed

(First you don't succeed)

Then dust yourself off and try again

You can dust if off and try again, try again

'Cause if at first you don't succeed

(At first you don't succeed)

You can dust it off and try again,

Dust yourself off and try again, try again

Again, again

See you don't wanna throw it all away

I might be shy on the first date

But what about the next date (huh, huh, huh, huh)

See you don't wanna throw it all away

I might be buggin' on the first date

But what about the next date (huh, huh, huh, huh, oh)

If at first you don't succeed

(First you don't succeed)

Then dust yourself off and try again

You can dust if off and try again, try again

'Cause if at first you don't succeed

(At first you don't succeed)

You can dust it off and try again,

Dust yourself off and try again, try again

Again, again

If at first you don't succeed

(First you don't succeed)

Then dust yourself off and try again

You can dust if off and try again, try again

'Cause if at first you don't succeed

(At first you don't succeed)

You can dust it off and try again,

Dust yourself off and try again, try again

Again, again

If at first you don't succeed

(First you don't succeed)

Then dust yourself off and try again

You can dust if off and try again, try again

'Cause if at first you don't succeed

(At first you don't succeed)

You can dust it off and try again,

Dust yourself off and try again, try again

Again, again

It's been a long time (long time)

Shouldn't have left you (left you)

Without a dope beat to step to

Step to, step to, step to

If at first you don't succeed

(First you don't succeed)

Then dust yourself off and try again

You can dust if off and try again, try again

'Cause if at first you don't succeed

(At first you don't succeed)

You can dust it off and try again,

Dust yourself off and try again, try again

Again, again

It's been a long time (long time)

Shouldn't have left you (left you)

Without a dope beat to step to

Step to, step to, step to


2020年12月3日 星期四

Journey-Don't Stop Believin'

   搖滾樂團Journey的團員Neal Schon發行個人專輯

  Journey的吉他手Neal Schon宣布新專輯Universe》將於12月初推出

   他在推特宣告這個訊息並配以專輯封面,專輯有一些翻唱Prince / John McLaughlin / Stevie Wonder / Beatles Journey的歌,製作人Narada Michael Walden :  "其中有些聖誕假期很有療癒的歌"

 Universe》是Schon 2015年的《Vortex》之後第一張個人專輯,Neal Schon六月時曾表示明年(2021) Journey可能出新專輯。

   Journey最近一張專輯《Eclipse》則是20115月出版的,推出時於Billboard 200專輯排行榜獲得第13名。

     配合新專輯推出Journey原來準備和New Wave搖滾樂團The Pretenders一同進行北美巡迴演唱會,但受新冠肺炎流行的影響暫時取消。

  Journey成立於舊金山,Neal Schon與另一位主唱Gregg Rolie曾經是拉丁搖滾樂團Santana的團員,1978Steve Perry的加入使他們實力更強,Journey 2017年獲選進入搖滾樂名人堂

  JourneyBillboard Hot 100排行榜上名次最好的歌是1982年獲得6週第2名的"Open Arms" (2/27-4/3),擋在前面的冠軍曲是The J. Geils Band" Centenfold "Joan Jett and the Blackhearts"I Love Rock 'N Roll",不過"Open Arms"在錢櫃雜誌的排行榜上是獲得冠軍的歌。

  Journey另外一首1981年獲得第9名的歌 Don't Stop Believing 在數位下載的銷量統計獲得五張白金唱片(下載一百萬次得一張白金唱片),是他們歷久彌新的老歌。





Don't Stop Believin'

Songwriters: Jonathan Cain / Stephen Ray Perry / Neal Joseph Schon


Just a small town girl

Livin' in a lonely world

She took the midnight train goin' anywhere

Just a city boy

Born and raised in south Detroit

He took the midnight train goin' anywhere

A singer in a smoky room

A smell of wine and cheap perfume

For a smile they can share the night

It goes on and on, and on, and on

Strangers waiting

Up and down the boulevard

Their shadows searching in the night

Streetlights, people

Living just to find emotion

Hiding somewhere in the night

Working hard to get my fill

Everybody wants a thrill

Payin' anything to roll the dice

Just one more time

Some will win, some will lose

Some were born to sing the blues

Oh, the movie never ends

It goes on and on, and on, and on

Strangers waiting

Up and down the boulevard

Their shadows searching in the night

Streetlights, people

Living just to find emotion

Hiding somewhere in the night

Don't stop believin'

Hold on to the feelin'

Streetlights, people

Don't stop believin'

Hold on

Streetlights, people

Don't stop believin'

Hold on to the feelin'

Streetlights, people


MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...