2020年12月24日 星期四

K.T. Oslin-80's Ladies

    鄉村歌手、作曲人與80年代後期90年代早期的暢銷歌星K.T. Oslin,已經去世,並且經過鄉村音樂協會CMA的證實,上週才有報導說他得了帕金森氏病病並且患新冠肺炎,沒想到就走了,K.T. Oslin享年78歲。

  Oslin  1942年出生於美國阿肯薩斯州Crossett,本名Kay Toinette Oslin60年代她演唱民歌,70年代在劇場擔綱演出,直到40多歲時她才以鄉村歌手身分走紅,納許維爾製作人Harold Shedd80年代發現她是可造之才。

  RCA唱片簽約後她改名"K.T.1987 Oslin推出她第一張專輯〈80's Ladies〉,其中懷舊風的標題歌謠“80's Ladies一曲成名,雖然在Billboard鄉村歌曲排行榜只獲得第7名,但獲得CMA鄉村音樂協會年度歌曲獎,也是1988Grammy 最佳鄉村歌曲演唱獎得主。

  CMA CEO執行長Sarah Trahern : Oslin " 在鄉村歌唱界有他獨有的深情嗓音,她“80's Ladies”的歌詞內容深深影響女歌迷…"

  “80's Ladies”這首歌的MV拍得很傳神,把歌中的主角-三個50年代小女生從小交代到大,她們經歷過荒唐歲月,後來受教、覺悟、成長成為80年代的成熟女性,嫁人後要陪先生去賣蘋果黃豆及汽車..,很值得一聽

     K. T. Oslin把歌詞寫得像電影劇本,故事能反映女性社會問題,並引起探討,是她能得Grammy獎並走紅的主要原因。

     推薦給你這一首形成過話題的鄉村歌曲 !




80's Ladies

Songwriters: K. T. Oslin


We were three little girls from school.

One was pretty, one was smart

And one was a borderline fool.

Well she's still good lookin'

That woman hadn't slipped a bit.

The smart one used her head

She made her fortune.

And me, I cross the border every chance I get.

We were the girls of the 50's.

Stoned rock and rollers in the 60's.

And more than our names got changed

As the 70's slipped on by.

Now we're 80's ladies.

There ain't been much these ladies ain't tried.

We've been educated.

We got liberated.

And had complicating matters with men.

Oh, we've said "I do"

And we've signed "I don't"

And we've sworn we'd never do that again.

Oh, we burned our bras,

And we burned our dinners

And we burned our candles at both ends.

And we've had some children

Who look just like the way we did back then.

Oh, but we're all grown up now.

All grown up,

But none of us could tell you quite how.

We were the girls of the 50's.

Stoned rock and rollers in the 60's.

Hunny, more than our names got changed,

As the 70's slipped on by.

Now we're 80's ladies.

There ain't been much these ladies ain't tried.

A- my name is Alice.

I'm gonna marry Artie.

We're gonna sell apples

And live in Arkansas.

B- my name is Betty.

I'm gonna marry Bobby.

We're gonna sell beans

And live in Brazil.

C- my name is Connie.

I'm gonna marry Charlie.

We're gonna sell cars

And live in California.




MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...