2022年2月24日 星期四

Joni Mitchell-Both Sides, Now

    著名的加拿大搖滾樂手Nei Young元月底發布聲明,指責最紅播客喬羅根(Joe Rogan散布有關疫苗的假消息可能導致他人死亡,要求Spotify將他的音樂下架。另一位知名的加拿大民歌手Joni Mitchell數天後跟進,也要求將她的音樂下架。羅根後來道歉,表示會更努力在節目中呈現各種不同意見。

         Nei Young1995年進入搖滾樂名人堂,他在Billboard Hot 100排行榜上名次最好的歌是1972年獲得過冠軍的"Heart Of Gold"。而Joni Mitchell除了1997年進入搖滾樂名人堂之外,他於1995年即獲選Billboard Century世紀歌星,並於2002年獲得 Grammy Lifetime Achievement 終身成就獎。

Joni Mitchell最有名的歌沒有推出過單曲,是1969年錄製在滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜獲得171名的"Both Sides Now"

Joni Mitchell初次婚姻於60年代後期結束,但她的音樂事業卻有亮點,因為Judy Collins 翻唱她的作品"Both Sides Now"獲得Billboard Hot 100排行榜第8(1968)Mitchell於她的1969年的專輯〈Clouds〉當中也唱了這首歌,她描述她寫這一首歌是對現實和幻想的沉思,構想很偉大,但她自謙只了解一點皮毛。

Judy Collins是來自西雅圖的民歌手。






Both Sides, Now

Songwriters: Joni Mitchell


  Rows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere
Looked at clouds that way

But now they only block the sun
They rain and they snow on everyone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all

Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels
The dizzy dancing way that you feel
As every fairy tale comes real
I've looked at love that way

But now it's just another show
And you leave 'em laughing when you go
And if you care, don't let them know
Don't give yourself away

I've looked at love from both sides now
From give and take and still somehow
It's love's illusions that I recall
I really don't know love
Really don't know love at all

Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say, "I love you" right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I've looked at life that way

Oh, but now old friends they're acting strange
And they shake their heads and they tell me that I've changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
In living every day

I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life at all

It's life's illusions that I recall
I really don't know life
I really don't know life at all



2022年2月16日 星期三

Sade-By Your Side

  樂評人最近選出的5021世紀最佳情歌,Sade "By Your Side" (2000)排名第7

  如果一首歌可以當作哭泣時的肩膀,那將會是“By Your Side”在你身邊

  長期的音樂偶像Sade “莎黛用她女低音和簡單而真誠的歌詞,一種讓人安心的輕鬆感表達了對所愛的人在任何情況下都要堅持 : “You think I’d leave your side, baby/ You know me better than that”寶貝,你以為我會離開你的身邊/你比那更了解我」。她同名的合唱團Sade21世紀的第一首暢銷曲“By Your Side”超越了音樂類型---它融合了輕搖滾和深情的節奏與藍調---詮釋一種不可動搖的愛,這也是為什麼此後此曲成了受歡迎的婚禮歌曲

  1969年出生於非洲奈及利亞的Sade是一位英-奈混血兒,本名Helen Sade Folasade,在英格蘭Claton-on-Sea成長,樂評人將她的歌路定位為爵士風的R&B,她曾獲得1985年的最佳新人獎

  Sade“By Your Side”2001年曾獲Billboard Hot 10075名,2010年的“Soldier Of Love”則獲得第52名,她的成名曲是1985年曾獲得過第5名,令歌迷們難忘的“Smooth Operator”






By Your Side


You think I'd leave your side baby

You know me better than that

You think I'd leave you down when you're down on your knees

I wouldn't do that

I'll tell you you're right when you want

Ha ah ah ah ah ah

And if only you could see into me


Oh, when you're cold

I'll be there

Hold you tight to me


When you're on the outside baby and you can`t get in

I will show you you're so much better than you know

When you're lost and you're alone and you can't get back again

I will find you darling and I will bring you home


And if you want to cry

I am here to dry your eyes

And in no time

You'll be fine


You think I'd leave your side baby

You know me better than that

You think I'd leave you down when you're down on your knees

I wouldn't do that

I'll tell you you're right when you want

Ha ah ah ah ah ah

And if only you could see into me


Oh when you're cold

I'll be there

Hold you tight to me

Oh when you're low

I'll be there

By your side baby


Oh when you're cold

I'll be there

Hold you tight to me

Oh when you're low

I'll be there

By your side baby

2022年2月8日 星期二

Meat Loaf-Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

    Meat Loaf的專輯Bat Out of Hell》「地獄裡飛出來的蝙蝠」重新進入Billboard雜誌所有類型的排行榜而且名次創新高,此事發生於這位美國歌星及演員去世之後。

  Bat Out of Hell》在Billboard 200 專輯排行榜獲得第13名,25日推出後就超過了1978.年最高獲得過的14

  本名Michael Lee Aday Meat Loaf也重新進入藝人排行榜the Billboard Artist 100,獲得第3名。

  Meat Loaf元月20日在田納西州Nashville去世,他感染了新冠肺炎。


  Bat Out of Hell》這張專輯推出後在Top Rock Albums chart搖滾樂排行榜獲得第 10名,Top Hard Rock Albums chart重搖滾排行榜獲得第2名,重新推出的這張專輯也在Top Album Sales chart專輯銷售排行榜獲得第 22名。


       本名Marvin Lee AdayMeat Loaf19479月出生於德州達拉斯,原來是一位劇場搖滾歌手,後來在Ted Nugent的專輯《Free-For-All》擔任主唱而出名,他也在洛杉磯舞台劇和電影The Rocky Horror Picture Show《洛基恐怖秀》演Eddie,還在其它幾部電影裡客串演出過。  

       Meat Loaf 1977年非常受歡迎的專輯Bat Out of Hell中的"Two Out of Three Ain't Bad"曾獲得Billboard Hot 100排行榜第11名,曾經是一首非常紅的歌,後來根據網路下載量統計獲得白金唱片。

       Meat Loaf Billboard Hot 100排行榜上名次最好的歌是19939月推出獲得連續5冠軍的" I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) ",此曲女生部分由Lorraine Crosby演唱 。






Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad

Songwriters: Jim Steinman


Baby, we can talk all night
But that ain't gettin us nowhere
I told you everything I possibly can
There's nothing left inside of here

And maybe you can cry all night
But that'll never change the way that I feel
The snow is really piling up outside
I wish you wouldn't make me leave here

I poured it on and I poured it out
I tried to show you just how much I care
I'm tired of words and I'm too hoarse to shout
But you've been cold to me so long
I'm crying icicles instead of tears

And all I can do is keep on telling you
I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
There ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
Now don't be sad (don't be sad 'cause)
'Cause two out of three ain't bad
Now don't be sad ('cause)
'Cause two out of three ain't bad

You'll never find your gold on a sandy beach
You'll never drill for oil on a city street
I know you're looking for a ruby in a mountain of rocks
But there ain't no Coup de Ville
Hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box

I can't lie (I can't lie)
I can't tell you that I'm something I'm not
No matter how I try
I'll never be able to give you something
Something that I just haven't got

There's only one girl I'll ever love
And that was so many years ago
And though I know I'll never get her out of my heart
She never loved me back
Ooh I know

Well I remember how she left me on a stormy night
Oh she kissed me and got out of our bed
And though I pleaded and I begged her not to walk out that door
She packed her bags and turned right away

And she kept on telling me
She kept on telling me
She kept on telling me

I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
There ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
Now don't be sad (don't be sad 'cause)
'Cause two out of three ain't bad

I want you (I want you)
I need you (I need you)
There ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you
Now don't be sad (don't be sad 'cause)
'Cause two out of three ain't bad
Now don't be sad
'Cause two out of three ain't bad

Baby, we can talk all night
But that ain't getting us nowhere



2022年2月3日 星期四

Ray Stevens-Misty

  Clint Eastwood 克林伊斯威特主演及首度執導的電影〈Play Misty For ME〉「迷霧追魂」講得是一個廣播電台音樂節目的歌迷經常點播'Misty '這首歌而與節目主持人搭上線,最後主持人遭此病態歌迷死亡威脅的劇情,除了電影主題曲由Roberta Flack演唱的'The First Time Ever I Saw your Face '獲得6周冠軍也獲得Grammy1972年年度唱片及歌曲獎之外,全劇的關鍵歌曲'Misty '也值得你了解一下。

  演唱' Misty '的歌手不少,進入排行榜Top 20 的則有Johnny MathisRay Stevens 的版本

  Ray Stevens 翻唱經典爵士樂 Misty「迷霧」的原曲, 其版本之所以能在流行音樂界成為令歌迷們懷念的歌曲,主要因為它是一首爵士風味的鄉村與西部歌曲 (country & western 簡稱C&W)'Misty '是黑人爵士鋼琴手 Erroll Garner1954年所寫的,紅了好一段時間後由好萊塢知名作詞人Johnny Burke 填上歌詞,抒情歌星Johnny Mathis 的版本成了他的招牌歌,Ella FitzgeraldSarah Vaughan 等名歌星也翻唱過這首歌。後來Ray Stevens 決定將'Misty '再製成一首 C&W風味的歌。Ray Stevens是一個曲風獨特的藝人,他創作了很多搞笑歌曲,'Misty '是他的作品中在商業上最成功的一首歌。

  這首歌的編曲嚴守C&W風,遣詞造句仍然有Garner Webb 原味,但歌詞則加了Stevens 式的喧囂味 


  Ray Stevens 1939年出生於美國喬治亞州 Clarkdale,能歌能唱還精於多種樂器,1960年代中期是 Andy Williams電視節目常客,1970 年代也有自己的電視節目,他也用Henhouse Five Plus Too化名灌唱片,Stevens作品很多,是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第214名的知名歌星

  Ray Stevens版的'Misty'這首歌於19754月推出,獲得過Billboard Hot 100排行榜第14名,而由爵士轉抒情的歌手Johnny Mathis 版的 'Misty'則更早於195910月推出,最高獲得第12






Ray Stevens

Songwriters: Erroll Garner / Johnny Burke


Look at me
I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
Ah, I'm walkin' on a cloud
I can't understand, lord
I'm misty holdin' your hand

Walk my way
And a thousand violins begin to play
Or it might be the sound of your hello
That music I hear, lord
I'm misty the moment you're near

You can say that you're leadin' me on
But it's just what I want you to do
Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost
That's why I'm followin' you, ooh

On my own
Should I wander through this wonderland alone, now
Never knowin' my right foot from my left
My hat from my glove, lord
I'm misty, and too much in love

You can say that you're leadin' me on
But it's just what I want you to do
Don't ya notice how hopelessly I'm lost
That's why I'm followin' you, ooh

On my own
Should I wander through this wonderland alone, now
Never knowin' my right foot from my left
My hat from my glove, Lord
I'm misty, and too much in love

too much in love
(Misty) too much in love
(Misty) too much in love



Sergio Mendes -Never Gonna Let You Go

巴西音樂傳奇人物Sergio Mendes 去世,享年 83 歲     他的家人 證實,格萊美獎得主巴西音樂家 Sergio Mendes 去世,他 以 Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66 合唱團名 在美國 的流行音樂市場闖出了知名度 。   ...