2023年9月28日 星期四

The Association-Cherish

永遠的冠軍曲: The Association’s ‘Cherish’

這首歌是該樂團二首冠軍曲之一,也是唯一由已故的 Terry Kirkman 創作的歌,其中有一股黑暗的暗流。在婚禮上演奏前請三思。

The Association Cherish”20 世紀 60 年代最美麗的流行歌曲之一,是一首流行合唱經典歌曲,長期以來一直是婚宴上的主要歌曲。它讓你從開頭的音符中驚呆了。但這首歌並不像乍看那麼簡單。仔細聽,你會發現這是一個關於單相思的浪漫痴迷的故事,主角最終脫口而出「你快把我逼瘋了」。
在某些方面,“Cherish”相當於20 世紀60 年代 The Police 合唱團的“Every Breath You Take”,有些人聽到的是一首永恆奉獻的歌曲,其實是一首關於不健康、跟蹤狂般的迷戀的歌曲。 歌曲可能比表面上看起來更複雜。

The Association 1965 年在洛杉磯成立,前身是由 13 人組成的民謠/搖滾樂隊 The Men,該樂隊曾短暫是著名吟遊詩人俱樂部的室內樂隊。很快就轉向精緻的主流流行音樂——其音樂通常被稱為“陽光流行音樂”。

Cherish”The Association 團員 Terry Kirkman 所寫的歌Kirkman 還在這首熱門歌曲中擔任主唱,這是樂團突破性熱門歌曲“Along Comes Mary”的暢銷曲。1966 7 月,這首歌Billboard Hot 100 排行榜進入前10名。Russ Giguere 在“Cherish”中唱和聲。專業錄音室的樂手們擔任伴奏。他們包括吉他手 Mike Deasy、貝斯手 Jerry Scheff 和鼓手 Jim TroxelCurt Boettcher 製作了這首單曲,並在 Valiant 勇士唱片公司發行。

Terry Kirkman 是一位歌手、作曲人,也是the Association 合唱團的共同創辦人,該團在20 世紀60 年代以WindyCherishAlong Comes Mary”、“ Never My Love和“Everything That Touches You.”受到歌迷們熱烈的歡迎。
the Association 以其敏銳的風格感和流暢的和聲而聞名,於1967年舉辦的蒙特利流行音樂節被認為是美國第一個商業搖滾音樂節,其中包括 Jimi Hendrix the WhoJanis Joplin Jefferson Airplane,the Grateful Deadthe Byrds Canned Heat 這些後來歌壇名人。當時的旁觀者指出, the Association 在搖滾傳奇中佔有一席之地。歌曲獲得了巨大成功

Terry Kirkman 於週六(2023 9 23 日)在他的家中去世83

(15) The Association - Cherish (1966)(Stereo) – YouTube

這首歌於1971年由David Cassidy翻唱獲得第9David Cassidy因電視影集The Partridge Family走紅,但晚景淒涼,有段時間常進派出所。

(15) The Association "Never My Love" on The Ed Sullivan Show – YouTube

THE 5TH DIMENSION五度空間合唱團1971年翻唱這首歌得過11名。The Ed Sullivan Show 蘇利文劇場是台灣只有一家無線台時星期日晚間很受歡迎節目,歐美剛出道的名歌星合唱團都上過這歌節目,含The Beatles貓王在內


Lyrics:Terry Kirkman

Cherish is the word I use to describe
All the feeling that I have hiding here for you inside
You don't know how many times I've wished that I had told you
You don't know how many times I've wished that I could hold you
You don't know how many times I've wished that I could
Mold you into someone who could
Cherish me as much as I cherish you

Perish is the word that more than applies
To the hope in my heart each time I realize
That I am not gonna be the one to share your dreams
That I am not gonna be the one to share your schemes
That I am not gonna be the one to share
What seems to be the life that you could
Cherish as much as I do yours

Oh, I'm beginning to think that man has never found
The words that could make you want me
That have the right amount of letters, just the right sound
That could make you hear, make you see
That you are drivin' me out of my mind

Oh, I could say I need you but then you'd realize
That I want you just like a thousand other guys
Who'd say they loved you With all the rest of their lies
When all they wanted was to touch your face, your hands
And gaze into your eyes

Cherish is the word I use to describe
All the feeling that I have hiding here for you inside
You don't know how many times I've wished that I had told you
You don't know how many times I've wished that I could hold you
You don't know how many times I've wished that I could
Mold you into someone who could
Cherish me as much as I cherish you

And I do cherish you
And I do cherish you
Cherish is the word

2023年9月21日 星期四

Guns N' Roses-Patience

    當談到擁有多名吉他手的樂團時,有一樂團因曾經擁有最多吉他手而脫穎而出,這樂團就是 Guns N' Roses

    Guns N' Roses 是一搖滾樂,於 1985 年在加州洛杉磯成立。多年來,樂團先後共有10名吉他手,其中包括創始成員SlashIzzy Stradlin。其他曾與 Guns N' Roses 合作過的吉他手包括 BucketheadGilby Clarke Bumblefoot ,但在 Guns N' Roses 中尤其值得注意的是,因為樂隊中有許多才華橫溢的吉他手。每位吉他手都為樂團帶來了自己獨特的風格和聲音,從而產生了多樣化的音樂,讓粉絲們回味無窮

    在加州洛杉磯組成的這個搖滾樂團:主唱;Wiliam "Axl Rose" Bailey 生於1962 年2 月6 日,吉他手 Saul "Slash" Hudson Jeffrey “lzzy Stradlin” Isbell 貝斯手 Michael “Duff” McKagan 鼓手 Steven Adler Axl。

    Rose 於 1990 年 4 月 27 日與 Erin Everly(Everly Brothers 傳奇二重唱 Don Everly 的女兒)結婚,三週後離婚。 Steven Adler 於 1990 年離; 由 Matt Sorum(曾與 the Cult 一起巡迴演出)取代。 鍵手 Dizzy Reed 於 1990 年加入。Stradlin' 於 1991 年底離開;取而代之的是 Kill For Thrills。Slash 於 1992-97 年間與模特兒 Renee Surran 結婚。 Clarke 於 1995 年 1 月離開樂團。

    Guns N' Roses 在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1988年的二周冠軍曲"Sweet Child O' Mine"1989年的 "Patience" 則是一首受歡迎的rock-ballad 搖滾歌謠,曾獲得第四名。

(10) Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine (Official Music Video) - YouTube


(10) GUNS N' ROSES - Patience (HQ) - YouTube

rock-ballad 有其特殊風味,與一般流行或鄉村歌手演唱的抒情歌曲感覺不同。


作詞/作曲:Duff Rose McKagan / Izzy Stradlin / Saul Hudson / Steven Adler / W. Axl Rose

One, two, one, two, three, four

Shed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you
I'm still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you're in my heart now

Said "woman take it slow, and it'll work itself out fine"
All we need is just a little patience
Said "sugar make it slow and we'll come together fine"
All we need is just a little patience (Patience)
Mm, yeah

I sit here on the stairs
'Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now, I'll wait dear
Sometimes I get so tense but I can't speed up the time
But you know love there's one more thing to consider

Said "woman take it slow and things will be just fine"
You and I'll just use a little patience
Said "sugar take the time 'cause the lights are shining bright"
You and I've got what it takes to make it
We won't fake it, I'll never break it
'Cause I can't take it

Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah (I've been walking the streets at night)
Just trying to get it right (A little patience, yeah)
It's hard to see with so many around
You know I don't like being stuck in the crowd (Could use some patience, yeah)
And the streets don't change but maybe the names
I ain't got time for the game 'cause I need you (Gotta have more patience, yeah)
Yeah, yeah, yeah but I need you (All need more patience)
Oh, I need you (All need some patience)
Oh, I need you (Just a little patience)
Ooh this time (Is all you need)

2023年9月14日 星期四

Billy Preston- With You I'm Born Again

 The Beatles披頭合唱團在與他合作時知Billy preston是同性戀嗎?

樂壇人士並不完全確定Billy Preston在與披頭合作時是否知道是同性戀。

Billy Preston在去世前不久才出櫃,而他的死亡是由於他因濫用藥物而遭受的健康狀況而提前的,而這又是他在調和自己的性取向與宗教信仰時感到的壓力的結果。
Preston小時候曾遭受過性虐待,這對他的心理健康和對自己性行為的態度都沒有多大影響。1970 年代初,當他20 多歲的時候,他才與模特Kathy Silva訂婚,隨后Kathy Silva在與Preston 訂婚期間與Sly and Family Stone 合唱團的主唱 Sly Stone在一起,這一事件顯然使普雷斯頓 Preston 停止了Sly Stone 交往。 Preston與女性的關係以及出櫃的經驗讓他知道一個人會發現自己的慾望有多麼令人困惑。
無論如何,Beatles 並沒有受到恐同症的影響,他們永遠忠誠並喜愛他們的第一任經紀人 Brian Epstein。如果他們知道Preston不是異性戀,顯然不僅不會阻止他們與他合作,而且會讓他成為唯一一個在披頭唱片中獲得共同榮譽的人。

The Rolling Stones 滾石合唱團的主唱 Keith Richard 在他的回憶錄中深情地回憶了 Preston,儘管他回憶說,當在70 年代中期 Preston與滾石樂隊一起巡演時,他不得不阻止在電梯裡Preston 他的男朋友...。

Billy preston 是專業錄音室中的的高手和許多樂團合作過,歌迷們甚至說他是第五位披頭團員他個人在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1973年的冠軍曲Will It Go Round In Circus ,而1979年與Syreeta Write 合唱的 With You I'm Born Again#4)則是一首很受歡迎的動聽情歌。

(1) Will It Go Round In Circles - YouTube

(1) Billy Preston - With You I'm Born Again (with Syreeta Wright) - YouTube

With You I'm Born Again

作詞/作曲: Carol Connors, David Shire

Come bring me your softness
Comfort me through all this madness
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again

Come give me your sweetness
Now there's you, there is no weakness
Lying safe within your arms, I'm born again

I was half, not whole
In step with none
Reaching through this world
In need of one

Come show me your kindness
In your arms I know I'll find this
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again
Lying safe with you I'm born again

Come bring me your softness
Comfort me through all this madness
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again

Come give me your sweetness
Now there's you, there is no weakness
Lying safe within your arms, I'm born again
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again

I was half, not whole
In step with none
Reaching through this world
In need of one

Come show me your kindness
In your arms I know I'll find this
Woman, don't you know, with you I'm born again
Lying safe with you I'm born again

2023年9月7日 星期四

Genesis- Invisible Touch


的創始陣容包括主唱 Peter Gabriel、鍵Tony Banks、吉他貝斯Mike Rutherford吉他手 Anthony Phillips 鼓手 Chris Stewart,他們都是英格蘭Surrey Godalming查特豪斯學校的學生。這五人曾在學校的兩個活躍樂隊中演奏,他們了取團名叫The New Anon”當時他們製作了一包含六首歌曲的試唱帶,其中之一給了在1965 年憑藉其英國排名前五的單曲“Everyone's Gone To The Moon”為創作歌手和製作人Jonathon King,但他們在父母堅持之下只與King Decca 簽了一份為期一年的合約,因為他們當時只有156
發行了他收集的許多單曲,這些單曲是在樂隊不知情的情況下重新編排的,這促使Anthony Phillips 在聽到成品後跺腳離開了錄音室,而這些歌曲在很大程度上都是令人沮喪的失敗。1969 年發行的第一張專輯《From Genesis To Revelation》也遭到了歌迷們的噓聲。就在此時,鼓手 Chris Stewart 離開了樂隊。美國發行了這張專輯唱片,銷量僅為 650 張。
年底,在一位年齡稍大的樂John Mayhew 取代鼓手 John Silver 後,他們開始錄製新新簽約的 Charisma Records 發行第二張專輯Trespass》。John Mayhew 曾是一位經驗豐富的現場表演者,並教會了他們後來不斷發展的表演技巧。
奇怪的1969 年以來 Genesis: From Genesis To Revelation (1969) 就如同 Genesis 的開端一樣成為傳奇,在 1974 重新發行後於 Billboard 200 專輯排行榜上獲得170 名,至今仍在熱銷。因為這是一沒有一刻得到樂隊認可的作品。但是由於Jonathon King 仍然擁有它的版權,它仍然以各種名稱和配置出售,誘騙買家將其作為經典的創世紀版本購買。
如果你知道 Genesis 是誰以及他們變成了什麼,那麼這是一次非常糟糕的開場秀

Phil Collins1970年加入Genesis 當鼓手,1975 年取代 Peter Gabriel、成為主唱,他1981年起也同時推出個人的唱片1996年離團。

Genesis 在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1986年的冠軍曲Invisible Touch”

Phil Collins個人名次最好的歌則是1989年的四周冠軍曲Another Day In Paradise”

(1) Genesis - Invisible Touch (Official Music Video) – YouTube

Genesisprogressive- rock前衛搖滾樂團,Phil Collins不用該團推單曲也許是樂風不同的關係

(1) Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise [Audio HQ] HD - YouTube

Phil Collins 個人唱 soft rock,但也和 Brand Xjazz rock

Invisible Touch

作詞/作曲:Anthony George Banks / Michael Rutherford / Phillip David Charles Collins

Well I've been waiting, waiting here so long
But thinking nothing, nothing could go wrong, ooh now I know
She has a built in ability
To take everything she sees
And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her

She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart

Well I don't really know her, I only know her name
But she crawls under your skin
You're never quite the same, and now I know
She's got something you just can't trust
And it's something mysterious
And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her

She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart

She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart

Well she don't like losing, to her it's still a game
And though she will mess up your life
You'll want her just the same, and now I know
She has a built in ability
To take everything she sees
And now it seems I've fallen, fallen for her

She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart

She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She seems to have an invisible touch, oh
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She seems to have an invisible touch, oh
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She seems to have an invisible touch, oh
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She seems to have an invisible touch, oh

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...