2024年7月25日 星期四

The Four Tops-Reach Out, I’ll Be There

     The Four Tops〔最佳四人組〕合唱團成員Abdul “Duke” Fakir 7 22 日星期一在底特律的家中因心臟衰竭去世。Fakir 是傳奇集團一位倖存的創始成員,現年 88 歲。

    Fakir 法基爾家族在聲明中說道“當我們哀悼這位開拓者、偶像和音樂傳奇人物的去世時,我們心情沉重,他在 70 年的音樂生涯中感動了許多人,他繼續巡演直到 2023 年底,並於今年正式退休” 

    作為標誌性的The Four Tops 樂團最後一位在世的創始成員,我們在杜克的遺產中找到了慰藉,他的音樂通過他的音樂代代相傳。”

    The Four Tops 成立於 1953 年,當時名為the Four Aims四大目標”,由 DukeLevi StubbsRenaldo "Obie" Benson Lawrence Payton 創立。他們創作了一系列經典熱門歌曲,歌曲主要由標誌性歌曲創作三人組 Lamont Dozier 以及Brian HollandEddie Holland 兄弟創作。其中包括兩首冠軍歌曲——I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)” Reach Out, I’ll Be There” ——以及Baby I Need Your Loving” Standing in the Shadows of Love"與 “It’s the Same Old Song." 

    The Four Tops的原始陣容一直保持完整,直到 1997 Lawrence Payton 去世。

    身為〔最佳四人組〕成員,Fakir 1990 年入選 the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 搖滾名人堂,並於 1998 獲得 Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award 葛萊美終生成就獎

    Fakir 身後留下了他的妻子和 6 個孩子、13 個孫子和 9 個曾孫。家人歌迷們捐款給摩城博物館代替鮮花。

    Motown 唱片歌曲的風格承襲了1940-50年代頗受歡迎的Doo Wop音樂風格,再融合各種黑人音樂元素,包括藍調的根基、爵士的技巧、福音Gospel的和聲、FUNK 節奏,R&B的流暢加上靈魂的唱腔詮釋。使得旗下 Marvin Gaye Four Topsthe TemptationsDiana Ross 等所推出的歌曲大受歡迎SOUL這種音樂也成了當代年輕歌迷的首選

The Four Tops - I Can't Help Myself (1965) (youtube.com)


Four Tops - Reach Out (I'll Be There) (1967) HD 0815007 (youtube.com)

Four Tops 在靈魂歌唱界有他們的歷史地位

Reach Out, I’ll Be There

作詞/作曲:Brian Holland / Edward Holland Jr. / Lamont Dozier

Now if you feel that you can't go on
Because all of your hope is gone
And your life is filled with much confusion
Until happiness is just an illusion
And your world around is crumblin' down
Darling, reach out, come on girl, reach on out for me
Reach out, reach out for me
I'll be there, with a love that will shelter you
I'll be there, with a love that will see you through

When you feel lost and about to give up
'Cause your best just ain't good enough
And you feel the world has grown cold
And you're drifting out all on your own
And you need a hand to hold
Darling, reach out, come on girl, reach out for me
Reach out, reach out for me
I'll be there, to love and comfort you
And I'll be there, to cherish and care for you
I'll be there, with a love that will see you through
I'll be there to love and comfort you

I can tell the way you hang your head
You're without love and now you're afraid
And through your tears you look around
But there's no peace of mind to be found
I know what you're thinkin'
You're alone now, no love of your own
But darling, reach out, come on girl, reach out for me
Reach out
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there, to give you all the love you need
And I'll be there, you can always depend on me

I'll be there, to give you all the love you need
I'll be there, you can always depend on me

I'll be there

2024年7月18日 星期四

The Zombies-She's not there

    The Zombies樂團成員Rod Argent因中風宣布立即退出巡演。Rod Argent的退休迫使這支英國搖滾樂團取消了所有即將舉行的演出,包括原定於本月晚些時候舉行的兩場英國音樂節演出。 

樂團經理Chris Tuthill 與 Cindy da Silva  在一份聲明中表示:「我們很遺憾地報告,殭屍樂團的創始人、鍵琴手兼主要詞曲作者Rod Argent中風了。 他們補充道,「Rod 

最近剛結束英國《Zombies》巡演,並在中風發生之前與他心愛的妻子凱西在倫敦度過了一個週末,慶祝他的 79 歲生日和他們的52 週年結婚紀念日。 

此前,健康問題曾阻止Argent巡迴演出。去年他選擇不參加Zombies樂團的美國巡迴。 據報道,這位79歲的鍵盤手正在考慮是否因健康狀況不佳而停止現場表演。

來自英格蘭Hertfordshire 的搖滾樂團The Zombies , 1964 年以英國冠軍曲 “She's not there ”成名,1967 年解散後Rod 

Argent於1969年改組為Argent合唱團,他們又以Time of the season獲得英國冠軍。

“She's not there ”後來獲得滾石雜誌RS500第291名,是一首搖滾樂界的名曲

。憑藉 Colin Blun 輕薄的嗓音和阿金特 Argent 跳躍的鋼琴,“She's not there ”成為英國搖滾『入侵』美國時期最爵士樂的單曲之一。在愛上貓王和披頭四期間, Argent 

發現了Miles Davis,後者成為了他潛意識中的影響者。「當我創作並演奏“ She's not there ” 時, 我腦子裡最後想到的就是爵士樂或 Miles,Argent說」。

She's Not There The Zombies ReStored ReCut Video JAR-ReMixed Stereo HiQ Hybrid JARichardsFilm (youtube.com)


Santana - She's Not There (Audio) (youtube.com)


She's not there

作詞/作曲:Rodney Terence Argent

Well, no one told me about her, the way she lied
Well, no one told me about her, how many people cried
But it's too late to say you're sorry
How would I know, why should I care?
Please don't bother tryin' to find her
She's not there

Well, let me tell you 'bout the way she looked
The way she'd act and the colour of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool
Her eyes were clear and bright
But she's not there

Well, no one told me about her, what could I do?
Well, no one told me about her, though they all knew
But it's too late to say you're sorry
How would I know, why should I care?
Please don't bother tryin' to find her
She's not there

Well, let me tell you 'bout the way she looked
The way she'd act and the colour of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool
Her eyes were clear and bright
But she's not there

But it's too late to say you're sorry
How would I know, why should I care?
Please don't bother tryin' to find her
She's not there

Well, let me tell you 'bout the way she looked
The way she'd act and the colour of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool
Her eyes were clear and bright
But she's not there

2024年7月11日 星期四

The Oak Ridge Boys-Elvira

    The Oak Ridge Boys 〈橡樹嶺男孩〉長期成員 Joe Bonsall 去世,享年 76 歲作為這個傳奇樂團 50 年的成員Bonsall 是 the Grand Ole Opry 老大歌劇院及 the Country Music Hall of Fame 鄉村音樂名人堂的常客。

    該團在其網站和社交媒體帳戶上宣布, Oak Ridge Boys 樂隊的男高音Joe Bonsall 週二(7 月9 日)因肌萎縮側索硬化(ALS) 併發症於田納西州亨德森維爾去世。

    於田納西州 Oak Ridge 組團的The Oak Ridge Boys ,是一個鄉村風格演唱團體,自1973-99年有48首歌進入過鄉村歌曲排行榜。他們的早先於1942年曾經是一個福音歌曲四重唱。

    The Oak Ridge Boys 於鄉村歌曲排行榜有17首冠軍曲,在Billboard Hot 100排行榜則有一首“Elvira” 於1981年獲得第5 名,此曲在Cashbox 錢櫃雜誌則獲得冠軍。

The Oak Ridge Boys -- Elvira (youtube.com)

此曲給我們帶來了 80 年代的美好回憶。


作詞/作曲:Dallas Frazier

My heart's on fire for Elvira

With eyes that look like heaven
Lips like cherry wine
That girl can sure enough make my little light shine
I get a funny feelin' up and down my spine
'Cause I know that my Elvira's mine

My heart's on fire for Elvira
Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow
Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow
High-ho silver, away

Tonight I'm gonna meet her at the hungry house café
I'm gonna give her all the love I can
Yes, I am
She's gonna jump and holler
I've saved up my last two dollar
We're gonna search and find that preacher man

Then I'll be singin'
My heart's on fire for Elvira
Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow
Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow
High-ho silver, away

My heart's on fire for Elvira
Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow
Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow
High-ho silver, away

Elvira (yeah)
My heart's on fire for Elvira
Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow
Giddy up, um-poppa-um-poppa, mow, mow
High-ho silver, away
Play again

2024年7月4日 星期四

Paul McCartney&Stevie Wonder-Ebony and Ivory

上月底在網路上收到 Paul McCartney THE 'GOT BACK' TOUR - BRAZIL

「回歸」之旅 - 巴西 🎸的通告。
去年我們回到了巴西,現在保羅將在 2024 年回歸!
「在巴西結束 2023 年是一次令人難以置信的經歷。上次訪問時您向我們展示的溫暖和愛令人難以置信。我們只知道我們必須回來再次見到您」- Paul
門票已經於 6 28 日星期五開始公開發售。

Paul McCartneyRing StarrThe Beatles碩果僅存的二位團員,Paul在流行樂界一直努力不懈,創造卓越,是一位令人尊敬的音樂家。

本名James Paul McCartneyPaul McCartney 1942618日出生於英國Liverpool Allerton。披頭四的創始成員/貝斯手。創作了50多首排名前10的單曲。1969312日與Linda Eastman琳達‧伊士曼結婚。1970年發行首張個人專輯。1997年被英國女王伊莉莎白二世封為爵士。1990年獲頒Grammy終生成就獎,1999年進入搖滾樂名人堂。

Paul McCartneyBillboard Hot 100排行榜成績最好的歌是1982年與Stevie Wonder合唱的 Ebony and Ivory”,一共獲得7周冠軍(在英國獲得3周冠軍)。

Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder - Ebony and Ivory (Official Music Video, Remastered) (youtube.com)

這首歌很感人,它的訊息請我們和諧、平等地生活。Stevie Wonder 出色的演唱會為這首歌增色不少。


Ebony and Ivory

作詞/作曲:Paul McCartney

Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?

We all know that people are the same whereever you go
There is good and bad in ev'ryone
We learn to live, when we learn to give
Each other what we need to survive, together alive

Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord why don't we?

Ebony, ivory, living in perfect harmony
Ebony, ivory, ooh

We all know that people are the same whereever you go
There is good and bad in ev'ryone
We learn to live, when we learn to give
Each other what we need to survive, together alive

Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord why don't we?

Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we
Ebony, ivory, living in perfect harmony
Ebony, ivory, living in perfect harmony
Ebony, ivory, living in perfect harmony
Ebony, ivory, living in perfect harmony
Ebony, ivory, living in perfect harmony
Ebony, ivory, living in perfect harmony

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...