Barry Manilow九月十五日在美國眾議院進行遊說,希望能增加心臟病研究的基金,Barry Manilow九月十三日說他因心房纖維顫動有問題導致心律不整,他希望他的聲音能成為為加強認識這種病的醫療而進行的活動方案的一部份。
Barry Manilow 1943年出生於紐約布魯克林,是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜排第75名的巨星,除演唱外也擅長鋼琴及作曲,他曾在著名的紐約茱莉亞音樂學院就讀,1972年擔任Bette Midler伴奏,後來還當Bette前二張專輯唱片的製作人,他因替百事可樂、State Farm保險公司、麥當勞等大客戶寫廣告歌及客串演唱而知名,後來唱了不少動聽的歌,是流行歌壇頂尖的抒情歌手。
Barry Manilow有Mandy、I Write The Songs、Looks Like We Made It三首排行榜冠軍曲,但是我最喜歡他1978 年第11名的歌Ready To Take A Chance Again,這首歌是Goldie Hawn歌蒂韓與Chevy Chase西維蔡斯聯合主演的喜劇片Foul Play「小迷糊闖七關」的插曲,全劇開始不久,歌蒂韓在舊金山郊區參加朋友的派對後遶著山路開車回市區,背景就是配上這首歌,然後開始令人笑破肚皮的劇情,當年看過後始終回味無窮,也特別喜歡這首歌,推薦這首歌給你,也推薦給你這部很棒的老片。
Ready To Take A Chance Again
Words by Norman Gimbel and Music by Charles Fox
You remind me I live in a shell
Safe from the past and doin' okay but not very well
No jolts, no surprises, no crisis arises
My life goes along as it should
It's all very nice, not very good
And I'm ready to take a chance again
Ready to put my love on the line with you
Been livin' with nothing for show for it
You get what you get when you go for it
And I'm ready to take a chance again with you
When she left me, in all my despair
I just held on, my hopes were all gone
Then I found you there
And I'm ready to take a chance again
Ready to take a chance again with you
With you
2011年9月21日 星期三
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