2012年1月22日 星期日

熱愛R&B的白人Johnny Otis

曾經培育出"Big Mama" Thornton, Etta James, Hank Ballard, Johnny Ace and Little Richard等這些著名的R&B藝人的Johnny Otis,元月17日以90歲高齡於洛杉磯去世,儘管他熱愛黑人的R&B音樂,但他是擁有希臘血統的白人,而且選擇居住於黑人社區,早年的他在奧克蘭與洛杉磯一帶的樂隊當鼓手,後來組了自己的樂隊,從1948年到1969年曾經有18首R&B暢銷曲,包括"Double Crossing Blues" (#1-1950), "Cupid Boogie" (#1-1950) 和"Rockin' Blues" (#2-1951),此外他寫了Etta James唱過的"Roll With Me Henry", Gladys Knight唱紅的"Every Beat Of My Heart" 與Fiestas and Sheiks唱過的 "So Fine"這些歌,Johnny在L.A開的夜店,和主持的廣播、電視節目,讓很多蓄勢待發的R&B新秀藝人受到了一般歌迷們的注意,尤其像Little Esther, the Robins (即後來成名的the Coasters), Sugar Pie DeSanto, Jackie Wilson, 和 Little Willie John更是其中佼佼者,而Johnny Otis的兒子Shuggie Otis也是一位受人注目的藝人。

Johnny Otis在歌壇表演多年之後,晚年曾在教會當過牧師,也做過眾議員Mervyn Dymally的辦公室副主管,一直到2006年他還持續在加州柏克萊的電台主持節目,播他喜歡的音樂,1994年Johnny Otis以製作人與作曲人的身份被選入搖滾樂名人堂。

Johnny Otis的名曲"Willie And The Hand Jive"是1958年第9名的歌,在R&B排行榜則獲得第3名。

Willie and the Hand Jive

Johnny Otis

I know a cat named Way-Out Willie

Had a cool little chick named Rockin' Billie

Made a heart of stone Susie-Q, doin' that crazy hand jive too

Papa said "You will ruin my house.

You and that hand jive have got to go"

Willie said "Papa, don't you put me down,

Been doin' that hand jive all over town."

Hand jive, hand jive, hand jive, doin' that crazy hand jive

I don't want you to get on the floor

Gettin' low, getting down with sister go

Come on, get baby, little sister'll die

Said doin' that hand jive one more time

Hand jive, hand jive, hand jive, doin' that crazy hand jive

Doctor getting low and he getting check

Now they're all digging that crazy beat

Way-Out Willie gave 'em all a treat

Been doin' that hand jive with his feet

Hand jive, hand jive, hand jive, doin' that crazy hand jive

Willi and Billie got married last fall

Had to live with his sisters and that ain't all

Daddy got famous it's plain to see

Been doin' that hand jive on his knees

Hand jive, hand jive, hand jive, doin' that crazy hand jive



Debby Boone- You Light up my life

  本 週 介紹的 One Hit Wonder 是1977年一部電影   You Light up my  life 《你照亮我的生命》 的主題歌曲。   少女「羅莉」從小跟著父親在 加州 地區表演脫口秀,長大之後,「羅莉」參加廣告對白配音、演唱的表演工作,收入雖然微薄...