2012年3月4日 星期日


The Monkees合唱團的主唱歌手Davy Jones二月29日因心臟病發死於他位於佛羅里達州Stuart的住家(66.歲),Davy 1945年出生於英國曼徹斯特,11 歲時就因參加肥皂劇"Coronation Street."的演出而踏入演藝圈,他曾當過賽馬場播報員,但因隨英國版的舞台劇"Oliver!"「孤雛淚」到百老匯公演而開始了他的音樂人生,當年Davy Jones與「孤雛淚」其他演員一同到CBS 電視網"Ed Sullivan Show"「蘇利文劇場」上節目的那天晚上,正巧The Beatles節目也在CBS首演,Davy沾披頭四的光也有報導上報,讓他很羨慕,後來他與一家叫Colpix的唱片公司簽約,改名David Jones的他曾小有成就。

1965年 CBS 電視在洛杉磯為一個電視節目從400個應徵者挑了Davy Jones、Michael Nesmith、Peter Tork及Micky Dolens組了The Monkees合唱團,這個The Monkees TV show後來共播出58集,而搭配這個受歡迎的節目推出的四張專輯唱片都獲得排行榜冠軍,且持續37週之久,他們共有9首Top40的暢銷曲,包括 Davy主唱的 "Daydream Believer" (#1-1967), "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You" (#2-1967) 及"Valleri" (#3-1968),其它還有 "Last Train To Clarksville" (#1-1966), "I'm A Believer" (#1-1966) 與"Pleasant Valley Sunday" (#3-1967).The Monkees是1967年最受歡迎的合唱團。

1970年The Monkees解散之後,Davy 個人1971年有一首 "Rainy Jane" 獲得過52名,

Davy Jones與Micky Dolens曾一同參與1978年Harry Nilson的電視動畫影片"The Point"在倫敦的舞台演出,(Nilson1971年以抒情曲Without You獲Grammy演唱獎,1994年亦因心臟病發去世),而他們二人與Peter Tork為The Monkees二十週年於1986年所辦的公演所推出的"That Was Then, This Is Now."還使The Monkees重回排行榜Top 20,之後除個人的音樂與舞台演出之外,Davy也參加1996與去年的復出。

That Was Then, This Is Now

The Monkees

You always say you like my style.

You say I'm tough and kind of wild.

Am I too much for you to take?

I swear this time it's not a game.

I've known a lot of girls, no this I won't deny.

I give her love, I give it more than a try.

That was then,(that was then) this is now.

Let me prove my love girl, I'll make you proud.

I never make(never make) this kind of vow.

That was then, this is now.

I've led a thousand lives it seems.

There's been a lot of broken dreams.

My mind has just put love aside

But you broke me down, you put me wise.

I've doubted all compassion

But you showed me the score

I can't doubt it, I don't doubt it no more.

That was then (that was then), this is now,

Let me prove my love girl, I'll make you proud.

I never make (never make) this kind of vow.

That was then, this is now.

I've known a lot of girls, no this I won't deny.

I give her love, I give it more than a try.

That was then(that was then), this is now.

Let me prove my love girl, I'll make you proud.

I never make(never make) this kind of vow.

That was then, this is now.

That was then, this is now.

That was then, this is now.

That was then, this is now.



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...