2013年12月27日 星期五


瑪麗奧斯門Marie Osmond做祖母了,曾經以電視綜藝歌唱節目「青春樂」風靡電視機前面觀眾的瑪麗奧斯門,轉眼已經54歲,1219日她的兒子Stephen的太太生了一個兒子。


瑪麗奧斯門1959年出生於猶他州的Ogden14歲開始就和她的哥哥們一同在演唱會表演,後來和她最有名的哥哥Donny Osmond一起主持Donny Marie電視綜藝歌唱節目,在台灣播出時叫「青春樂」,這個節目受到了全球觀眾們的歡迎。


Donny Marie後來轉型談話節目,而瑪麗奧斯門一直在美國電視界發展,直到2007年她才以Dancing With The Stars節目暫別電視工作。


在個人的歌唱事業方面她除了1973年第5名的Paper Roses廣為人知外,在1985年曾以與知名男歌星Dan Seals合唱的Meet Me In Montana獲得鄉村歌曲榜冠軍,1986年她的There's No Stopping Your HeartYou're Still New To Me也都獲得鄉村歌曲榜冠軍,後者是與另一名歌手Paul Davis合唱。



Paper Roses


I realized the way your eyes deceived me

 with tender looks that I mistook for love

 So take away the flowers that you gave me

 And send the kind that you remind me of

 Paper Roses

 Paper Roses

 Oh how real those roses seem to be

 But they're only imitation,

 Like you imitation love for me

 I thought that you would be a perfect lover

 You seemed so full of sweetness at the start

 But like a big red rose that's made of paper

 There isn't any sweetness in your heart

 Paper Roses

 Paper Roses

 Oh how real those roses seem to be

 But they're only imitation like you imitation love for me

2013年12月19日 星期四


十月初曾經傳出病重消息的鄉村歌星Ray Price1216日不幸去世了,Ray1971年的抒情曲"For The Good Times"一曲成名,相信歌迷們會永遠懷念他。


來自洛杉磯機的電台節目主持人Rick Dees129日向警方報案說他出城時家裡被小偷侵入,損失的珠寶估計約十萬美元,警方已展開調查。


Rick Dees1950年出生於佛羅里達州Jacksonville,原來在鄉村音樂工業很發達的孟菲斯的WMPS-Memphis電台當主持人,1976年在迪斯可音樂發燒的同時,他發揮想像力錄製了一首Disco DuckPart 1),沒想到獲得了排行榜冠軍,也使他成了全美最有名的電台節目主持人。


Rick Dees後來於1984年主持過電視熱門音樂節目Solid Gold1990年還有過自己的談話節目Into The Night,雖然錄過好幾首歌,但只有Disco DuckPart 1)進過排行榜Top 40




Disco Duck

Rick Dees & His Cast of Idiots


Went to a party the other night

All the ladies were treating me right

Moving my feet to the disco beat

How in the world could I keep my seat


All of a sudden I began to change

I was on the dance floor acting strange

Flapping my arms I began to cluck

Look at me..I'm the disco duck


[dd] Ah get down mama, I've got to have me a woman, ha ha ha ha ha

[bs] Disco, disco duck

[dd] Got to have me a woman

[bs] Disco, disco duck

[dd] Oh get down mama

[bs] Try your luck, don't be a cluck, disco

[dd] Disco

[bs] Disco

[dd] Disco

[bs] Disco

[dd+bs] Disco

[bs] Disco disco duck

[dd] All right

[bs] Disco disco duck

[dd] Ah get down mama, oh mama shake your tail feather, ha ha ha ha ha


When the music stopped I returned to my seat

But there's no stoppin' a duck and his beat

So I got back up to try my luck

Why look


[dd] Everybody's doin' the

[dd+bs] Disco, disco duck

[dd+bs] Disco, disco duck

[bs] Try your luck

[dd] Wave to me

[bs] Don't be a cluck

[dd] I'm so happy to be here

[bs] Disco

[ep] Thank you duck

[bs] Disco

[ep] For gettin' down

[bs] Disco disco disco

[ep] Thank you so very much

[bs] Disco duck

[dd] You're welcome

[bs] Disco Disco Duck

[bs] Try your luck, don't be a cluck, disco, disco, disco..


[dd=Donald Duck voice] [bs=background singers] [ep=Elvis voice]



2013年12月12日 星期四


Madonna現在又變成單身女郎了和法國舞星Brahim Zaibat在一起三年後Madonna的助理最近證實他倆已經分手Madonna現年55Zaibat 25歲,他們2010年開始約會,去年Zaibat還參與MadonnaMDNA世界巡迴演唱。








Madonna是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第4名的巨星1958年出生於密西根州的Bay City1984年以Like A Virgin獲得六週排行榜冠軍而開始走紅,2008年獲選入搖滾樂名人堂,她是搖滾樂界的頭號女歌星,自19842008MadonnaWhitney HoustonMariah CareyJanet Jackson四人一共獲得51 首排行榜冠軍曲,創了歷史記錄。




Like A Virgin


written by Billy Steinberg and Tom Kelly


I made it through the wilderness

Somehow I made it through

Didn't know how lost I was

Until I found you


I was beat incomplete

I'd been had, I was sad and blue

But you made me feel

Yeah, you made me feel

Shiny and new




Like a virgin

Touched for the very first time

Like a virgin

When your heart beats (after first time, "With your heartbeat")

Next to mine


Gonna give you all my love, boy

My fear is fading fast

Been saving it all for you

'Cause only love can last


You're so fine and you're mine

Make me strong, yeah you make me bold

Oh your love thawed out

Yeah, your love thawed out

What was scared and cold




Oooh, oooh, oooh


You're so fine and you're mine

I'll be yours 'till the end of time

'Cause you made me feel

Yeah, you made me feel

I've nothing to hide




Like a virgin, ooh, ooh

Like a virgin

Feels so good inside

When you hold me, and your heart beats, and you love me


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Ooh, baby

Can't you hear my heart beat

For the very first time?


2013年12月5日 星期四

Freddy Fender的懷念金曲

暢銷曲,Freddy Fender的第三首鄉村歌曲排行榜的冠軍曲"Secret Love"就是一個

這首歌由Sammy Fain Paul FrancisWebster所寫,是1953年由Doris Day
「桃樂斯黛 」這一1950年代影歌雙棲紅星所主演的電影"CalamityJane"「珍妮
的遭遇」當中的插曲,曾獲得當年奧斯卡最佳電影歌曲獎,鄉村歌星Slim Whitman

Freddy Fender後來也錄了這首歌放在他的專輯唱片"Are You Ready For Freddy"
當中,Freddy Fender說他的製作人Huey Meaux挑好了專輯裡的所有歌,而且事

Freddy Fender的這首單曲於19751011日進入鄉村歌曲排行榜,於126

Freddy Fender 本名 Baldemar Huerta1937年出生於德州San Benito,自1975 
Before The Next Teardrops Fall獲得過冠軍,Wasted Days And Wasted Nights則獲
得過第8名,而Secret Love則獲得第20名。

Freddy Fender已於2006年因癌症去世(69歲)。

 Secret Love

Doris Day
- written by Sammy Fain and Paul-Francis

- written for the movie "Calamity
 -#1 song of January 1954
 Tommy Edwards (#28, 1954); Ray Anthony
(#29, 1954); 
- Billy Stewart (#29, 1966); 
- Freddy Fender (#20, 1975) 
Once I had a secret love
That lived within the heart of me
All too soon my secret love
Became impatient to be free
So I told a friendly star
The way that dreamers often do
Just how wonderful you are
And why I am so in love with you
Now I shout it from the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils
At last my heart's an open door
And my secret love's no secret anymore





2013年11月28日 星期四

Van Morrison獲故鄉肯定

著名的北愛爾蘭籍歌手Van Morrison 1115日在故鄉獲得第79 Belfast榮譽獎還獲頒市鑰Van在二千名抽出的現場來賓前開演唱會慶祝,他是第一位獲這個獎的音樂人。


Van Morrison本名George Ivan 1945年出生於北愛爾蘭Belfast是一位有名的Blue- eyed soul白人靈魂歌手及作曲者,他原是Them合唱團的主唱,當年寫了一首搖滾樂經典歌曲Gloria而知名。


Van Morrison寫的Brown Eyed Girl曾經被The Cheery Sha-La-laChorus唱紅過還在英國排行榜獲得很好的名次,雖然這個團讓Van Morrison出名但他卻極不高興,他很討厭因此和那種合唱團連在一起,他覺得他像電視節目裡那些對嘴的演唱者,因此他決定發奮努力回到主流音樂圈裡。Van Morrison接著推出的專輯唱片Astral Weeks,有他很個人風格的吉它演奏,是搖滾樂迷們爭相收藏的經典作品,但叫好不叫座銷售成績平平。


Van Morrison自己唱的Brown Eyed Girl 1967年在美國排行榜獲得第10,是滾石雜誌500大歌曲榜第109名的歌,也是BMI全美百名最常播出歌曲榜第57名的歌。



Brown Eyed Girl

Van Morrison

Words and music by Van Morrison


     Hey where did we go,

     Days when the rains came

     Down in the hollow,

     Playin' a new game,

     Laughing and a running hey, hey

     Skipping and a jumping

     In the misty morning fog with

     Our hearts a thumpin' and you

     My brown eyed girl,

     You my brown eyed girl.


     Whatever happened

     To Tuesday and so slow

     Going down the old mine

     With a transistor radio

     Standing in the sunlight laughing,

     Hiding behind a rainbow's wall,

     Slipping and sliding

     All along the water fall, with you

     My brown eyed girl,

     You my brown eyed girl.


     Do you remember when we used to sing,

     Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da


     So hard to find my way,

     Now that I'm all on my own.

     I saw you just the other day,

     My how you have grown,

     Cast my memory back there, Lord

     Sometime I'm overcome thinking 'bout

     Making love in the green grass

     Behind the stadium with you

     My brown eyed girl

     You my brown eyed girl


     Do you remember when we used to sing
     Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da.

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...