2013年12月19日 星期四


十月初曾經傳出病重消息的鄉村歌星Ray Price1216日不幸去世了,Ray1971年的抒情曲"For The Good Times"一曲成名,相信歌迷們會永遠懷念他。


來自洛杉磯機的電台節目主持人Rick Dees129日向警方報案說他出城時家裡被小偷侵入,損失的珠寶估計約十萬美元,警方已展開調查。


Rick Dees1950年出生於佛羅里達州Jacksonville,原來在鄉村音樂工業很發達的孟菲斯的WMPS-Memphis電台當主持人,1976年在迪斯可音樂發燒的同時,他發揮想像力錄製了一首Disco DuckPart 1),沒想到獲得了排行榜冠軍,也使他成了全美最有名的電台節目主持人。


Rick Dees後來於1984年主持過電視熱門音樂節目Solid Gold1990年還有過自己的談話節目Into The Night,雖然錄過好幾首歌,但只有Disco DuckPart 1)進過排行榜Top 40




Disco Duck

Rick Dees & His Cast of Idiots


Went to a party the other night

All the ladies were treating me right

Moving my feet to the disco beat

How in the world could I keep my seat


All of a sudden I began to change

I was on the dance floor acting strange

Flapping my arms I began to cluck

Look at me..I'm the disco duck


[dd] Ah get down mama, I've got to have me a woman, ha ha ha ha ha

[bs] Disco, disco duck

[dd] Got to have me a woman

[bs] Disco, disco duck

[dd] Oh get down mama

[bs] Try your luck, don't be a cluck, disco

[dd] Disco

[bs] Disco

[dd] Disco

[bs] Disco

[dd+bs] Disco

[bs] Disco disco duck

[dd] All right

[bs] Disco disco duck

[dd] Ah get down mama, oh mama shake your tail feather, ha ha ha ha ha


When the music stopped I returned to my seat

But there's no stoppin' a duck and his beat

So I got back up to try my luck

Why look


[dd] Everybody's doin' the

[dd+bs] Disco, disco duck

[dd+bs] Disco, disco duck

[bs] Try your luck

[dd] Wave to me

[bs] Don't be a cluck

[dd] I'm so happy to be here

[bs] Disco

[ep] Thank you duck

[bs] Disco

[ep] For gettin' down

[bs] Disco disco disco

[ep] Thank you so very much

[bs] Disco duck

[dd] You're welcome

[bs] Disco Disco Duck

[bs] Try your luck, don't be a cluck, disco, disco, disco..


[dd=Donald Duck voice] [bs=background singers] [ep=Elvis voice]





MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...