2013年9月19日 星期四

Janis Ian出版童書

民歌手Janis Ian的童書"The Tiny Mouse"小老鼠九月17日在美國出版這本書有32頁還搭配一片CD一起賣大意是講一隻無聊的小老鼠決定走向大海最後差點喪命的故事


Janis Ian本名Janis Eddy Fink 1951年出生於紐約是一位當代民歌歌手與作曲人擅長吉他與鋼琴演奏後來並成功轉行為專欄與科幻小說作家


1965年當Janis Ian只有14歲的時候,她就寫了一首跨種族戀情的歌Society's ChildBaby  I've  Been Thinking1967年推出後獲得過第14名,後來此曲被收入Grammy獎歌曲名人堂。


1975Janis Ian則有一首她在排行榜名次最好的歌At Seventeen除了獲得二週第3名之外也讓她獲得當年Grammy最佳流行歌曲女歌星獎


Janis Ian第二度獲得Grammy獎則於今年2013),她因口述自傳Society's Child而獲最佳專輯旁白獎,而這本自傳40年前就已出版


Janis Ian曾與波多黎各製片Tino Sargo結婚,但於1983年離婚,1993Janis宣告出櫃2003年與女友Patricia在多倫多結婚。


她曾鼓勵患重病的母親Pearl完成心願得到碩士學位,並於母親往生後成立Pearl Foundation基金會繼續協助那些年長但有心向學的人




At Seventeen


I learned the truth at seventeen

That love was meant for beauty queens

In high school girls with clear skinned smiles

Who married young and then retired

The valentines I never knew

The Friday night charades of youth

Were spent on one more beautiful

At seventeen I learned the truth

And those of us with ravaged faces

Lacking in the social graces

Desperately remained at home

Inventing lovers on the phone

Who called to say come dance with me

And murmured vague obscenities

It isn't all it seems

At seventeen



A brown eyed girl in hand me downs

Whose name I never could pronounce

Said, Pity please the ones who serve

They only get what they deserve

And the rich relationed hometown queen

Married into what she needs

A guarantee of company

And haven for the elderly

Remember those who win the game

Lose the love they sought to gain

Indebentures of quality

And dubious integrity

Their small town eyes will gape at you

in dull surprise when payment due

Exceeds accounts received

At seventeen



To those of us who knew the pain

Of valentines that never came

And those whose names were never called

When choosing sides for basketball

It was long ago and far away

The world was younger than today

And dreams were all they gave for free

To ugly duckling girls like me

We all play the game and when we dare

To cheat ourselves at solitaire

Inventing lovers on the phone

Repenting other lives unknown

That call and say, come dance with me

And murmur vague obscenities

At ugly girls like me

At seventeen



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...