2014年3月13日 星期四


民謠搖滾樂團The Youngbloods的創團吉它手Jerry Corbitt三月九日不幸於德州家中去世,這個合唱團1966年由Jesse Colin Young領銜於波士頓組成,起初是一個民歌二重唱,後來加入了Lowell Levinger Joe Bauer才從民歌二重唱變身為民謠搖滾樂團,接著就和RCA唱片公司簽了約。

The Youngbloods的第一首單曲是Grizzly Bear只得到第52名,但第二張專輯裡的Get Together後來讓他們成名,這首歌1967年初次推出也只得到62 名,但1969年因為被選為全美基督教與猶太教大會的宣傳用歌,讓第二次推出的Get Together得到了第5名,原先擔任作曲與主唱的Jerry Corbitt也於該年離團而去,後來與Charlie Daniels一度以二重唱的形態巡迴演唱。

Jerry Corbitt除了製作後 Youngbloods的專輯外,也幫Don McLean的暢銷曲Castles In The Air擔任過製作人,1984-1985Jerry曾復出與The Youngbloods老友一同開演唱會。

Get Together是一首百聽不厭令人懷念的民歌。




Get Together



Love is but a song to sing

Fear's the way we die

You can make the mountains ring

Or make the angels cry

Though the bird is on the wing

And you may not know why


Come on people now

Smile on your brother

Everybody get together

Try to love one another

Right now


Some may come and some may go

We shall surely pass

When the one that left us here

Returns for us at last

We are but a moment's sunlight

Fading in the grass


Come on people now

Smile on your brother

Everybody get together

Try to love one another

Right now


Come on people now

Smile on your brother

Everybody get together

Try to love one another

Right now


Come on people now

Smile on your brother

Everybody get together

Try to love one another

Right now


If you hear the song I sing

You will understand (listen!)

You hold the key to love and fear

All in your trembling hand

Just one key unlocks them both

It's there at you command


Come on people now

Smile on your brother

Everybody get together

Try to love one another

Right now


Come on people now

Smile on your brother

Everybody get together

Try to love one another

Right now


Come on people now

Smile on your brother

Everybody get together

Try to love one another

Right now


Right now ... Right now......





The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...