2016年1月7日 星期四

唱片界名人Robert Stigwood

經紀人、唱片公司老闆Robert Stigwood元月四日去世 (81)
1934年出生於南澳洲AdelaideRobert Stigwood,二十歲時就移民到英格蘭,後來開了一家劇場經紀公司Robert Stigwood Associates Ltd,之後Robert Stigwood開始和製作人Joe Meek合作,他的事業開枝散葉到英國其他行業,其中包括擔任搖滾樂團代理商,他簽下the Who Cream兩個大牌合唱團,而且從那以後有了知名度,1967Robert Stigwood又當了the Bees Gees的經紀人,最後Bees Gees也成了Robert StigwoodRSO唱片公司旗下合唱團
Robert Stigwood後來在倫敦推出搖滾樂劇,包括英國版的"Hair" "Oh Calcutta" "Evita" "Pippin",並且在"Jesus Christ, Superstar" "Tommy" "Saturday Night Fever" Grease"這些有名的電影當製作人
Robert Stigwood帶領之下,1973-1983Bees Gees的歌唱事業達到巔峰狀態,其中電影"Saturday Night Fever"的插曲Night Fever,曾於1978年獲得八周排行榜冠軍,也是Bees Gees在排行榜上名次最好的歌
喜歡Bees Gees合唱團的歌迷們,應該對Robert Stigwood RSO唱片公司的名字不陌生。

Night Fever

Listen to the ground:
there is movement all around.
There is something goin' down
and I can feel it.

On the waves of the air,
there is dancin' out there.
If it's somethin' we can share,
we can steal it.

And that sweet city woman,
she moves through the light,
controlling my mind and my soul.
When you reach out for me
yeah, and the feelin' is bright,

then I get night fever, night fever.
We know how to do it.
Gimme that night fever, night fever.
We know how to show it.

Here I am,
prayin' for this moment to last,
livin' on the music so fine,
borne on the wind,
makin' it mine.

Night fever, night fever.
We know how to do it.
Gimme that night fever, night fever.
We know how to show it.

In the heat of our love,
don't need no help for us to make it.
Gimme just enough to take us to the mornin'.
I got fire in my mind.
I got higher in my walkin'.
And I'm glowin' in the dark;
I give you warnin'.

And that sweet city woman,
she moves through the light,
controlling my mind and my soul.
When you reach out for me
yeah, and the feelin' is bright,

then I get night fever, night fever.
We know how to do it.
Gimme that night fever, night fever.
We know how to show it.

Here I am,
prayin' for this moment to last,
livin' on the music so fine,
borne on the wind,
makin' it mine.

Night fever, night fever.
We know how to do it.
Gimme that night fever, night fever.
We know how to show it.



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