2017年2月9日 星期四

Sonny Geraci 晚境淒涼

the Outsiders及後來的 Climax合唱團主唱 Sonny Geraci二月五日不幸去世(69),四年來他一直為腦瘤所苦
The Outsiders最初是克里夫蘭的一個樂隊叫the Starfires1965年他們進Capitol唱片時改名The Outsiders,很快的就推出了"Time Won't Let Me" (#5-1966), "Girl In Love" (#21-1966), "Respectable" (#15-1966) "Help Me Girl" (#37-1966)這些排行榜前40名的暢銷曲,但是這幾首歌的成功似乎只是曇花一現,團員們因內鬨而分手,Sonny Geraci重組Outsiders,並改投Bell唱片公司旗下,但因團名有使用權問題,Geraci只好改團名為Climax
1970Climax錄了"Precious And Few",但這一首歌在倉庫裡擺了二年,直到1972年才因加州Santa Barbara的電台播出而受歡迎,且獲得排行榜第三名的佳績,但接著推出的"Life And Breath"只得到第52名,1976Sonny Geraci解散了Climax
Sonny脫離音樂圈25年後以Peter Emmett之名出過一張專輯,然後他回頭演唱the Outsiders Climax時代的老歌,但是2012年終於因腦瘤終止了他的演唱事業,2013年十一月朋友們曾替Sonny Geraci在俄亥俄州Streetsboro開了一場致敬演唱會,收入替他支付醫療費

Precious And Few

Precious and few are the moments we two can share
Quiet and blue, like the sky, I'm hung over you
And if I can't find my way back home (can't find my way)
It just wouldn't be fair (be fair)
Precious and few are the moments we two can share
Baby, it's you on my mind, your love is so rare
Being with you is a feeling I just can't compare
And if I can't hold you in my arms, it just wouldn't be fair
'Cause precious and few are the moments we two can share
[Instrumental Interlude]
And if I can't find my way back home (can't find my way)
It just wouldn't be fair
Precious and few are the moments we two can share
Precious and few are the moments we two can share
Quiet and blue, like the sky, I'm hung over you
And if I can't find my way back home (can't find my way)
It just wouldn't be fair (wouldn't be fair)
Precious and few are the moments we two can share

(Precious and few are the moments we two can share)



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...