2017年8月17日 星期四

Ricky Nelson-Poor Little Fool

1958年八月四日Billboard雜誌的Billboard Hot 100!排行榜正式登場當年這個訊息並沒有放在雜誌封面,而是由總編輯在第二頁以"編者的話"的方式簡明的介紹..."The Billboard Hot 100"排行榜在第36 37頁推出,它為美國唱片市場做最完整最快的報導,這個排行榜有100首暢銷歌曲的排序,是一個當下流行歌曲的指南...
Billboard雜誌配合"The Billboard Hot 100"59歲生日,整理出59個統計資料,老歌迷們一定會很有興趣來回味這些流行歌曲的歷史。

"The Billboard Hot 100"之前Billboard雜誌有過Top100Juke BoxJockeys and Top100...排行榜,畢竟搖滾樂自1955Bill Haley&His CometsRock Around The Clock走紅開始就蓬勃發展,因而才有 "The Billboard Hot 100" 59週年的故事發生

"The Billboard Hot 100"排行榜第一首冠軍曲是Ricky Nelson'"Poor Little Fool"

Ricky Nelson是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第22名的影歌双棲「青春偶像歌手」"the teen idols",而且是搖滾紀元的第一位,他參加約翰韋恩狄恩馬丁主演的西部片電影"Rio Bravo"「赤膽屠龍」演出,並和Dean Martin Walter Brennan演唱插曲My Rifle, My Pony, and Me,留給歌迷很深的印象,1940年出生於紐澤西州Teaneck的他,1985年因墜機不幸喪生於德州Dekalb45

"Poor Little Fool"於1958年八月四日創下 "The Billboard Hot 100"排行榜第一首冠軍曲的歷史紀錄,並獲得二週冠軍

Poor Little Fool
Rick Nelson

I used to play around with hearts that hastened at my call,
But when I met that little girl I knew that I would fall.

Poor little fool, oh yeah, I was a fool, uh huh..

She played around and teased me with her carefree devil eyes,
She'd hold me close and kiss me but her heart was full of lies.


She told me how she cared for me and that we'd never part,
And so for the very first time I gave away my heart.


The next day she was gone and I knew she'd lied to me,
She left me with a broken heart and won her victory.


I'd played this game with other hearts but I never thought I'd see,
The day that someone else would play love's foolish game with me.




MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...