2017年8月24日 星期四

Yvonne Elliman - If I can't have you

還記得電影"Saturday Night Fever"「周末夜狂熱」當中的插曲"If I Can't Have You"嗎﹖演唱這一首歌的Yvonne Elliman與先生Allan Alexander八月16日因攜帶大麻和安非他命入境在關島被罰款一萬美金而且不准離境她到關島是應邀參加天主教學校慈善演唱會

Disco電影"Saturday Night Fever"「周末夜狂熱」捧紅了John Travolta,插曲更讓Bee Gees Gibb三兄弟合唱團創下歌唱事業的巔峰
"Saturday Night Fever"電影插曲專輯自1978年元月至七月在Billboard專輯排行榜連續獲得24週冠軍,至少賣了一千五百萬套,停留在排行榜120週,直到1980年三月才退出Billboard專輯排行榜

The Bee Gees原來不在「周末夜狂熱」製作團隊中John Travolta回憶: "The Bee Gees在電影開拍的時候並沒有來,我拍跳舞的時候都是放Stevie Wonder 及 Boz Scaggs的歌"

在電影後製階段The Bee Gees的經紀人Robert Stigwood接下了新創電影插曲的工作,The Bee Gees要寫四到五首歌,當時在法國的他們於是開始工作,Robert Stigwood與音樂指導Bill Oakes在聽了第一首歌的樣帶 "If I Can't Have You"之後覺得太好了,後來The Bee Gees就陸續完成'Night Fever' 'More Than a Woman'等歌,雖然Stigwood希望歌能更有Disco感,而實際上他們只有看到電影劇本的初稿而已

The Bee Gees所錄的"If I Can't Have You"並沒有放到電影裡,而改用了Yvonne Elliman錄的版本,該插曲於1978年初推出後獲得排行榜冠軍

Yvonne Elliman1951年底出生於夏威夷火奴魯魯,她在搖滾樂劇與"Concept Album"「概念專輯」"Jesus Christ Superstar"「萬世巨星」當中,擔任女主角Mary Magdalene,曾當過Eric Clapton的伴唱歌手

If I Can't Have You
Yvonne Elliman
(B. Gibb/M. Gibb/R. Gibb)

Don't know why
I'm survivin' ev'ry lonely day
When there's got to be no chance for me
My life would end
And it doesn't matter how I cry
My tears, so far, are a waste of time
If I turn away
Am I strong enough to see it through
Go crazy is what I will do


If I can't have you
I don't want nobody, baby
If I can't have you...uh-huh, oh
If I can't have you
I don't want nobody, baby
If I can't have you...uh-hoh

Oh...da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
Oooh, oooh
Aahhhh! Aahhhh!

Can't let go and it doesn't matter how I try
I gave it all so easily to you my love
To dreams that never will come true
Am I strong enough to see it through
Go crazy is what I will do



Aahhhh! Aahhhh!


(CHORUS X 2 with ad-libs, fade)



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

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