2018年6月28日 星期四

The Jackson 5-I'll Be There

 Michael Jackson的父親Joe Jackson六月27日因胰臟病不幸於故鄉阿肯薩州 The Fountain Hill去世(89歲),Joe早年培訓出 the Jackson 5/Jacksons合唱團,讓他的Jackson家族在流行歌壇寫下歷史並占有一席之地。

  Michael Jackson生前曾透露,小時候父親會拿皮帶打他,但眼中泛淚,他早已原諒父親。

  1968年他們用the Jackson 5之團名組團於印第安納州Gary1975年後改為the Jacksons,除了檯面上的MichaelJermaineMarlonTitoJackie之外,Rebbie JacksonLa Toya JacksonJanet Jackson幾位姐妹也都支援the Jacksons的演出,而且都出個人的唱片,1980年代Michael JacksonJanet Jackson成了歌壇巨星

  R&B合唱團Boyz II Men1992年曾經在迷你電視影集the JacksonsAn American Dream當中代言the Jackson 5/Jacksons

  The Jackson 5/Jacksons合唱團在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第59名,Michael Jackson個人則得到第8他們在排行榜上名次最好的歌是1970年獲得五週冠軍的I'll Be There


I'll Be There
The Jackson Five

You and I must make a pact, we must bring salvation back
Where there is love, I'll be there

I'll reach out my hand to you, I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name and I'll be there

And oh - I'll be there to comfort you,
Build my world of dreams around you, I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love that's strong
I'll be your strength, I'll keep holding on - yes I will, yes I will

Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness, well that's all I'm after
Whenever you need me, I'll be there
I'll be there to protect you, with an unselfish love I respect you
Just call my name and I'll be there


If you should ever find someone new, I know he'd better be good to you
'Cos if he doesn't, I'll be there

Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be there

(Just look over your shoulders, honey - ooh)

I'll be there, I'll be there, whenever you need me, I'll be there

Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah
I'll be there, I'll be there, just call my name, I'll be t

2018年6月21日 星期四

Barry Manilow-Could It Be Magic

 Barry Manilow六月14日因氣管炎住院治療他因此延遲了"Manilow Live -- The Hits Come Home"的演出到六月21

  Barry Manilow是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第75名的知名歌星,1943年出生於紐約布魯克林區,除了演唱外他也擅長鋼琴與作曲,Barry Manilow畢業自紐約茱莉亞音樂學校,擔任過WCBS-TV電視影集Callback的音樂指導,1972年他和Bette Midler搭檔,之後製作了Bette Midler 頭二張專輯唱片

  Barry Manilow同時錄了他第一張個人的專輯唱片Featherbed Featuring Barry Manilow,其中的 "Could It Be Magic"在他以Mandy成名後推出單曲,1975年獲得過第6名,這首歌的創意來自蕭邦的C大調前奏曲

  Barry Manilow接著替Dr.PepperPepsi百事可樂、State Farm保險、        Band-Aids及麥當勞等商品寫了當時美國民眾熟悉的廣告配樂,麥當勞的廣告歌"You Deserve A Break Today"還由他自己演唱

  Barry Manilow也是Adult Contemporary抒情歌曲排行榜名列前茅的歌手,他還替R&B女子合唱團Lady Flash擔任過合聲

Could It Be Magic
-Words and Music by Adrienne Anderson and Barry Manilow

Spirit move me every time I'm near you
Whirling like a cyclone in my mind
Sweet Melissa, angel of my lifetime
Answer to all answers I can find

Baby, I love you, come, come, come into my arms
Let me know the wonder of all of you
Baby, I want you now, now, now, and hold on fast
Could this be the magic at last?

Lady, take me high upon a hillside
High up where the stallion meets the sun
I could love you, build my world around you
Never leave you till my life is done

Baby, I love you, come, come, come into my arms
Let me know the wonder of all of you
And baby, I want you now, now, oh, now, oh now and hold on fast
Could this be the magic at last?

Could it be magic?
Come, c'mon, c'mon, come oh-oh come into my arms
Oh, let me know the wonder of all of you, all of you
Baby, I want you now, now, oh now, oh now and hold on fast
Oh, could this be the magic at last?
Could it be magic?

Come, c'mon, c'mon, come oh-oh come into my arms
Oh, let me know the wonder of all of you
Baby, I want you now, now, oh now, oh now and hold on fast
Oh, could this be the magic at last?
Could it be magic?

2018年6月14日 星期四

Aretha Franklin-RESPECT

  底特律市替當地麥迪遜大道的一部分命名Aretha Franklin路,並於六月8舉行揭幕典禮,該市大概忘了底特律的另一條華盛頓大道於1985年就改名“Aretha Franklin’s Freeway of Love”以向Aretha Franklin致敬
  Aretha Franklin 1942年出生於美國田納西州孟菲斯,是黑人靈魂歌曲天后,他父親是著名的傳教士Rev. Cecil L FranklinAretha Franklin受她們家的好朋友福音歌曲演唱人James Cleveland的影響1956年就開始錄唱片,1960年被傳奇星探John Hammond發掘而與哥倫比亞唱片公司簽約1966年在Atlantic唱片公司戲劇性的改變歌路而大受歡迎,當時她的製作人Jerry Wexler居功厥偉

  1980Aretha Franklin曾參加電影“The Blues Brothers”「福祿雙霸天」的演出,她1987年即進入搖滾樂名人堂,1994年獲得Grammy終生成就獎

  Aretha Franklin作品很多,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第11名,是熱門歌壇巨星1967年改變歌路後第一首Top 10的歌是I Never Loved A Manthe Way I Love You)(#9),接著的Respect(#1)連續獲得二週冠軍,讓她成為排行榜常客,這首歌在滾石雜誌 500大歌曲榜獲得第5名,是Aretha Franklin的經典之作

Aretha Franklin
- written by Otis Redding

(oo) What you want
(oo) Baby, I got
(oo) What you need
(oo) Do you know I got it?
(oo) All I'm askin'
(oo) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home
(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)

I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone
Ain't gonna do you wrong (oo) 'cause I don't wanna (oo)
All I'm askin' (oo)
Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)

I'm about to give you all of my money
And all I'm askin' in return, honey
Is to give me my profits
When you get home  (just a, just a, just a, just a)
Yeah baby          (just a, just a, just a, just a)
When you get home  (just a little bit)
Yeah               (just a little bit)

------ instrumental break ------

Ooo, your kisses   (oo)
Sweeter than honey (oo)
And guess what?    (oo)
So is my money     (oo)
All I want you to do (oo) for me
Is give it to me when you get home  (re, re, re ,re)
Yeah baby                           (re, re, re ,re)
Whip it to me                       (respect, just a little bit)
When you get home, now              (just a little bit)

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB

Oh                    (sock it to me, sock it to me,
                       sock it to me, sock it to me)
A little respect      (sock it to me, sock it to me,
                       sock it to me, sock it to me)
Whoa, babe            (just a little bit)
A little respect      (just a little bit)
I get tired           (just a little bit)
Keep on tryin'        (just a little bit)
You're runnin' out of foolin' (just a little bit)
And I ain't lyin'     (just a little bit)
(re, re, re, re) 'spect
When you come home    (re, re, re ,re)
Or you might walk in  (respect, just a little bit)
And find out I'm gone (just a little bit)
I got to have         (just a little bit)
A little respect      (just a little bit)

2018年6月7日 星期四

The Rascals-Grooving

The Rascals的團員Felix CavaliereGene Cornish最近復合準備2018年的巡迴演唱

  Felix CavaliereThe Rascals的主唱和鍵琴手Gene Cornish是吉它手,他倆要從夏天到秋天做一系列的北美巡迴演唱

  除了Felix CavaliereGene Cornish之外他們找來了Vanilla Fudge的鼓手Carmin Appice幫忙,Appice這些年來曾和Rod StewartCactusOzzy Osburne這些大牌歌手一起合作過


  2013年開始Felix CavaliereGene Cornish就開始巡迴演唱,The Rascals的另一主唱Eddie Brigati與鼓手Dino Danelli當年也曾參與多媒體表演Once Upon A Dream的演出,讓該團全員到齊

  去年在夏威夷演出後Felix Cavaliere有一個頓悟,就是找Gene Cornish再度合作,那不光是為他自己,而是為了音樂,為了替歌迷們著想Gene Cornish也認同,他覺得當大家在台上表演時常有些神奇的事發生,歌迷們一直要聽他們的暢銷曲,他們則要歌迷們有機會聽一聽他們的現場演唱。

    Carmin Appice說:我看The Rascals on Eddie Sullivan節目長大,我是他們的超級歌迷,這些歌對很多歌迷而言就是現場演唱的新歌,我期盼能終生與新生代的The Rascals歌迷在一起

  The Rascals是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第199名的著名合唱團,他們是一個“Blue-eyed soul唱黑人靈魂歌曲的白人搖滾樂團,組成於紐約,1997年進搖滾樂名人堂,他們在排行榜名次最好的歌是1968年獲得五週冠軍的People Got To Be Free1967年的四週冠軍曲Grooving則分別進入Grammy名人堂與搖滾樂名人堂,是他們最有代表性的歌

  1960年代中期,groovy(太棒了)是一個年輕樂迷常用的口頭禪,除了The Rascals的這一首Grooving之外,1966年英國搖滾樂團The MindbendersA Groovy Kind Of  Love(#2),也可資證明

The Young Rascals

Groovin' on a Sunday afternoon
Really couldn't get away too soon
I can't imagine anything that's better
The world is ours whenever we're together
There ain't a place I'd like to be instead of

Movin' down a crowded avenue
Doing anything we like to do
There's always lots of things that we can see
You can be anyone we like to be
All those happy people we could meet
Just groovin' on a Sunday afternoon
Really, couldn't get away too soon

We'll keep on spending sunny days this way
We're gonna talk and laugh our time away
I feel it coming closer day by day
Life would be ecstasy, you and me endlessly

Groovin' on a Sunday afternoon
Really couldn't get away to soon
No, No, No, No

MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...