2018年6月21日 星期四

Barry Manilow-Could It Be Magic

 Barry Manilow六月14日因氣管炎住院治療他因此延遲了"Manilow Live -- The Hits Come Home"的演出到六月21

  Barry Manilow是歷年暢銷歌星排行榜第75名的知名歌星,1943年出生於紐約布魯克林區,除了演唱外他也擅長鋼琴與作曲,Barry Manilow畢業自紐約茱莉亞音樂學校,擔任過WCBS-TV電視影集Callback的音樂指導,1972年他和Bette Midler搭檔,之後製作了Bette Midler 頭二張專輯唱片

  Barry Manilow同時錄了他第一張個人的專輯唱片Featherbed Featuring Barry Manilow,其中的 "Could It Be Magic"在他以Mandy成名後推出單曲,1975年獲得過第6名,這首歌的創意來自蕭邦的C大調前奏曲

  Barry Manilow接著替Dr.PepperPepsi百事可樂、State Farm保險、        Band-Aids及麥當勞等商品寫了當時美國民眾熟悉的廣告配樂,麥當勞的廣告歌"You Deserve A Break Today"還由他自己演唱

  Barry Manilow也是Adult Contemporary抒情歌曲排行榜名列前茅的歌手,他還替R&B女子合唱團Lady Flash擔任過合聲

Could It Be Magic
-Words and Music by Adrienne Anderson and Barry Manilow

Spirit move me every time I'm near you
Whirling like a cyclone in my mind
Sweet Melissa, angel of my lifetime
Answer to all answers I can find

Baby, I love you, come, come, come into my arms
Let me know the wonder of all of you
Baby, I want you now, now, now, and hold on fast
Could this be the magic at last?

Lady, take me high upon a hillside
High up where the stallion meets the sun
I could love you, build my world around you
Never leave you till my life is done

Baby, I love you, come, come, come into my arms
Let me know the wonder of all of you
And baby, I want you now, now, oh, now, oh now and hold on fast
Could this be the magic at last?

Could it be magic?
Come, c'mon, c'mon, come oh-oh come into my arms
Oh, let me know the wonder of all of you, all of you
Baby, I want you now, now, oh now, oh now and hold on fast
Oh, could this be the magic at last?
Could it be magic?

Come, c'mon, c'mon, come oh-oh come into my arms
Oh, let me know the wonder of all of you
Baby, I want you now, now, oh now, oh now and hold on fast
Oh, could this be the magic at last?
Could it be magic?



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...