2018年6月14日 星期四

Aretha Franklin-RESPECT

  底特律市替當地麥迪遜大道的一部分命名Aretha Franklin路,並於六月8舉行揭幕典禮,該市大概忘了底特律的另一條華盛頓大道於1985年就改名“Aretha Franklin’s Freeway of Love”以向Aretha Franklin致敬
  Aretha Franklin 1942年出生於美國田納西州孟菲斯,是黑人靈魂歌曲天后,他父親是著名的傳教士Rev. Cecil L FranklinAretha Franklin受她們家的好朋友福音歌曲演唱人James Cleveland的影響1956年就開始錄唱片,1960年被傳奇星探John Hammond發掘而與哥倫比亞唱片公司簽約1966年在Atlantic唱片公司戲劇性的改變歌路而大受歡迎,當時她的製作人Jerry Wexler居功厥偉

  1980Aretha Franklin曾參加電影“The Blues Brothers”「福祿雙霸天」的演出,她1987年即進入搖滾樂名人堂,1994年獲得Grammy終生成就獎

  Aretha Franklin作品很多,在歷年暢銷歌星排行榜獲得第11名,是熱門歌壇巨星1967年改變歌路後第一首Top 10的歌是I Never Loved A Manthe Way I Love You)(#9),接著的Respect(#1)連續獲得二週冠軍,讓她成為排行榜常客,這首歌在滾石雜誌 500大歌曲榜獲得第5名,是Aretha Franklin的經典之作

Aretha Franklin
- written by Otis Redding

(oo) What you want
(oo) Baby, I got
(oo) What you need
(oo) Do you know I got it?
(oo) All I'm askin'
(oo) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home
(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)

I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone
Ain't gonna do you wrong (oo) 'cause I don't wanna (oo)
All I'm askin' (oo)
Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)

I'm about to give you all of my money
And all I'm askin' in return, honey
Is to give me my profits
When you get home  (just a, just a, just a, just a)
Yeah baby          (just a, just a, just a, just a)
When you get home  (just a little bit)
Yeah               (just a little bit)

------ instrumental break ------

Ooo, your kisses   (oo)
Sweeter than honey (oo)
And guess what?    (oo)
So is my money     (oo)
All I want you to do (oo) for me
Is give it to me when you get home  (re, re, re ,re)
Yeah baby                           (re, re, re ,re)
Whip it to me                       (respect, just a little bit)
When you get home, now              (just a little bit)

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB

Oh                    (sock it to me, sock it to me,
                       sock it to me, sock it to me)
A little respect      (sock it to me, sock it to me,
                       sock it to me, sock it to me)
Whoa, babe            (just a little bit)
A little respect      (just a little bit)
I get tired           (just a little bit)
Keep on tryin'        (just a little bit)
You're runnin' out of foolin' (just a little bit)
And I ain't lyin'     (just a little bit)
(re, re, re, re) 'spect
When you come home    (re, re, re ,re)
Or you might walk in  (respect, just a little bit)
And find out I'm gone (just a little bit)
I got to have         (just a little bit)
A little respect      (just a little bit)



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...