2019年4月25日 星期四

Paul Simon-Loves Me Like a Rock

  上個月當Paul Simon確定領銜the 2019 Outside Lands festival野外音樂節,這位民謠搖滾傳奇歌手曾宣告他將捐出活動收入給地方環保組織,現在Simon已經透露有二個特定的組織將會收到捐款

  舊金山公園聯盟San Francisco Parks Alliance 及都市林木之友會 Friends of the Urban Forest將因Simon的善舉獲益,The SFPA成立於1969年,他們和社區配合,地方商業團體和政府支持他們維護既有的美麗公園和公共空間,亦創設新的空間。

  Friends of the Urban Forest成立於1981年,於全舊金山社區公園支援並推廣路樹栽植,從這個概念開始推動起,這個組織已經協助推動栽植路樹超過60,000株,接近全市一半的路樹。


  The Outside Lands festival將在舊金山金門大橋公園舉行,時間從八月9 日至11日,Simon將在11日登台演出。

  今年的演出表上包括幾位退休藝人,其中有Simon的第二任妻子Edie Brickell和她的樂隊New Bohemians,還有Counting Crows soul/gospel 傳奇歌手Mavis Staples,這個活動其他大牌還有饒舌歌手 Childish Gambino 與另類搖滾歌手 Twenty One Pilots

  Paul Simon出生於1941在紐約長大,因Simon&Garfunkel民謠搖滾二重唱的成功而知名,他個人在排行榜上成績最好的歌,是1975年的三週冠軍曲50 Ways To Leave Your Lover,而他1973年在Billboard雜誌Hot 100排行榜獲得第2名的Loves Me Like A Rock,在Cashbox錢櫃雜誌排行榜則獲得冠軍。

Loves Me Like a Rock

When I was a little boy
(When I was just a boy)
And the Devil called my name
(When I was just a boy)
I'd say, "Now who do (who)
Who do you think you're fooling?"
(When I was just a boy)
I'm a consecrated boy
(When I was just a boy)
Singer in a Sunday choir
Oh, my mama loves me, she loves me
She get down on her knees and hug me
Oh, she loves me like a rock
She rock me like the rock of ages
And loves me
She love me, love me, love me, love me
When I was grown to be a man
(Grown to be a man)
And the Devil would call my name
(Grown to be a man)
I'd say "now who do (who)
Who do you think you're fooling?"
(Grown to be a man)
I'm a consummated man
(Grown to be a man)
I can snatch a little purity
My mama loves me, she loves me
She get down on her knees and hug me
Oh, she



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...