2019年8月29日 星期四

The Ides Of March-Vehicle

   The Ides Of March將推出新專輯

  很少合唱團的事業能維持55年不變,更少見的是它們的團員還是原班人馬,只有一個例外:The Ides of March歷經55年後還能推出新專輯,這個合唱團剛推出了Play On除了們的經典之作"Vehicle"還有14首新歌。

  新專輯作曲人有他們的創始團員Jim Peterik,他寫過"Eye of the Tiger",是幫Survivor合唱團寫的暢銷曲,也在 Grand Funk Railroad合唱團的Mark Farner Ambrosiar合唱團 主唱 David Pack Paul Shaffer 去上David Letterman的訪談節目  Late Night with David Letterman fame  的時候幫忙過。

  除了CD外,數位下載與串流都會有,Play On 專輯同時會出一套二張的豪華懷舊版專輯,其中包括他們在Parrot and Warner Brothers唱片公司的成名之作,從當年錄音母帶輸出的單曲“Vehicle”,另加“You Wouldn’t Listen” “One Woman Man” “Roller Coaster” “Flipside” “Superman” “LA Goodbye”  “Aire Of Good Feeling"

  The Ides 十月26日將於芝加哥附近WaukeganGenesee Theater,展示他們的新專輯和老歌加一個意外禮物,Mark FarnerAmerican Idol 「美國偶像」的Bo Bice將是特別來賓。

  搖滾樂團The Ides Of March成立於芝加哥,主唱是Jim Peteric,他後來在Survivor合唱團擔任過鍵琴手。

  The Ides Of March的成名曲“Vehicle”1970年獲得過第2名,但其它的歌名次都在top 40之外,是個曇花一現的One-Hit Wonder合唱團

Songwriters: James M. Peterik

Hey well
I'm a friendly stranger in the black Sedan
Won't you hop inside my car?
I got pictures, got candy
I'm a lovable man
And I can take you to the nearest star
I'm your vehicle, baby
I'll take you anywhere you want to go
I'm your vehicle, woman
By now I'm sure you know
That I love ya (love ya)
I need ya (need ya)
I want ya
Got to have you, child
Great God in heaven you know I love you
Well, if you want to be a movie star
I'll get a ticket to Hollywood
But if you want to stay just like you are
You know I think you really should
I'm your vehicle, baby
I'll take you anywhere you want to go
I'm your vehicle, woman
By now I'm sure you know
That I love ya (love ya)
I need ya (need ya)
I want ya
Got to have you, child
Great God in heaven you know I love you
Oh, you know I do
Well, I'm the friendly stranger in the black Sedan
Won't you hop inside my car
I got pictures, candy
I'm a lovable man
And I can take you to the nearest star
I'm your vehicle, baby
I'll take you anywhere you want to go
I'm your vehicle, woman
By now I'm sure you know
That I love ya (love ya)
I need ya (need ya)
I want ya
I got to have you
Great God in heaven you know I love you
And I'm your vehicle, babe
You know I love ya (love ya)
I need ya (need ya)
I want ya
Got to have you, child
Great God in heaven you know I love you



The Human League-Don't You Want Me

  在 Martyn Ware 和 lan Craig Marsh 離開更具實驗性的早期 The Human League 樂團 組成 Heaven 17 後, Phil Oakey 帶領樂團走向了一個新的、更平易近人的方向。 他的專輯 《 Dare 》 風靡全球,這張專輯充滿了...