2020年5月21日 星期四

Dennis DeYoung-To The Good Old Days(feat. Julian Lennon)

     前Styx合唱團主要人物Dennis DeYoung推推出新video給歌迷們分享

  Dennis DeYoung五月22日推出一個為他的新專輯26 East, Vol. 1當中的歌"To the Good Old Days"所拍的video,歌的主唱是Julian Lennon
  Dennis DeYoung表示: "Jules和他而言,這是一個很特別的合唱經驗""他主唱我和音,我太喜愛了,這首歌是我專輯裡最後一首歌,那是我對美好的往日說再見的歌,包含我的歌迷好友家庭和寬恕"
    "To the Good Old Days"裡他有一段終曲"A.D. 2020",聽得出他在演唱時的告別之意,"For time has claimed its prize, but the music never dies / Just listen and close your eyes and welcome to paradise"(很熟悉的曲子,Styx 1981年專輯Paradise Theatre開場與結尾的AD1928AD1958就是這個調子)
   DeYoung表示:他替這張專輯不很好的鍵琴、鼓、貝斯、新聞和部分歌聲修飾過,噢! 真受不了! "To the Good Old Days"裡的鼓聲是我兒子Matthew打出來的。
  DeYong 還說:這張專輯的第二集稍後會推出,那將是他歌唱生涯的終點。

   26 East, Vol. 1﹥有10首歌,其中"To the Good Old Days"是為已故披頭合唱團the Beatles團員John Lennon的兒子 Julian Lennon所寫(2020/02/06我曾介紹Dennis DeYoung的這張新專輯)

 "To The Good Old Days"
(feat. Julian Lennon)

It's so hard to say goodbye
So I promise not to cry
But any tears that might be shed
Are only tears of joy
And I thank my lucky stars
That we've come so very far
Rising up against the odds
To where we are today

Though there may be sadness
Let's all raise a glass
Cheers to us
And all that's past

To the good old days
When the world was new
When we still believed
Dreams could come true
To the good old days
And to all our friends
May the memories last
May they never end

So we'll go our separate ways
Wishing somehow we could stay
Safe again, so safe again
In all our innocence
When we all would sing along
As they played our favorite song
Dreaming of tomorrows
It seemed so limitless

So as we come together
Let's make this moment last
Here's to us (yeah, here's to us)
And to the past

To the good old days
To the sweetest years
To the ones we loved
Through the laugh and tears
To the times ahead
May we all forgive
To the good old days
Long may they live

Funny how the years have slipped away
Always there beyond our grasp
Funny how it all seems looking back
Oh, whoa

To the good old days
When we all were young
To the love we shared
May our songs be sung
To the times ahead
May we all forgive
To the good old days
May they always live



MC HAMMER-U Can't Touch This

    One Hit Wonder 今天介紹 饒舌 樂手 MC HAMMER 1990年 得到第8 名的 暢銷曲 “U Can't Touch This ”。   1986年後 Hip Hop 嘻哈 音樂開始流行 。 嘻哈音樂也可稱 Rap 饒舌音樂...